He Comes From the Void

Chapter 443: The Shape Changer

"Master Yi? Why are you here?!"

Not seen for many days, Yi still wears the iconic pair of goggles and helmets, which can be recognized at a glance from a distance.

The sudden sound made Yi stop his waving movements, turned his head to look at the person coming, and smiled immediately: "I said we will meet again."

Seeing that Kahn still had a surprised expression, he explained: "This is the only human village nearby, and it's normal for us to meet here."

"Master Yi also came for the Vastaya Council?" Kahn believed that it was no coincidence that they met Yi here, and they should have been attracted by the same goal.

"Since the Blossom Festival, Wukong and I have been traveling around to deal with the vastaya attack on humans, but we have never been able to find an effective solution. Later, Wukong heard from his tribe that someone launched the Vastaya in Pubo I guess the vastayas will make a big move in the council of Yage tribes, so I will come here in advance to inquire about it.”

"I know what the subject of parliament is."

"What is it?"

"Shadow Stream is reversing Kunlong's absorption of natural magic in various places to fuel Shadow. What Vastaya is going to discuss this time is how to deal with Shadow Stream."

"A side door, Yingliu took a detour." Yi sighed, and continued to swing his sword to cut off his troubles.

"Does Master know where the meeting place is?"

"I'm also waiting for Wukong's news." Yi replied while waving his sword. He has to swing his sword four thousand times a day, if he doesn't finish his swing sooner, he probably won't have to eat breakfast.

"We also need this news very much."

As soon as the words were finished, Kaisha pushed the door out of the barn, walked over to say hello to Master Yi, and then went out to finish breakfast with Kahn.

Three days later, Yi led his apprentice to find the two, and this was the first time Kahn saw Wukong.

The vastaya boy was covered in crimson fur and light armor, standing behind Yi with a long wrought copper staff on his shoulders.

Wukong, formerly known as Kong, is a spirited young man from the Si macaque tribe. He is young and energetic, and he is Yi's favorite student...but these are just appearances.

The former Kong was a complete Vastayagai who had been playing pranks on his people for countless years, and finally used the elemental dragon-like sheep to successfully get himself exiled by the angry people.

After coming to the human world, he basically makes a living by bluffing and cheating, calling himself the "Monkey King", and challenging humans to duels or cunning games. Every time he succeeds, he steals some money and then escapes unscathed.

It wasn't until one time that he got offended by a hard stubble, a Noxian executioner, and was chased into the wilderness before he managed to escape.

As time passed, he saw the battle Noxus ignited in his homeland, and it fueled his fighting spirit.

With the determination to become stronger, Kong finds Yi, and through perseverance and a little cleverness, Yi breaks the rules and accepts him as a disciple. After practicing with Yi for a period of time, his rascal nature improves.

But the nature is hard to change, the current Wukong is still a little reckless and impulsive, and Yi has already got through with them before meeting.

"Wukong has found out the meeting place, let's leave now." Yi Lai found the two for this purpose.

"Okay." Kahn replied, and then looked at Wukong: "This is Master Yi's disciple."

"I can't say you are a high-ranking student, you guys should get to know each other." Yi stroked his beard and said with a smile, showing the demeanor of a high-ranking person.

Kahn stretched out his hand, Wukong took a beat to reach out and hold it with him. This vastaya's hands were a bit careless, he felt the squeeze of calluses, and the thick bristles on the back of his hand, it was really an uncomfortable handshake.

A group of people bought supplies at the village market... Although there are so many fruits and vegetables on the road that they are easily available, supplies are really unnecessary, but it is good to buy some for peace of mind.

After more than a week of walking, the four arrived in a small town in Pubo.

Standing on the mountain and looking down, you can see all kinds of vastayas coming and going in and out of the town, or several tall and strong guards crowding the high-ranking elders to squeeze out the crowd. rush somewhere.

To use a sentence that is not pleasant but very vivid, Kahn felt that he had come to a zoo.

"The noble Chile, the loyal Cheer, the wise Lott... Many tribes have come, and the elders of our tribe have also come." Wukong put his hand on his eyebrows to block the sun, overlooking the town.

It is not difficult to find the elder Si macaque mentioned by Wukong, and Kahn found it at a glance.

Si macaque likes to stay in the tree, Kahn went looking for it according to this premise, and sure enough, he saw an old white-haired ape in the canopy of a big tree, wearing a silk white robe, quite fairy-like , the feeling of not converging with the troubled times.

"Look, there are guards at the gate of the town." Kai'Sa pointed to the two big men with black leather horns on both sides of the gate and said, "I see that the town is full of vastayas. Will they let us in?"

"Eh? Aren't there a few humans?" Kahn also pointed out a middle-aged greasy man with a potbellied appearance and a Mediterranean hairstyle who lined up at the gate to enter the town. Not a single pointy ear.

"Let me see." Wukong scratched his ears, took a closer look, and immediately clicked his tongue: "This should be a shape-changer."

After Wukong finished speaking, the target lined up and came to the door. Facing the two guards, he shivered and turned his head into a pig's head, and was let through smoothly.

"Pfft!" Kaisha couldn't recognize her and laughed, "Why did he only change one head?"

In fact, she had met a shape-changer before, and this pig-headed man reminded her of Nidalee and Neeko in the southern jungle, but they could change their whole bodies, but this man could only change into a pig's head. and make her laugh.

"Sometimes shape-changers are quite convenient, I mean integrating into human society." Wukong said without surprise, these shape-changers should get along best with humans.

As for why there are shape-changers, in fact, this is an inevitable phenomenon after the vastaya bloodline is diluted to a certain extent.

The vastayas are the fusion of human beings and the vastayas, and the vastasayas are the most spiritual human beings in ancient times who transformed the energy of the spiritual realm into their own lives, so the vastayas already have A considerable part of human blood.

This has led to another part of the blood that controls the animal form to be continuously diluted during the process of reproduction and diffusion. When the dilution reaches a certain level, there will be a person with vastaya blood, but not enough to show heterozygous animals shape of the situation.

So, there are shapechangers, the vastaya who cannot maintain the animal form all the time. Nidalee, for example, might have been abandoned for that very reason.

It is worth mentioning that although Nicole can also change her shape, she is not a shape changer. It was the purer blood that gave her the ability to change shape at will.

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