He Comes From the Void

Chapter 290: The Beginning of Shadows

Kahn's tee shot is simple and rude, and he believes in a miracle with great strength.

Theoretically speaking, as long as you are strong enough, the tee shot will almost certainly fall into the pocket.

After a flurry of ping-pong noises, the originally neat ball array was smashed into a mess, and a colored ball also fell into the bag.

Sarah hugged the pole and didn't speak, and she didn't know if she was pretending to be a master. She acted calmly, and she was used to this kind of start.

"You are a chromatic ball." Kaisha said with a smile, she said it just to let Kahn hear if she was wrong.

Kahn touched his nose, feeling as if he had been scolded.

Knowing that Kai'Sa didn't mean it, he went on to hit another shot.

Every shot gets another shot, and it's best to hit at the beginning, Kahn has a good touch, and the angle of aiming is very accurate.

The color balls fell into the bag continuously, and soon there were only two balls left on the side of the color ball.

However, when he shot down the sixth ball, because he did not restrain his strength, the cue ball bounced a few times on the table and fell into the bag.

"One stroke," Kai'Sa said again, as if on the backboard.

Kahn backed away from the table. In fact, he also knew that hitting the ball with appropriate strength was the performance of a master, but he just liked the impact of the billiard ball quickly crashing into the pocket.

I understand everything.

It was Sarah's turn, and she opened her posture on the table, her posture was more attractive than Kai'Sa.

Kahn tried his best not to look sideways, and Sarah didn't know how to restrain her charm in front of them. She never felt that there was anything wrong with it. One was that the relationship between Kahn and Kaisha had been established, and the other was that she did not treat them as outsiders at all.

Sarah scored consecutive goals, most of which were balls on the scene, so it was easy to tie or even overtake.

Right away, she's down to the last black ball, and she wins if she gets in.

Fifteen balls is the biggest disadvantage. Because of its low difficulty, it is easy to be closed by masters in one stroke. You have no chance to make a shot, and you have no game experience, so it is generally only used as entertainment for laymen.

"I'm going to win. It's a pity that I didn't make a bet with you. It feels like a loss."

Feng Shui took turns, because Kahn had cheated on the kick-off earlier, so Sarah now swaggered at him.

"What do you want to bet on?"

"Two weeks of ice-cold ecstasy rum." Sarah thought for a while and said, it takes about half a month to sail to Shadow Island, and this is still a downwind situation. Such a long time can't be done without ice wine.

"You treat me like a mobile freezer? Bad woman."

"Then you bet or not?"

"As long as you leave immediately after finishing this game, you can consider it."

Sarah immediately opened her posture, but at this time Raven suddenly passed by the door.

"Captain, you actually know how to play billiards?"

"Well... I haven't played it for several years. When I first came to Bilgewater, I practiced specially to get close to the reward target. Kaisha has never played it, so I just played it for her to learn." Sarah replied: "Go The Shadow Isles are far away, if you don’t learn how to entertain, you will be bored to death.”

"But this is not a good thing, girls better not play."

"Huh? Isn't this just entertainment, why do you say that?" Sarah stopped her hands and turned to look at Raven.

"If a man takes a woman to play billiards, it means that."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means sticking a rod into a hole, I thought you understood."


Sarah suddenly slipped her hand, and the cue hit the wooden floor, making a dull echo.

"You guys are playing, I suddenly remembered that I still have things to deal with." Then, she returned the club to Kaisha, turned and left the ball room.

In fact, she just suddenly realized Kahn's purpose of bringing Kai'Sa here, which is very in line with his style, and she also began to understand how unsightly she was.

"You don't want your pina colada?" Kaisha asked.

With a bang, the door was slammed shut, and Sarah's refusal was faintly heard from outside.

Suddenly, it was just the two of them in the room.

Looking at the closed door, Kahn said to Kaisha with a smile: "Now no one is coming back to disturb us, let's start."

"Be gentle, don't bully me as a novice." Kaisha clamped the club with her legs, her eyes dodging.


After a few rounds, Kahn's back hurt.

Kaisha often hits the ball out of the table when she gets excited, and Kahn doesn't take much advantage of it, so she picks up the ball!

Then he wondered if he was doing too much. If he wanted to eat tofu, he could just eat it directly. Isn't it more difficult for him to do all these fancy things?

But when he saw Kai'Sa's smiling face, all the complaints were swept away.

It was late at night, and most of the crew began to rest, and it would be a bit disturbing to play any longer.

Kahn talked to Kaisha and went back to the room.

The two of them had their own room on the ship from the very beginning. Although it was not big, it was much more comfortable than many crew members who didn't even have a bed and slept in the cabin with a blanket.

As soon as the door was opened, Kahn immediately wailed and collapsed on the bed, asking Kaisha to come over and rub his back.

Kaisha also knew that it was time for her to repay Kahn for having troubled him for so long. Close the door, sit on him and start massaging.

Listening to Kahn moaning and moaning under her, some memory fragments began to flash in her mind.

"By the way, I often hear you talking about the Shadow Isles, can you tell me what it is?"

"This...you can talk about it, but let me ask you first—are you afraid of ghosts?"

"Not afraid." Kai'Sa thought for a while and said, there should be nothing more terrifying than the void.

"Then you go and turn off the lights, and telling ghost stories under the covers will make you feel better."

"Oh." Kaisha got into the bed after turning off the light, wrapped her hands around Kahn's neck, pushed her hair back and put her ears on his throat, listening to him talking about Shadow Island in a hoarse and terrifying voice. story.

"If you want to know about the Shadow Isles, you must first understand why it became like this. Listen up..."

The cold fingers brushed across the skin, and Kaisha's emotions were immediately mobilized, and her body tensed up.

"Many years ago, Shadow Isle was originally Blessed Isle, a sacred place for many mages to study magic.

And far away from Fuguang Island, there used to be a king who ruled a country, but now no one remembers the name of this country.

At a dinner party one day, the king was assassinated, and the general rescued the king, but cut the queen with a poisoned sword.

The poison was difficult to cure, and the king sent many warriors with high martial arts skills to find the antidote to no avail. By chance, the general learned of the location of the legendary island, and traveled thousands of miles to visit, bringing back the method of dispelling the white mist and the legend about the healing water there.

According to legend, as long as there is still a breath left, the water of life can bring people back from the brink of life and death.

It is a pity that the news came too late, and the queen was already dead.

The pain of losing his wife drove the king into madness. He headed to the Blessed Island alone, ordered the massacre of those who stopped him, and immersed his dead wife's body in the water of life.

The queen came back to life, but turned into a walking dead. She begged bitterly, wanting to die.

To reverse his mistake, the king blindly casts a vicious curse that kills the queen. But he never thought that the countless holy objects in the holy land would amplify the curse hundreds of times, and a magical disaster broke out suddenly.

Great changes have taken place on the Blessed Island, all life is cursed and turned into wandering evil spirits between life and death, and the white mist that shelters the creatures has turned into a dark, bloodthirsty thick mist. "

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