He Comes From the Void

Chapter 534: Domestic Violence

Back at the hotel, Kahn dropped his backpack and went straight into the bathroom to check the wound.

Looking at it now, the wound has scabbed over, but not a single drop of blood was spilled, it was all absorbed by the skin armor.

However, clenching his fist hard could still cause a pain, and his entire forearm was slightly weak.

This is not a serious wound, but after all, the injury is so severe that it should take some time to recover. But after thinking about it, the woman must have suffered a few shots.

When he came to the room, Kahn saw that Kaisha was already waiting with a plaster.

"Is it important? Why don't you wipe it on?"

He didn't refuse, and walked to sit next to her, shaking his arms. Kesha laid his arms flat on his legs and dabbed the wound with a poultice. Kahn didn't say a word the whole time, but she frowned distressedly from time to time.

"If only there were honey berries." After wrapping up the bandage, Kaisha lay down on the back of the sofa and sighed.

After using it once, she knew that the natural healing medicine made of magic essence was much better than these ordinary medicines.

"It's enough to have you." Kahn reached out and clasped Kaisha's five fingers, leaning forward and kissing her lips.

After being abrupt at first, Kai'Sa slowly got used to the rhythm of tongue pushing.

At an age when she didn't know anything, Kai'Sa had seen Scarlosh lick the wounds of his wounded companions. She didn't understand, she asked her father, he told her that it could help the wound heal, this sentence was always remembered by her, but she didn't know why it could help the wound heal.

When Kahn told her that something in saliva could kill germs and prevent wound infection, she understood why animals licked each other's wounds.

Although their activities at the moment are related to both wounds and saliva, does this really promote wound healing? Let it be.

It's okay not to think about it when kissing, but the more you think about it, the more you blush. This is probably because no matter how hard you try, you can't convince yourself.

When they parted, Kai'Sa's cheeks were already ripe.

Kahn was also surprised to see her like this. She didn't always do this. Sometimes she blushed and sometimes she was calm. God knows what was going on in her little head.

But he didn't say anything, just pinched her cheek and shook her gently twice. Kesha noticed his movements and puffed up her cheeks so he could pinch them.

Piltover didn't have a TV or anything, and he had finished reading the newspaper this morning. After sitting on the sofa for a while, Kahn nudged Kaisha with his elbow.

"Help me get my backpack."


Kaisha immediately agreed. She not only took the backpack, but also took out the Z-drive inside and placed it on the table, along with some crystal fragments obtained from Lanxun Manor. Kahn didn't need to do it himself.

"Where's the tracker found on Camille?"

"I dismantled it a long time ago, and put it together with other fragments, here..." Kai'Sa pointed at the fragments on the table.

"You still dismantle Hextech?" Kahn was surprised.

"What's so difficult about it?"

Just like peeling a melon seed, the outer parts were peeled off with fingernails. Kai'Sa didn't understand what was so difficult about it.

"Most of the fragments are here. Try to see if you can restore the crystal consciousness. If it still doesn't work, you can only go to Jess." This time, it was Kai'Sa who pulled the switch of the device.

The device was activated, time and space shattered, and a whirlwind of time and space surrounded her.

The debris on the table was swept into the air by the cyclone, exploded into clusters of crystal dust, moved with the cyclone, and finally formed a vortex.

The vortex gradually shrunk, and finally all gathered in the device, and the time-space change stopped.

Similarly, this time backtracking affected an area. Kahn witnessed the whole process, so he picked up the clock and took a look.

"The backtracking time has been extended to nearly one minute. Although the energy consumed has also increased, it is finally not so tasteless to us."

"Has it been so long? That's great. Fortunately, I didn't swallow the crystal shards as snacks at that time." Kaisha sighed, and could do many things in a minute.

If you just kiss, you can kiss someone until your mouth swells in a minute.

However, she has made an agreement with Kahn not to use the Z-drive casually every day, otherwise she feels that Kahn will bully her many times a day without realizing it. And you have to fight with him all the time, always wondering if he used time backtracking, and what he did with time backtracking.

Human desire is the only thing comparable to vanity's greed.

When I saw a beautiful woman on the road, I began to worry about whether he would do anything. Although she knew he wouldn't, but the possibility was there, she couldn't help not thinking about it unless he promised it himself.

This kind of suspicion is too tiring, if I think about it every day, I will go crazy.

And what she was most afraid of was that Kahn had groped her clearly in time regressing again and again, and suddenly lost interest in her one day.

Thinking of this, Kai'Sa looked at Kahn aggrievedly.

Kahn noticed Kai'Sa's sudden change of mood, frowned and bit his lip, and asked tentatively, "Didn't you say it's better to use the Z-drive indiscriminately?"

"You're using it indiscriminately! See if I can beat you!"

"Eh? Domestic violence! Help!"

Kaisha made a gesture to hit Kahn, who raised his limbs and kicked wildly, leaving only one buttock as a breakthrough.

Listening to his wailing, Kai'Sa blushed, her eyes fell on his bandaged arm, but she still didn't make a move in the end.

"Remember first, I will hit you after you recover!"

She can't do spanking. Between couples, it's normal for a man to spank a woman, but it's weird the other way around.

She also doesn't understand why Kahn likes to slap her butt, should the butt be slapped? As for her own feelings, she could no longer define whether it was a punishment or a reward.

She has changed, she is no longer the innocent little girl she was back then.

Pressing down on Kahn's stinky foot, Kaisha picked up the device and put it next to her ear to listen.

She heard the harmonious song of the Eternal Crystal, singing in hymns the distant deserts and the battles of the ancient ancestors, singing in unison the millennia of history.

Although the singing voice is still somewhat incomplete, it does not affect the general meaning of the song.

"What did the crystal consciousness say?" Kahn asked curiously.

"It thanks us for giving it the chance to sing again." Kai'Sa replied with certainty.

There is no need for communication, the song will convey the thoughts.

"Is that all?"

Kahn doesn't want a music box that can only sing, and the singing will always summon the remaining shell people. What a disappointment it would be if a giant crystal crab suddenly rushed out of the road and attacked the family while shopping on the streets of Shurima with his wife and children.

The reason why he helped him retrieve the fragments was not only the ability to go back in time, but also the ancient knowledge in the crystal consciousness.

"It says it will help you break through the bottleneck encountered in studying time magic."

"That's about the same."

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