He Comes From the Void

Chapter 237 Fog Rises

Sarah stared at the Abyss until the Siren left the opponent's shelling range, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had escaped a catastrophe.

"Mother Hu, bless me, I swear I've never been so nervous when working alone."

"Me too, I almost peed." Lei Wen echoed. They were facing the terrifying Nether Abyss, so it's not ashamed to say it.

"Since he didn't come for us, why did Planck go?" Kahn crossed his hands and rested his head on the back of his head, and stretched himself.

"Ghost knows what the hell is going to do. The Abyss hasn't left the port for a long time, and the hull is covered with barnacles. I thought she would stay in the port until Planck died of old age, but now she suddenly came back to life like a fake corpse. The old lady jumped."

Sarah urgently needs to vent the psychological pressure that the Abyss has invisibly caused her, and she has even blurted out swear words. I have to say that although this method is not elegant, it is quite effective.

"Maybe it's a flashback." Kahn suddenly said something for no reason.

"Why are you so optimistic." Sarah glanced at him. The skin armor on her body had already been replaced by the corset dress, so she could appear on the deck in a fair manner.

"Could it be that the Nether Abyss was robbed? Did we encounter any merchant ships when we returned?"

"There is only one slaughter fleet working at sea. The captain is from Planck. He can't rob his own ship."

"That's going to the rescue," Kahn said. There are only so many things in Bilgewater that can disturb Planck, and there is a high probability that it is related to what he thinks.

"Save the field? What do you mean?" Sarah looked at Kahn in a daze: "You said that the slaughter fleet encountered some sea monsters that they couldn't deal with, and the Nether Abyss needed to use the ship's cannons to save the scene?"

She denied it as soon as she said it, and she knew it was impossible after thinking about it.

There was a delay in the transmission of the information, they had just passed by there, and if they were hunting sea beasts, she must have seen it too. But the actual situation is not, so how could Planck go for the sea beast.

"Maybe Drizzt and Graves did it, I'm not sure..." Kahn raised his head in thought, and looked at Sarah meaningfully, making the latter feel a little uncomfortable.

"What do you see me doing?"

"You seem to be very interested? If you want to know the first time, just go and have a look."

"Follow...?" Sarah seemed a little hesitant, she had just escaped a catastrophe.

"When you are the king of pirates, you can't be cowardly. Let's go there first. At that time, whether it's making up the knife or picking up the leak, you can catch up as soon as possible. And if you want to run, you can't run. Anyway, the speed of the Siren is faster than that of the Abyss. .” Kahn pouted towards the sea: “Just in time, the fog is here.”

Sarah shivered for a while. She saw the thick fog coming from the southeast, which was cold, damp, and smelled like a bottomless trench.

Only then did she realize that the sun had already sunk halfway into the sea, and night was coming.

The captain carefully considered Kahn's suggestion, and suddenly felt that it would be a waste of this opportunity not to go.

"Zuo Manrudder, let's keep up with the Nether Abyss!"


The thick and heavy sea fog slammed into the Nether Abyss head-on with the smell of a bottomless trench.

Planck stood at the bow and could no longer see the stern clearly.

"Why is there fog at this time..." Plank threw a golden siren into the sea. No matter how long it has been since the last time he went to sea, he will not forget this habit.

The mist seemed to be sucked into his body and wrapped around his heart.

Ever since he became the master of Bilgewater City, he seemed to be walking in a fog and lost his way.

Apart from maintaining his own authority, nothing could arouse his interest, and he even began to calm down and study bone carvings.

It's not that he likes to carve the living people's skin and shaved flesh on the bones, but it makes others fear him.

Planck has been using power to suppress the people below him. He is very afraid of what will happen when he is too old to move a knife and shoot a gun. He cannot imagine.

But he is not old yet, someone dares to ride on his head and shit.

Just now, a dockside harpooner approached Plank, saying that someone had kidnapped him and replaced him on the slaughter fleet.

Planck was not a judge, so he didn't bother to care about these things, but when he thought that this was his ship, he still listened patiently.

Then came the surprise.

The two men that the harpooner described, one with a huge gun and the other with a beautiful deck of cards, didn't they refer to the two sea mice that the sea witch wanted him to catch?

Graves and Drizzt.

Plank sent the harpooner off with two silver coins as his reward for missing the voyage. Then let the Nether Abyss, which had been sleeping for a long time, start up again and sail to the open sea.

No matter what the intentions of the two sea mice were, he would bring them back.

Whether it is dedicated to the sea monster is second, he has to see the crown of the abyss first.


"Where did you get this outfit? It's pretty decent, but it's a bit tight." Graves sat on a wine barrel and fiddled with his new clothes. Destiny, this beautiful girl was stuffed under his ass Empty bucket.

At this time, he was wearing a red turban, with thick bare arms with tattoos, and holding a harpoon gun in his arms. It really looked like that.

He took a deep breath and puffed up his chest, the opening in his chest was torn open visibly, as if it might burst at any moment.

"Don't complain, there is this model in the store, I have no choice. I also think this suit suits you, and you are suitable for this kind of low and dirty work." Drizzt beeped softly. In other words, he has no money to buy clothes, and these are taken away directly from the boss's store. Could it be that the boss still gives him a chance to choose?

"Damn it, I haven't talked about you yet. You sprayed perfume on your body when you got on the sea hunting boat. How can you not wipe it with fish offal on your body, in case others won't find you?" The two had just met and immediately mingled In other words, regardless of their current identities as stowaways sneaking into enemy ships.

"Disgusting." Drizzt replied lightly.

They were in the warehouse of a ship in the Slaughter Fleet, and Drizzt had teleported in secretly, without having to pretend to be a harpooner like Graves did.

He was still wearing that outrageously expensive outfit. What's more, his feet were also replaced with custom-made Hailong leather boots.

The tanner told Drizzt that there were only three pairs of these boots in all of Bilgewater.

The extravagant clothes on his body made Drizzt feel superior, which was the main reason why Graves wanted to belittle and insult him when he saw him.

He was obviously born as an ordinary vagrant in Dahe, but he wanted to look like a nobleman. Not everyone can bear that superior tone all the time, if he doesn't scold him a few words, he will suffer internal injuries.

Of course, scolding or scolding, the two of them are gathering here now because they have important matters to discuss—they are planning how to hijack the ship under their feet.

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