He Comes From the Void

Chapter 485 Acceptance

Under the bridge hole, Mondo wanted to play with other children, but others were afraid of him and kept a distance from him.

He couldn't understand what the terrified expression on other people's faces meant, so he stalked and leaned over. But fortunately, he could still understand what others were saying, and when someone told him not to come, he really stopped.

Seeing that he has not yet inflicted on others the things that the doctor imposed on him that made him feel "pleasure and happiness", and imagined that he is a doctor who "heals" patients, Kahn feels that he is not hopeless, Nor is it worth saving.

Mundo would find something to do even if he was bored by himself. For example, he took a wrench to wrench his toes now. Others saw that his legs were weak, but he himself enjoyed it.

Kahn couldn't bear to watch any more, turned to Ike and said, "Ike, do you have the confidence to teach Mundo well?"

"What do you mean?" Ike heard something bad from Kahn's words, and instantly became vigilant.

"I gave you the extra money because I hope you can take good care of him, as this is the content of the entrustment."

"Are you crazy too? You want us to stay with this freak? Why don't you do it yourself?"

Ike subconsciously refused, Mundo's brute force can easily bend a wrench, and his attitude of treating sadism as a joke, staying with him will really kill people if you are not careful.

Kahn couldn't take care of Mundo either. He came to Piltover just to get something, and he would leave after getting it. He didn't have so much time and patience to spend on Mundo. And it's not easy for him to bring Mondo to the ground now, only an underground city like a furnace can accommodate this freak.

Most importantly, he is also unwilling to stay with Mundo, which is human nature. Although there is a saying that do not do unto others as you would have them do to you, the situation is different now, this is a human life, if left alone, Mundo will sooner or later become a perverted serial murderer under the dark indoctrination of people.

Since Mundo can't be taken care of by charity, he has to be taken care of by someone else, and Zaun Lost Boy is a good fit. Kahn knows how to use emotion to reason, and find a way to persuade Ike to accept him.

"Ike, if you don't care about him, then he will definitely be arrested for human experimentation. He is also a Zaunian. Do you want him to continue to suffer those inhuman treatments?"

"On the contrary, as long as you get along well, Mundo can still use his abilities to help you. This muscle is not in vain. He is a natural fighter, not afraid of swords and guns, and can defeat many enemies for the Lost Children of Zaun. "

"But...he is dangerous. I have to be responsible for the safety of other members." Ike looked at the other members, including some children under ten years old. They were more or less afraid of the weird Mundo.

"If you don't want to accept him, then you can only send him back to the trauma repair asylum. Although Mundo himself doesn't care about going back to the asylum, have you ever thought that once Mundo develops What kind of things will he do with the deeply rooted distorted views?"

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"In that relief agency, a group of you kids can break in and get out. It's conceivable how weak the defense is. Under such circumstances, once Mundo wants to come out, who can stop him? Let Mundo meet you on the street again, what will be the result?"

Ike fell silent.

He has a feeling in the dark, if he doesn't accept Mondo here at this moment, then in the future, they will meet again, and they will not be able to coexist peacefully like they are now.

Seeing that Ike was wavering, Kahn struck while the iron was hot: "What kind of behavior a person will do is determined by cognition. When he can correctly recognize things, then his behavior will become It's normal. I can subsidize Zaun Lost Children some more money so that you can settle Mundo well."

"Okay." Driven by both the temptation of money and compassion, Ike finally agreed to absorb Mundo into the Lost Children of Zaun.

He gathered the other children together and said, "This gentleman offered me an offer I couldn't refuse to make Mundo a normal person. I declare that Mundo will be a member of Zaun's Lost Kids from now on. "

Ike was honest and didn't hide anything from others.

Sparse applause resounded under the bridge opening. Not everyone could accept Ike's decision, but when Ike told what happened to Mundo, most of them could empathize and agreed to take responsibility together to correct Mundo into a normal people.

"Only smart kids can join our gang, and only smart kids can survive the labyrinthine streets of Zaun. And Mundo... still has a long way to go. But before that, we have to Find a place to put him, you can't let him just stay in the bridge hole like this, and you can't let him sleep on the street."

"Go to a hotel and open a room for him, and he has to be locked inside. Now he can't share a room with someone else. It's too scary." A little girl said, she still couldn't let go of her fear of Mundo.

"If you have money, you can't waste it like this. Why don't we build a hidden hut for Mondo together! It can hide Mondo and separate him from others."

"Hey, that's a good idea." Ike applauded. His wisdom alone is not enough to support a gang. Zaun Lost Boys is such a group that huddles together to keep warm. Fastest update PC::/

"Since we want to build a house, why not build a bigger one? And there are more than one homeless child, how can one room be enough? Let's build a secret base! Let all the children who sleep on the street can live Go in, Mondo has a room, and the other children have a room. Building materials can be picked up for scraps, and you can buy them if you can’t find them, which can save a lot of money!”

"I know that there is a very hidden place, which is perfect for a secret base!"

"I know where to find ready-made building materials!"


Every child wants to have a secret base that can shelter from the wind and rain, no matter what, just turn inside and escape from everything. Everyone's enthusiasm was mobilized, and you made suggestions and suggestions.

"I know medical skills, and I can heal everyone!" Mondo, who was on the side, heard that he had become the center of the topic for a while, and wanted to participate in it, patting his stomach happily.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. Ike quickly corrected: "Mondo, everyone protects you, and you should also protect everyone. As long as you protect everyone well, everyone will not be injured, and there is no need to heal, do you understand? "

"Understood." Mondo smiled honestly, not realizing that his life has changed since then, and the transformation of his personality began.

This change may not be what he thinks is best now, but it is what is best for everyone. When he can think like a normal person, he will understand their good intentions.

Seeing that half of the blood had been sucked into the syringe inserted into Mundo's blood vessel before, Kahn quietly pulled it out while no one else was paying attention.

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