He Comes From the Void

Chapter 401: Farmer Girl

"I'm just giving some advice, and I don't want to stay. Some things are far more important than making money." Kahn said to Sett.

Predictably, Sett would make a fortune and seize power from the Ionian's newly awakened bloodlust in the war, but no amount of money could buy time.

"That's a shame." Sett said regretfully.

"It's nothing to be sorry about. You have to remember that making money is never the first goal, but to live a better life. But you have a good life, but don't forget others. Say goodbye like an aunt for me."

Kahn patted Seti on the shoulder and left the underground boxing gym through the gate. Kaisha followed behind and asked him after walking tens of meters.

"Do you think Sett will keep his promise? He told his mother to build an orphanage."

"Didn't I just remind him?"

"Oh." Kai'Sa nodded, took his arm, and walked towards the inn.


The spring breeze blows the continuous fields of the Navoli Plain, and the plowshare's share blade cuts the hard soil on the surface, and under the spring sky, the winter private storage of the earth is opened.

Leaving the small town and heading north, Kahn and Kai'Sa passed through many villages, and these villages were surrounded by large tracts of farmland.

The plan for a year lies in spring, and the plan for a day lies in morning. Hard-working farmers are at work on every field Kahn sees, a reassuring and down-to-earth sight.

But the fly in the ointment is that the farmers working in the fields are often old, and some are too old to walk, relying on thin and weak cattle to plow the land slowly.

The war against Noxus took away too many young and middle-aged laborers in Navoli, which forced the old farmers who did not need to work hard to go to the fields again, otherwise they would have to drink the northwest wind when winter came.

In the first few days after leaving the town, Kahn also saw the Noxus collecting grain from the local old farmers.

He and Kai'Sa usually don't help, because they can help once, but they can't help many times. Unless you encounter that kind of helpless old man, if you can't stand it anymore, you will compensate the old man without angering the soldiers, so as to prevent them from being retaliated afterwards.

Along the way, there are not ten but five lonely nest old people who have been helped.

Not all their children died in the war. Apart from death, there are other things left in the war, so that these young and middle-aged people put down their farm tools and pick up weapons, or bravely fight against foreign enemies, or brutally cut themselves people.

War has changed a lot, and the days of peace and kindness are hard to come back to.

However, these older generations are more traditional and have not been easily changed by the war. Every time Kaenkasha wants to stay overnight, she can easily find someone who is willing to take them in for a night, and they will leave some silver taels before leaving to repay the kind old people.

After two weeks of walking, the Noxians were rarely seen. On the contrary, there are many more people in the Navoli Brotherhood.

These aggressive guys would always rush over when they saw visitors from other lands. Karn and Kai'Sa had encountered robbery and extortion from the Brotherhood many times, and they sometimes even robbed the Ionians.

But these guys are not all that bad. In some cases, you can let them go if you make it clear that they are not Noxians. In some cases, the other party is determined to bully them outsiders. In this case, the two will not be polite. , a meal of mixed doubles taught them how to behave on the spot.

In the half month since he came here, Kahn has never stopped for anyone.

Until one day he saw a woman plowing in the farmland of a certain village.

She is very different from other farmers, so you can notice her from a distance. For example, Kahn is standing on the top of the ridge at this moment, while the other party is standing in the farmland below the mountain. If you don't look carefully at this distance, you may be mistaken for a cow or a horse, but Kahn clearly recognized her.

The woman had short white hair that was simply tied up behind her head. The figure is strong, and the thighs exposed under the skirt feel like two wooden stakes.

Of course, this alone doesn't make people notice her at first sight.

"Imai, Yibai, Vasha, Ana, Yiza, Dida..."

The woman kept repeating the broken Ionian language, all of which were called by family members, like a human cub learning to speak, with her mother in her mouth every word.

Moreover, her aura was fundamentally different from that of ordinary peasants, and her body exuded an indelible evil spirit, like a malignant tumor.

It was these voices and breaths that first attracted Kahn's attention, and then through further visual observation, he found that this was a woman worth stopping.

And that woman was also very keen. After Kahn's eyes stayed on her for a while, she immediately looked at him. But after seeing the two of them clearly, she buried her head in the plow frame and drove the oxen to plow the mud under her feet.

"Why have you been looking at her? You know her?" Kaisha asked after seeing Kahn standing and looking at the white-haired woman plowing the field for a while.

"Yeah, didn't you find anything from her?" Kahn replied casually.

Kai'Sa looked at it carefully for a while, and said in a confident tone: "She is a Noxian. It is indeed strange that Noxians do farm work in the fields of Ionia."

"anything else?"

"She has great strength and can hold the plow frame steady with one hand. If I'm not mistaken, she should be a soldier before, and she is good at using heavy weapons."

"You're right, girl." A voice answered Kai'Sa, but it wasn't from Karn.

Kai'Sa turned her head to look at the shadow of the dense forest. The figure of the speaker appeared at the junction of the brown-yellow coniferous dense forest and the farmland. Float towards them like ghosts.

She didn't move, watching the man walk into the light—it was Yasuo.

"I said why does this voice sound so familiar." Kaisha crossed her arms, her voice cold.

Most of the drinks that night were between Kahn and the ronin swordsman. She only exchanged a few words with him, and she was not very familiar with him. And she didn't realize that Yasuo was hiding not far away just now, so she couldn't help becoming vigilant.

"Many people are missing, so you're all right." Yasuo's voice was slurred after a hangover, and few words could be uttered accurately and quickly.

His messy black hair was thrown back from the edge of his face, and a woven cloak was tucked over his shoulders, revealing a metal shoulder guard on his left shoulder, and did not hide the unsheathed sword beside him.

If he didn't know her, Kai'Sa would have treated her as a dangerous person. This guy looks like the kind of drunk who walks on the road and stabs you at any time.

"Drunk like mud, I think you are sick." Kahn took the words, waiting for Yasuo to walk in front of them.

And when he approached, Kai'Sa was a little taken aback when he opened his mouth.

"Thank you for letting me find the murderer." He said, looking at the woman in the field: "It's her, Riven."

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