He Comes From the Void

Chapter 391: Honey

On the way, the coachman chatted enthusiastically with the two of them.

The coachman is a businessman who specializes in selling some Ionian specialties, mostly food and other daily necessities, to the colonists.

Since these invaders are not welcome in this land, it is difficult for the Noxus to obtain safe and harmless food through labor, and they can only collect the food catches of local farmers, or obtain them through purchase.

Ionia is definitely the most difficult land to conquer, if you don't treat her well, she will fight back. If Noxus had chosen the diplomatic method of establishing diplomatic relations peacefully, it might not have encountered such a big resistance.

But their national conditions are like this, with a large population and barren land, only by continuous expansion and plunder, launching wars to consume the population and obtaining food can most people be fed.

They talked about the destination, which was a small town on the river plain, which originally belonged to Ionia, but it has been almost assimilated by Noxus in the past few years and has become a trade supply point.

The coachman said that there are tauren who came with the army to live inside.

Speaking of it, the tauren are very similar to the vastaya, with their upright torso and the characteristics of the orcs. Ionians who don't know them may recognize them as some kind of vastaya, but in fact they don't belong to the vastaya. Any branch of the vastaya race.

They are a separate race, noble warriors who have guarded the Immortal Citadel's trade routes to Zaun for generations.

If you call them vastaya, the honor of the fighters will let them rush over at a speed of 100 meters and 10 seconds to smash you with a head hammer, and then use their horns to throw the tattered corpse into the sky.

"Here we are," said the coachman suddenly, and the carriage could be felt to slow down. "I have to say that Noxus Avenue is convenient for transportation."

"Indeed, it feels very stable along the way." Kahn replied following his words.

"It's just that the stone is a bit harsh."

The coachman said again, leaving Kahn speechless for a while.

He whispered in the car, "Can you talk without panting?" Kaisha snickered when she heard it.

"When I think that such a good thing is left by the invaders, I feel uncomfortable. Let alone, the soldiers came to check."

The carriage stopped in front of the checkpoint, and the driver walked up to two Noxus soldiers in heavy armor and handed over a few coins.

"I saw that there were still people in the car and asked them to come down and pay the customs fee."

The coachman nodded and retreated to the side of the carriage, let the two get off, and asked at the same time: "Do you have any money with you?"

"I have. How much do I have to pay?"

"Five copper coins for one person, ten coins for two people."

Kahn responded, let Kaisha sit in the car, and went down to pay the money by himself. Because of his rare appearance, the soldier gave him a few more glances, then nodded and let him go for the sake of money.

The carriage moved again, and this time they stopped in the city, and the coachman put them on the side of the road.

"I'm still in a hurry to attend the evening show, so I'll send it here first. There is an inn not far away, and you will be there after a few steps."

"Thank you, Uncle." After the coachman finished speaking, he drove away in a hurry, and Kahn thanked loudly in the dust turned by the wheels.

Then he said to Kaisha: "Let's go too."

In fact, he also wanted to go to the market first, but the coachman said so, so let's follow his wishes.

The two inquired and found the market.

Because the sun was about to set, the pedestrians they saw were walking in a hurry, rushing to go home to live and cook before dark, only the two of them strolled leisurely in front of the vendors.

There were quite a few Noxians among the passers-by, probably accounting for one-third of the number, but most of the stalls were Ionians. Kahn quietly noted this interesting phenomenon.

Kahn's gaze was attracted by the jars of amber-like crystal clear golden liquid on the side of the road. He led Kaisha to the side, and the vendor's shouts sounded at the right time.

"Come and see, the first jar of honey in spring! Drinking it is good for your body and mind, would you like a jar?"

He was sure that this was nothing unusual, and this one might not be the only one selling honey in the market, and of course it might not be the one with the best quality. But the reason why the honey of this family can be attracted at a glance is that he uses a transparent glass jar as a container, and the amber-like liquid inside can be seen at a glance.

When we are with girls, it is easy to gravitate toward such good-looking things. If it is replaced by a dark crock pot, Kahn probably just passed by without even looking at it.

Not only must it taste good, but also look good.

Seeing the eager and expectant eyes of the peddler, Kahn turned his head and smiled at Kaisha: "I remember you've never eaten this, right?"

"No, how is it? Is it delicious?" Kai'Sa showed considerable curiosity, which is something that the desert does not have.

"Sweet, try it?"

"Come on."

Said it was a little bit, and then Kahn generously paid for a whole can. He wanted a spoon for Kaisha to hold and eat by herself.

Kaisha sniffed it, then took a sip and fed it to Kahn first. Kahn asked her to go first, and she put it in her mouth. There was a scent of flowers and sweetness. Then she frowned, shook her lips and said, "It's so sweet."

Very cute.

"This needs to be soaked in water to drink." Kahn said with a smile. He didn't mean to trick Kai'Sa, but eating honey without water is indeed a bit difficult to swallow.

"Why didn't you say it earlier." Kaisha ate another spoonful as she said, as if she wanted to conquer the sweetness. She never flinched from trying new foods. "Is there anything else you didn't say?"

"This... Actually honey is the secretion of bees, so what you eat is the saliva of bees." Kahn didn't want to say it at first, but when Kaisha asked, he reluctantly said it.

He even laughed to himself.

"Ah? You tricked me into eating insect saliva?" Kai'Sa covered her mouth, obviously a little unexpected. But she was not angry, but squinted at him: "No wonder you don't eat, it turns out that you want to trick me."

"No, I just want you to try it," Kahn said.

"I think you just don't dare to eat."

"No problem."

"Then take a bite and prove yourself." Kaisha took a big mouthful and stretched it out in front of him. Kahn watched her shake her head helplessly and opened her mouth to eat.

Then his expression twisted, as if wearing a mask of pain, the Ionia honey was several times sweeter than he imagined, it felt like drinking syrup.

"I ate, you see I am so brave, do you want to reward me?"

"No." Kaisha sucked the spoon of Shale he had just eaten, and licked off the remaining honey on it. Scooping and eating mouthful after mouthful, a woman who won't gain weight is just so self-willed.

"Is it delicious?" Kahn asked her.

"Hmph, it's much tastier than your saliva."

The young couple were flirting on the street of the market when a vastaya woman with long white hair walked past them with a basket of vegetables.

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