He Comes From the Void

Chapter 235 Bad Wine (1200 Monthly Ticket Plus Change)

The electric light climbed up along the spine, and even her eyes kept firing arcs.

The survival instinct made the deep-sea hunters retreat quickly. The scene that happened to Sarah in front of them was very similar to the discharge of a certain electric manta ray, which brought them an extremely strong sense of déjà vu.

They fled in all directions, retreating at full speed, but no faster than lightning.

It was like a thunderbolt exploding in the water, and the powerful electric current spread in a net shape centered on Sarah, like countless winding energy tentacles growing in an instant, piercing through the hunters' bodies, leaving flickering waves on the surface. Forked cracks.

The heart stopped beating in an instant, and they fell one after another, the internal organs were melted by the scorching energy, and turbid air bubbles kept popping out from the mouth and nose, filled crazily by sea water.

The darkness in front of Sarah gradually recovered, and she looked at a deep sea hunter in the distance. Because he was far enough away, he was just stunned, then woke up with a few convulsions, and continued to flee.

She didn't choose to chase, the last bit of energy left in the skin armor could only support her back to the surface of the sea, and her speed was not enough to catch up with these deep-sea hunters.

Sarah grabbed a hunter's corpse and swam upwards, dragging his fish tail.

In addition to the pain of the wound, the skin armor also felt an extremely intense needling sensation. She wanted to devour the corpse in her hand to repair herself, but Sarah resisted the hunger.

She wanted to keep the corpse as evidence, to find out the intention of these deep-sea hunters to attack her.


The light burst from under the sea caught Kahn's attention. Seeing the bubbles rising out of the sea, Kahn realized that Sarah had encountered a battle alone.

However, he didn't jump into the sea. If he could force Sarah to use the last move, everything that should be solved was also solved. It was a waste of time for him to go down.

As he expected, after waiting for a while, Sarah surfaced.

"Pull her up." First Officer Raven ordered, and a group of sailors pulled Sarah up at the same time as they lifted the anchor.

It's just that there was a strange corpse that came up with Sarah.

The corpse of the half-man, half-fish of the deep-sea hunter was placed on the deck, while Sarah stood aside with her whole body wet, with many wounds on her body still oozing blood, like a fish being bled to death.

Kahn noticed that her face was pale, her expression was in a trance, and she was in urgent need of medical treatment, so he presumptuously asked Kaisha to help her into the warehouse, and at the same time he carried the mermaid's body by himself.

"First officer, please follow me." After speaking to Raven, Kahn left the crowd through the channel that the sailors made way for.

Many people on the Siren saw Sarah returning with a body of bruises and a corpse of a mermaid. He didn't explain anything, and the superstitious sailors would naturally make up countless stories.

In some versions, Sarah may become a warrior who fought fiercely with the murlocs and finally defeated them, but according to another person, it may become the cruel Sarah who killed her own merman tribe.

Anyway, bragging does not require money, and Kahn will not stop it. Every captain needs a legend to decorate his own experience.

"Go back to your place! Work hard!" Lei Wen yelled towards the door, and then slammed the door heavily.

The dishonest sailors quietly put their ears on the door to eavesdrop, and then the wooden door suddenly "bang", and was kicked heavily from the other side. The loud noise and vibration scared the sailors to fall to the ground. .

"Go away, and if I find out about eavesdropping, throw it into the sea and feed the sharks!"

The roar of the chief mate came from inside, the sailors who received the warning left in desperation, and finally the door was quiet.

Raven turned to look at the three of them. Sarah was supported by Kaisha to a corner, leaning against the wall with trembling legs, her originally charming facial features were distorted by pain. And Kahn was checking her wounds, and there were horrible wounds on her arms, thighs, and back, and the surrounding skin was bloodless due to excessive blood loss.

Seeing that he couldn't help, Raven turned his gaze to the corpse on the ground.

"Isn't this a sharp scale mermaid? A hunter in the deep sea."

"Raven, do you know these things?" Sarah struggled suddenly when she heard Raven's words, her bulging veins were extremely conspicuous under her bloodless skin.

Kahn immediately held her down: "You are seriously injured, don't get excited!"

After this struggle, some blood oozes from the wound like a tightened towel. Kahn frowned again and again. The usual method must not work.

So he looked at the corpse at his feet.

"Mate Lei Wen, you should go out first, you should not be optimistic about the next scene, it will be a nightmare."

Lei Wen hesitated to speak, and finally stood outside the door resentfully and lit a cigar.

At the same time, Kahn in the cabin started to attack Ruilin's corpse.

Sarah's skin armor is not self-repairing, it must be lack of nutrition, as long as the ready-made flesh and blood are converted into nutrition, she can be cured.

He didn't let Sarah's skin armor devour the flesh and blood by itself, but after swallowing it first, he transformed it into a piece of armor and pressed it on the biggest wound on Sarah's back to fuse with the skin armor.

While repairing the wound, it can also transplant the sharp scale's ability to Sarah, so that she will not be so embarrassed when she encounters these deep-sea hunters in the future.

One cigar was finished, and Raven re-entered after hearing Kahn's summons.

He saw Sarah's whole body wrapped in a terrifying scale armor, with only one head exposed. The deep purple luster of the skin armor gave him the illusion of undulating waves, covering up all the scars on her body, but seeing her gradually improving face, he also knew that the wounds were being repaired secretly.

However, Ruilin's body disappeared inexplicably, as if the world had evaporated.

He was standing at the door just now, but he didn't see anyone carrying the corpse out. He suddenly covered his mouth, thinking about it in horror.

Raven calmed down quickly, he didn't ask any more questions, and if Sarah wanted to say something, he didn't have to ask.

"What happened, what do these sharp scales have to do with you, please speak slowly." Kai'Sa asked.

"I followed Leviathan to the bottom of the sea, and met a sleeping deep-sea Titan. On the way back, I was suddenly besieged by these things. They attacked me without any explanation. I was forced to fight a bloody battle with them. Until now I Don't even know why."

Sarah finished speaking in one breath, grabbed a bottle of rum with one hand, opened the cap with one hand, and poured it into her mouth. Although the skin armor was repairing her wound and making blood, she still felt parched. , wanting to replenish water, of course, also has the meaning of paralyzing the nerves.

The brown slime poured into her throat, and the strong spicy and sweetness of the inferior rum made her grin her teeth. She frowned and asked Raven: "We are rich, can you change to a better wine next time?"

"These are for sailors, they don't need to be so good." Raven muttered, and then realized that Sarah had said a cursed name.

"Captain, is there really a legendary deep-sea titan in the sea?"

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