He Comes From the Void

Chapter 418: Plan

"I have a way to destroy Kunlong, but I need something to achieve it." Xia stood on a rock with her arms folded, holding three sharp feathers in her right hand, the edges were as sharp as steel.

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This is her weapon, taken from the feathered cloak behind her, formed by the natural magic within.

Almost all vastayas are like this. Without deliberately hiding it, you can see their magic level by looking at their body surface, and Xia Luo is obviously the most conspicuous of this group of vastayas. .

"What do you want? We will try to get it for you." The hairless Elder Vastaya looked serious. Although he had heard about the rebellious cause of the two Lotlans before, it was a matter of the survival of the tribe. It must be dealt with carefully.

First of all, we have to consider whether there is really something for this pair of birds in the same forest.

"Dynamite, what humans used against us on the Navoli battlefield, now we are going to use it against them," Xia said.

"Using the way of the other, return it to the other body." Luo said.

"Noxus explosives? This is not easy to do. I need some time to prepare. There is no such thing in the village." The elder nodded. The black powder used by Noxus on the battlefield was rumored to be very mysterious. Unnatural forces are wilder than any known magic.

"Without dynamite we can't destroy the boulder of Kun'lon, and unleash the wild magic we depend on. Unless you can find a substitute, the fiery stone the size of a fist, what the humans used to blow up Noxian warships back then. "

"That thing is more difficult to handle than explosives." Elder Vastaya said sternly: "It will take about two days to prepare the explosives. At that time, we will send some soldiers to follow your actions, and you will be in command."

"That's how it should be." Xia was very satisfied, and the conversation went smoothly.

"I have a question." The elder paused on his crutches and said tentatively.

"Elder, tell me."

"Before detonating the explosives, can you evacuate the humans in the town first?" A blush of shame appeared on his hairless face, obviously realizing how unreasonable his request was.

"Are you kidding? Doesn't evacuating them in advance mean exposing the plan?" Xia asked back.

"For thousands of years, we have lived in peace with the town in the south. Those humans are not bad people and shouldn't just perish." The elder explained anxiously, and the atmosphere became more and more anxious.

"That's their own destruction!" Xia's anger blurted out, shocking everyone.

In the silence, Luo finally put down what he was doing, and said seriously: "Listen to me, I also sympathize with those humans, they really shouldn't just die in vain. But there is nothing more important than the continuation of the race Yes, we should agree on this."

Luo Xiangxia walked over, straightened her feathers, then scratched her ears, and said to Xia.

"My dear, don't be angry, it will make your feathers ugly."

"I'm not as stinky as you." Xia snorted.

"It's so you can spot me in a crowd," Lowe said.

In many bird groups, males have evolved flamboyant looks to attract the attention of females in order to compete for mating rights. It's just by nature, it's not that there's something wrong with Luo.

"But you did get to the most critical point." Xia smiled and kissed his lips lightly: "Thank you, Mieri."

Mieri is what the vastaya people call their lover.

When the anger subsided, Xayah put her hand over her heart and said, "Listen, Elder. How long has it been since you saw a child in this village? Longer than most of our races, right? Without children, there is no future."

Bitterness appeared on the elder's face, and the guards were all silent, listening to Xia's venting his opinions.

"For thousands of years, generations of human beings have been constantly invading, nibbling away at the land that vastaya has lived in since ancient times, and breaking our original essence. The treaties negotiated by the envoys of Juroa and mortals are always quickly rejected. Breaking, every time. When human beings mastered the mystery of Kunlong, they will intensify. They use Kunlong to change the water and soil of Ionia, suppress wild magic, and make themselves stand on the territory of Vastaya. The gathering place of human beings keeps expanding, and the living space of vastaya keeps shrinking."

"Luo and I come from Lotland in Kuilin. Our tribe's territory is like this. Humans used this way of boiling frogs in warm water. They were invaded bit by bit, and finally we were humiliated and driven out of our only remaining territory. Forced to become a nomadic tribe. That's how Luo and I became freedom fighters."

"It's no exaggeration to say that if you don't dare to make up your mind to change all of this and muster up the courage to accept our proposal, you will end up with the same fate as Lotland in the end! Can you accept such a result?"

Everything Xia said was true, so it sounded very cruel and harsh. Luo followed her words, glanced across the crowd, and briefly looked at everyone like Xia did:

"Our wise heroine has already proved that rebellion is feasible with the example of the Keshala Forest. Soon, the vastaya tribe there will welcome their first newborn."

"Noxus is invading Ionia..."

"Why do we care about the meaningless fights between mortals? Why do you care?" Xia sternly interrupted the elder's words. "Your numbers are dwindling. This happened before the arrival of Noxus. It has nothing to do with the new warriors."

There is still a relationship, because of the war, many Ionians migrated eastward, and the process of humans squeezing the living space of vastaya was intensified.

But the elder didn't dare to say any more, he saw Luo Congxia walk away and run along the edge of the crowd, like a predator surrounding its prey. Seeing Luo's challenging posture, the few demonstrators in the village stepped out of the way, and finally jumped onto the boulder and approached him.

In the end, he made up his mind to lead the tribe to join Xia's great cause of freedom.

"You are as brave as the rumors say, Xia from Luotland." The elder said solemnly: "For the continuation of the race and for us to continue to multiply in this land, our Flota tribe will do our best to cooperate with you. Hold fast to every inch of land freed by wild magic."

"I'm very glad that you can accept my proposal. We will help you liberate your homeland. As long as you win here, the whole Zhiyun will know our great achievements. Don't worry that humans will come to snatch the land. As long as you have magic, you can protect it. Here." Xia put a confident smile on her face again.

"Fight for liberation! Fight for freedom! Let's toast!" Luo yelled, and a group of guards shouted, and it must be said that he was very good at mobilizing the atmosphere.

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