He Comes From the Void

Chapter 263 Blood Harbor Ghost

Although Kaisha covered her mouth, Kahn still recognized the name she called out in alarm.


The person who told them the story in the tavern tonight, unexpectedly died now.

Who killed him?

The sea fog gradually dissipated, and a ghost who kept slashing was imprinted in her eyes, green and lifeless.

Bloodport ghost Pike, Plank became the number one on the bounty list after his death, Bilgewater's fourth horror legend...

Lars now told them the last story with his life.

Kaisha suddenly remembered the golden siren that Lars left on the wine table and forgot to take away, his lucky siren coin.

She thought she knew why he had met Parker.

Kaisha had heard Kahn talk about who Pike was, and she felt sorry for Lars at the moment.

Such a good story, such a professional narrator, all returned to the sea.

Pike stood up suddenly, held up Lars' body with one hand, and looked at his face carefully until Lars' facial features completely coincided with a harpooner on the Dread.

"By the way, I didn't kill wrong, it was this person who cut my rope and watched me being submerged with my teeth locked..."

A mouthful of welcome came, and Pike subconsciously waved his hand.

With a slash of the serrated dagger in his hand, intestines, blood plasma, and wine... all flowed out, splashing all over the floor.

He was tall and strong, and he threw Lars into the river with one hand. The smell of blood spread in the water, and the sharks came immediately.

Circling, biting.

The ocean never wastes time.

"One can be crossed off the list." Pike said suddenly. His voice was extremely low, like the sob of a drowned person.

He took out a list full of red crosses, and found Lars, the harpooner, on it.

The bright red ink scratched Lars' name from the parchment, and then he began to flip through the list irritably, looking sideways, turning to the back, becoming more and more dissatisfied the more he looked.

"Where did I get all this ink? The list... the names on the list are all crossed out, but there are so many people alive on the ship... Did I get the wrong list? Not enough, not enough! It's still a lot worse... ..."

Seeing Pike's sudden violent movement, Kahn's pupils shrank, realizing that he couldn't stay here.

Get out of here before Pike notices them.

"Let's go, keep your voice down, and don't attract his attention." Kahn said in Kai's ear.

He finally understood why that eerie aura came, it really was a trouble, but it was a particularly troublesome kind of trouble. He quietly got into the alley and quickly left the murder scene.

But after walking through two street corners, the cold aura not only did not dissipate, but became even stronger.

He stood still and looked around. There was a dark river covered by sea fog beside the street. He felt something was watching him, and the sound of water flowing could only be heard by drowning people.

In the salt grains, in the water droplets, in the sea fog, in the dark side of the air, at the end of the sound of the water... the ubiquitous sight comes from the spying below the water surface.

Kahn began to think, should he run away directly, or stay and solve the problem? If you run away, will you catch up? Has it been resolved? Can we guarantee that we will never meet again in the future?

Just as he was thinking, a mass of water solidified in front of them, and they saw his face for the first time.

Pike was already tall and tall, but a pair of fish jaw shoulder guards full of fangs made him look even taller, staring down at the two of them. The ocean gave him a pair of glowing evil eyes, and the cold gaze made people feel uneasy. There are two deep bony scars on the top of the bald head, like being bitten by a shark.

He tied a blood-red face scarf to cover his mouth, and a bloody maw full of sword teeth was painted on the face scarf. The shaving hook in his hand is polished shark bone, sharper than fine steel. Even the belt and bone can be poked in at once. The more one struggles, the deeper the hook gets.

Then he spoke and said to Kahn.

"I remember your appearance. You were also on the boat."

Kahn sighed, he wasn't afraid, he just found it troublesome from the beginning to the end, because these ghosts and ghosts in Bilgewater are very difficult to deal with.

"No matter what he says, don't say your name." Kahn quietly reminded Kai'Sa, seeing that Kai'Sa closed her mouth tightly and stopped speaking, she took a step forward to meet Pike.

"I wasn't even born when the accident happened on the Dread. Are you sure there are people with purple hair and purple eyes on board? Didn't you read it wrong?" Kahn tried to reason with Pike, although he felt that there was little hope.

There was no such thing as the Terror, and even if there was, the crew of the Terror would have been killed by Pike long ago.

But his killing didn't stop because of this, and he couldn't tell who was the crew member of the Terror.

The wave of memories hit, let the tide rush into the bottom of my heart.

A trapper, a four-masted ship with tattered sails, rising like mountains from the waves.

Purple hair in the high sea wind. A dozen or so people on the deck were all watching. The purple eyes widened in disbelief.

Then, the teeth flooded.

"By the way, you were there at the time." Pike said, the shaving hook in his hand began to glow green, and he approached Kahn step by step.

"No way..." Kahn's face was not very good, and Pike had lost his judgment.

There is only a vague figure in his memory, anyone can enter it, and anyone is a murderer who can kill him.

"You cut my rope." Pike approached step by step with a shaving hook.

"Will I be on the list?" Kahn asked.

Pike stopped suddenly, took out the parchment, and slid the tip of the shaving hook across the names crossed out in red ink.

The more he looked, the more impatient he became, because all the names on the list had been crossed out, but he still felt that many people had been missed.

"Tell me your name," he whispered.

"Lars, my name is Lars." Kahn replied decisively, and then Pike looked for the name Lars on the list.

Kaisha looked at Kahn suspiciously, wondering why he wanted to replace a dead man.

His idea is this - when Pike kills, he will press for the name of the other party, and after killing the victim, Pike will immediately erase the names that suddenly appear on the list.

And Kahn wanted to try, will the names that have already appeared appear again? If Pike appears, will he kill the true owner again or kill the counterfeiter? If such questions are triggered together, can Parker fall into logical confusion.

But Pike was not so easy to deceive.

"You're not Lars, he's dead." He rushed over, stabbing Kahn's face with the razor hook in his hand.

A man with a razor hook in his face cannot tell a lie.

An arm blade emitting purple light appeared out of thin air at this moment, easily cut off Pike's shaving hook, and then pierced into his chest.

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