He Comes From the Void

Chapter 258: Preparations for the funeral

The meeting had an effect. After the council, the three major gangs stopped looking for trouble at the slaughter dock.

But Bilgewater remains leaderless, and that won't change anytime soon.

Although the three major gang leaders have bowed their knees in front of Sarah, but her reputation is not enough to convince the public.

In the original development, Sarah became well-known to the residents of Bilgewater only after she became the captain of the Siren and accumulated several years of prestige, and sank the Underworld with artillery in full view.

At that time, she was in the limelight for a while, so she naturally became a strong candidate for the ruler. And about half a year later, she won a complete victory in the dealings with the three major gangs, and became the biggest force in Bilgewater, and only then did she become the empress of the sea.

But now?

According to the outside world, Planck was retribution to be dragged away by the sea monster. Sarah did not have a direct conflict with Planck, so naturally she did not gain any reputation from Planck's death.

In the last pirate meeting, she also chose to release the three gang leaders first. The three of them kept this matter secret and did not spread it to damage their face, so Sarah did not gain any reputation from it.

In the end, Sarah had only been captain of the Siren for so long that her pirate career was pretty much blank. Unlike Planck, who can talk about her life story for three days and three nights non-stop, and she currently has nothing to brag about except for her keen sense of smell to seize the slaughtering dock.

As for her work as a bounty hunter in those years, they were all trivial matters, and she was not on the stage.

If the prestige is not enough, she will not be able to convince the public, which caused her to encounter a lot of resistance and lack of cooperation in the process of managing the city.

So Sarah can only increase her prestige by constantly making troubles. It doesn't matter if she has a good reputation or a bad name. The most important thing is to let people know about Captain Doom.

After the order at the pier was stabilized, she began to take the initiative to pay back Planck's old department. She had already sworn that none of those who had been loyal to Planck would end well.

Faced with doubts, she gave the reason that Planck slaughtered her family and she came for revenge.

Rumors spread, and the remnant panicked. The city began to understand the blood feud between Sarah and Plank.

At the same time, the rumors spread by Graves revealed the truth that Planck was buried in the sea, and everyone in the city knew that Planck died in a conspiracy carefully planned by Sarah.

Although he didn't understand how this matter was exposed, Kahn asked Sarah to strike while the iron was hot and put the funeral on the agenda.

"Are you going to hold a funeral? Who is it for?" In the room on the diving cliff, Sarah, who was cleaning her gun, couldn't help being stunned. Kahn didn't have any friends in Bilgewater except himself. Who is this? dead?

"Arai." Kahn replied.

"The captain of the Moon Python? But he's not dead." Sarah thought that Kahn wanted Alai to die, and wondered how the old man provoked him.

"You can fake your death if you're not dead. It's not important, as long as the funeral can attract your deadly enemies."

It had been a month since that meeting, and Bilgewater had been partitioned, and Sarah got the Slaughter Wharf and some taverns and casinos.

But there are still many captains who are not satisfied, or have not been allocated territory.

At this time, if there is an unowned ship, it will definitely cause everyone to compete.

What Kahn wants to do is to turn the Moon Python into bait, and then attract all these greedy piranhas, and catch them all in one go.

"Oh~ so you want to catch them all!" Sarah suddenly realized, but then fell into a new doubt: "But why is it Alai? Because he is an old man, and what the old man is best at is dying of old age?"

Sarah spoke with a vicious humor, but Kahn couldn't appreciate it, and continued seriously:

"It is rumored that the captain of the Moon Serpent is a penny-pincher. He always tells outsiders that he has paid a tithe, but no one has ever seen him throw a coin into the sea. If the rumors are true, then this is a ship destined to The wrecked ship, as long as you get on this ship, your opponents will never even think about coming back."

"Interesting, when the fake funeral becomes a real funeral, we become the biggest vested interests..." Sarah couldn't help shivering when she thought of what she saw when she dived deep into the bottom of the sea.

"It's a good idea, but how can I get Alai to agree to hold a funeral by feigning death?" She couldn't kill Alai first, or it would be embarrassing if the debt collector didn't come.

"Alai, a miser who didn't receive Planck's inheritance this time, must wish to kill all the captains who took advantage of it, and then snatch their share. You just need to tell him that he will be obedient Cooperate."

"Okay, I'll talk to him when I'm done with the work at hand." Sarah had a lot of things to do, and she was busy killing Planck's subordinates.

The wind from White Harbor has borne the smell of charred meat and burning wood lately.

This smell shows that Planck's men are dying more and more.

Today, she used the gun in her hand to kill more than a dozen near Craig's area, and none of the gangsters in the boneyard remained. She was getting closer and closer to her goal.

"You are busy with this almost every day, but there are still a few captains who are alive and well. You have to get rid of it until the year of the monkey."

"What can I do? You don't want to help me." Sarah complained.

"This is the enmity between you and Planck, I just want to slaughter the pier."

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about something else." Sarah finished wiping the gun, put the gun down, and sat by the window: "Captain Byrne found me, and he seems to be willing to form an alliance."

"Jackknife Byrne? This guy is okay."

"Have you seen him?"

"I've heard some things about him. He plundered the coastline of Noxus." Kahn knew that Captain Byrne was still at his funeral.

If Kahn hadn't interfered with the timeline, this person would have blocked Sarah's gun and died five years later on the day when the Siren bombarded the Abyss.

Because of this incident, Kahn felt that Sarah should get in touch with this person, whether it is an admirer or a friend, it is worth making friends with.

Kahn felt that it would be a pity if this person blocked the gun because he really loved Sarah, because Sarah had no interest in him from the beginning to the end, and only felt that she owed him a favor.

"Rumors can't be trusted, seeing is believing. But since you said so, I will think about it." Sarah felt that she should develop some allies, and it was too tiring to fight alone.

She looked out the window, and immediately forgot about Byrne: "A big fish came to the slaughter dock tonight, you can go and taste it, I treat you."

The Slaughter Wharf has been open for a while, during which two or three sea beasts were caught one after another, and Sarah swallowed one. And Kahn has not devoured a sea beast in Bilgewater for so long, and it is his turn.

"I just happened to take Kai'Sa out for a stroll."

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