He Comes From the Void

Chapter 551: Nasus' Plan

"Sand pumping gang..." Nasus rubbed the name in his mouth, but couldn't remember anything.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember, just a big guy with no brains, just remember it in the next life." The second in command Laz Bloodbeard was still giggling one second, then suddenly changed face the next second, the bone spur whip in his hand With a violent throw, he attacked the unsuspecting Nasus.

The bone spur whip wrapped around Nasus' neck firmly, and then buckled at the end to become a deadly bone spur collar.

"Come on, let's go! Let's see what you can do?!" The second in command Raz pulled the whip excitedly, imagining that the bone spur would pierce the captive's neck because of the tightening. If the prisoner doesn't want to be pierced through the main artery, he can't resist his dragging, and will eventually be dragged alive in front of the sand tiger and be bitten off!

They are used to calling the captured hostages meatless, because the meatless people will eventually become the rations of sand tigers without accident. It was their malevolent pleasure to watch their captives vainly resist the terror of death.

I saw the big man covered in robes stretch out a hand wrapped like a leper and grabbed the whip. Before Raz could laugh, the accident happened.

"It's over! I'm going to die in the mouth of my mount!" A thought flashed through Raz Bloodbeard's mind.

He had never met a person who dared to hold the bone spur whip without fear of being pierced in the palm of his hand, and he had never seen a person with such great strength, who was caught off guard by the whip and was torn off the sand tiger!

And his landing point happened to be in front of the mouth of his mount, Ke Hesu.

You must know that these bloodthirsty guys are not picky eaters, no matter whether they are walking meat covered in fleas or riders who feed it every day. As long as a living person is sent to its mouth, no matter who it is, it will be bitten!

But the excruciating pain that crushed the skeleton as imagined did not come, and the surrounding suddenly became quiet, very quiet.

Raz raised his head, and found that Kesu, uncharacteristically, did not eat people. Instead, he put his belly on the ground, his eyes turned white, he showed weakness, and even the roar in his throat disappeared.

Not only Kehesu, but other sand tigers... even the three-headed Makara also fell to the ground. This was a scene that Raz could never dream of.

He noticed that some of them knelt suddenly, their eyes all focused in one direction in disbelief. Raz forgot the pain of falling, turned his head to look, and his breath suddenly got stuck in his throat.

Walking on the yellow sand, there are no gods, only people and monsters... Raz has always thought so.

But looking back now, he was dead wrong, fundamentally wrong.

While tearing off the bone whip, the tall figure in front of him who needed to look up also removed the robe that covered him, revealing his frightening true face.

It walks upright like a human, but more like a towering obsidian sculpture.

On his chest and shoulders he wears battle-worn gold armor and a votive girdle bearing the arms of Shurima.

The piercing eyes emit a gaze from ancient times, as if they can see through people's thoughts.

The neatly arranged canines cast sharp reflections on the sand.

The jackal-like muzzle hangs down, sniffing for the breath of fear.

Raz recognized the creature. He had seen frescoes like this on the walls of the sand-bottom temple, and heard his name whispered all over the oasis. The wandering mantra who claims to be able to communicate with the spirits of the ancestors has told the deeds of this god more than once, and his words are full of fanatical worship of its wisdom.

And just now, Raz said that this god has no brains, and he is afraid that he is the real idiot who said such words.

"The governor of the desert..."


The divine power is mighty, like a mountain pressing down on the top. The members of the Huasha Gang groaned in horror and bowed their heads before God.

"If you met my brother..." Nasus narrowed his eyes and swung his cane.

Hearing this, Raz's face turned pale. He knew exactly what kind of cruel god Nasus' brother was, because he had carved the crocodile god's pattern on the side of the pointed blade of his spear.

Seeing Nasus pick up his cane and hit him, Raz didn't dare to dodge at all. He was knocked aside by the blow, and rolled several times on the sand before stopping.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and several ribs were broken, but he managed to get up immediately and thanked Nasus for not killing him. Because he knew that it was Renekton who had been bitten in two all of a sudden.

"Among you, who is the leader?" After clearing the obstacles in front of him, Nasus took a step forward, which made the sand tigers wag their tails and crawl back.

The vastaya seemed annoyed by the fear of the three sand tigers below him, took his sand tiger scale shield from his saddle, and jumped down in front of Nasus to meet his eyes.

"I'm Susa, the lead hunter of the Huasha gang. Dare to hurt the blood of my blood, and don't want to live anymore?"

The arrogant tone of the visitor made Nasus squint his eyes. No one had ever dared to speak to him in such a tone.

"I just want to die, and it's not your turn to judge. What's more, I have found a goal to die for..." Nasus looked past him, looked around, no one dared to speak out respite.

"A group of bloodthirsty and brutal warriors who take pleasure in bullying the weak. Although they have a lot of bad deeds, they still have the opportunity to wash away their sins with the blood of the enemy on the battlefield."

With the exception of Susasse, everyone was listening. Nasus continued: "Shurima is about to be restored, and now submit to Emperor Azir, and you can join the army and fight everywhere with the revival of the dynasty. Don't disobey God's will Otherwise, you will start the cleansing of the Sand Bandits by the Ascended Army!"

There was only Shahu's humble panting on the field, and no one dared to object, almost acquiescing to Nasus' order.

It wasn't until here that Kahn understood what Nasus was planning.

According to him, the death of this group of sand robbers who did all kinds of evil is not a pity. However, this Grand Master did not follow common sense and showed extraordinary generosity. It turned out that he wanted to recruit these robbers.

He is really dedicated to the domestic sess, and he is already helping to recruit the army before seeing the emperor.

But things don't seem to be so easy. Kahn noticed that the foreign vastaya lacked respect for God compared to those who grew up in Shurima. A pair of tiger eyes were looking at Nasus's body up and down, using The hunter's eye searches for weak points and vital points.

"Jackal!" Susasse gritted his teeth, "You want to snatch my people away with just a few words?"

"Including you." Nasus warned: "Leader Hunter, you should be honored that your mount has been requisitioned."

"You have a good idea!" Susasse roared, turned sideways, raised the recurve machete over his right shoulder, and spread his shield in front of him.

It's like an attacking posture.

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