He Comes From the Void

Chapter 240 Flames

On the Nether Abyss, Drizzt had already quietly taken his place.

After the initial dizziness passed, he stood on the high mast of the Nether Abyss. Because of the cover of the sea fog covering the hull, people on the deck would not be able to find him for a while.

The only way Drizzt could think of to get rid of the Hades was to burn her sails, hijack a sea hunter and flee while she couldn't set sail.

But even such a sail carries great risks—once the Abyss fires, all calculations will come to naught.

Whether they can survive the shelling is another matter. Even if they survive, they will be captured as prisoners, because resistance will be punished more horribly.

However, as a person favored by the goddess of luck, Drizzt believes that he has always had that luck, and he can always escape.

Seeing that everything was in place, Drizzt took out a red playing card and rubbed it up and down in his coat until it shone slightly.


Graves smoked half of his cigar, and the red card in front of him suddenly lit up with a burning sword in flames.

This means that Drizzt is already in place.

"It's time to do it." Graves clicked and loaded the bullet, then put away the red cards and hid in the bucket of fresh water.

As soon as Graves' muscular body was stuffed in, a lot of water overflowed immediately.

The water was cold, but life-saving, and the fate of being wrapped in a tarp was put aside by him.

Taking one last deep puff on the cigar, Graves threw the smoldering butt behind him, and dived into the bucket.

The cigarette butt arced through the air and fell into a barrel of wine that had been opened.

The air suddenly became scorched, and a blue flame rose from the liquid surface, burning the other sealed wine barrels.

"Taste a rum bomb, boys!"

The wine-stained wine barrels were on fire, and the blue flame of death quickly spread in the wine barrels, intensified, and finally exploded.


A loud noise echoed in the depths of the cabin, and the keel let out an overwhelmed whine.

The explosion first swept across the entire warehouse, and then the air pressure broke through the confined space. The door shattered into countless flying fragments in an instant, and the raging fire spread along the corridor, destroying all obstacles on the way.

No one expected Graves to make such a crazy move.

The iron hooks surrounding the door were instantly blown away by the scorching airflow and loaded heavily on the corridor, the splashed wood chips penetrated into their defenseless bodies like cannonballs, and then ruthless fire rolled over their bodies Table... Under the joint efforts of the three, a large number of members of the Hook Gang were killed and injured before they even saw Graves.

The members of the Hook Gang who were a little farther away were also blown away by the air current. They saw the entire corridor was on fire, and stood up scramblingly, watching everything that happened suddenly in amazement.

Smoke rose from the warehouse and rushed out of the cabin along the upper corridor.

Watching the hot smoke raise the heat of the air again and again, the crippled captain of the sea hunter lost his mind under the blow of the huge loss.

Although the explosion occurred in the hull, Planck on the Nether Abyss still heard the shocking loud noise not far away.

His face was like the calm sea, without any waves.

Those dead cannon fodder were just numbers to him, and he was always thinking about what the duo of Jiangyang robbers would do next.

The rum bomb was a trick he had long since played badly. Just by the sound, he knew that what was being ignited was only alcohol mixed with water, not more powerful gunpowder. If it was the latter, which was more powerful, then the entire ship's keel would be blown off in an instant, split in two, and even the deck would be lifted into the sky.

"First officer, show me the gunpowder and wine barrels on board, and don't give anyone a chance. Others will go to find people in batches until they find the two smuggled mice."

Plank immediately issued an order to strengthen the security. He knew that Drizzt was a stealthy thief who could easily enter and exit heavily guarded places.

What he said was to prevent Drizzt from imitating Graves on his own ship. There were a lot of powder barrels on the Underworld, and if it caught fire, the consequences would be even worse.

Drizzt hid himself in the sea fog, watched the iron hooks swing their ropes to the burning ship, secretly praised Graves' old partner for doing a good job, and the brain that had been corrupted by bad wine finally woke up. little effect.

Now the explosion successfully attracted the people on the Nether Abyss to the sea hunting ship. Seeing that there were many fewer people visible to the naked eye on the deck, Drizzt grabbed the red card under the coat again.

A witchcraft flame flickered on the card. Drizzt held it between his fingers and played with it. After turning it up and down a few times, a corner of the card burst into flames.

If the red card is issued directly, it will cause an explosion and expose the shape. The safer way is to light the sail quietly and run away.

Thinking of what he was doing represented, Drizzt's heart trembled with excitement, but his hand was steady, and he reached out and brought the burning cards closer to the black sail of the Abyss.

At this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly enveloped him, Drizzt extinguished the flame and subconsciously withdrew his hand.

Then there was a gunshot, and a bullet flew past his fingertip, piercing a small hole in the sail.

Drizzt narrowed his pupils and looked at the deck, and saw a huge scarlet figure facing him, a beautiful large-caliber pistol protruding from the thick fog, and the muzzle was slowly emitting smoke.

was found! It was still discovered by the deity!

Seeing that finger tightening the trigger, Drizzt moved quickly on the mast, and several bullets flew past the hem of his clothes.

Drizzt was lucky not to be shot, but he suddenly fell under his feet. He hooked the rope in time and didn't fall off the mast, but he couldn't catch the hat, and it kept flipping in the air and fell to the deck.


Drizzt struggled to climb up the mast again, and at the same time, other people on the Nether Abyss began to rush to the deck, and some even had already climbed onto the mast and were quickly climbing up.

It would be too late if he didn't leave, but Drizzt didn't forget what he was here for. Graves had created such a good opportunity, he couldn't just let it slip through his fingers.

Drizzt pulled out several red cards from his cuffs and flung them in several different directions. As the red light flickered, witchcraft flames exploded, igniting the pitch-black sails.

Planck's lackeys climbed up the mast and approached him. He did not continue to choose the red card, and the air wave from the close-range explosion would blow him off the deck.

Drizzt stood on the edge of the mast, seeing that there was only a flying distance between them, Drizzt calmly took out a yellow card and threw it out, stopping the thug who was eager to try.

The person in front stopped and blocked the people behind.

Then he immediately took out the blue card and performed a good show of transforming a living person.

In a frantic flash of light and shadow, Drizzt disappeared into thin air on the burning mast.

A card slowly fell and was stepped on by a boot.

He looked up, and the fire from the sail was reflected in Planck's eyes, which were red.

"Okay, you two managed to piss me off." Plank clenched his fists, his neck was bruised from the force.

His roar echoed on the deck: "Come on, bring me the daughter of death!"

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