He Comes From the Void

Chapter 210 Killing

The screams of excruciating pain echoed throughout the claustrophobic belly of the black and huge warship, and every crew member could clearly hear it.

Planck, the sole overlord of the Abyss, did not realize the rapidly approaching threat a few nautical miles away, and focused on the task at hand.

He was a majestic middle-aged man with thick, bull-like muscles around his neck and shoulders. His sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, revealing his blood-soaked forearms, and by his side hung his red cloak and three-cornered hat.

A man was lying on the workbench in front of him, his whole body was tightly fixed by belts, only his head could barely turn. His neck was tense, his face was covered with sweat, his left leg was ripped apart, and he looked around desperately.

He has been yelling for an indeterminate amount of time, and it is now halftime before the next sharp pain strikes.

On the table were several washbasins filled with blood, a lamp made of sea animal fat, and a tray containing blades, meat hooks, and other unnamed surgical instruments, reflecting the glare of the light.

Planck stared at the man in front of him, his eyes as cold and numb as a shark's. He picked up a slender knife and hung it lightly between his fingers, like a delicate paintbrush.

The muscles on the thighs have been completely stripped away, leaving only extremely hideous wounds.

The knife walked steadily and powerfully under Planck's hands, leaving intricate lines on the man's leg bones: curled tentacles and waves entangled together, very fine, it can be called a beautiful masterpiece.

And because of this, it looks even more terrifying.

Bone carving, a dying art. Today, few people have the patience to spend so much time on a single bone.

Planck's "work" sobbed, groaning almost inaudibly, begging him to let go.

But the work was not finished, and Planck ignored his pleas for mercy.

He rinsed the carving knife in his hand with cheap whiskey, and then pressed the point of the knife against the leg bone.

The man cried out, almost tearing his throat.

When the knife scraped across the bone, there was not much physical touch, but more mental torture.

The shock of fear is stronger than the pain.

This melodious singing made Plank feel that he is full of power. The real power lies in how others see him. He will remind his subordinates who is the one who controls the power from time to time.

The bell on the ship was rung, and it echoed in the dark and airtight cabin. Planck had just heard the sound, and the next moment he felt a violent impact on the Abyss.


Suddenly, the hull turned violently, and the suddenly raised floor flew Planck's top out, hitting the wall, and the bone carving was also interrupted.

The bloody skin on the working table, the blades and meat hooks in the tray, and other surgical instruments all fell to the ground. Even the ship doctor and others fell to the ground covered in blood, only the man who was fixed on the working table did not. Was knocked into the air.

"Who dares to touch Lao Tzu's boat?!" Planck grabbed his cloak and hat and got up from the shaking floor, his whole face turned scarlet red with fury. The overturned grease burned on the ground, and the fire reflected in his eyes, shining red.

The others could not help but take a step back.

"Run away! Something is wrong! The left side of the Nether Abyss was hit by a narwhal!" A strong thug with tattoos on his face and a machete on his back stumbled and pushed the door open on the sloping floor. Behind him, the turbid sea water followed into the claustrophobic room at the end of the corridor.

Planck heard the keel of the sailboat bend and groan, it was bearing a load beyond the design limit, anger oozes from the wrinkles on its face that look like chisels.

"Why did you only find out now?" He clenched his fist hard and smashed it on the wooden board.

No one dared to answer. No sea beast had ever approached the blood-soaked slaughter dock. This was the first time. No one thought that such a thing would happen before.

Standing on the floor, Planck felt the whole ship sinking.

"The chief mate took people to close the watertight doors and compartment valves of adjacent cabins to prevent the water from spreading. The rest of the people took tools and equipment to plug the leak and drain water for me! No one can escape! Let me repair the ship! If my The Nether Abyss sank, you all have to be buried with her!"

In a fit of rage, everyone dared not raise any objections, and all rushed out of the room, as if the captain was an existence more terrifying than a scourge

Planck glanced at the man's thigh full of anger, and saw that the bone carving he had carefully carved had been destroyed at the moment of impact, and immediately became furious and threw the carving knife in his hand.

The carving knife was unbiased and just inserted into the man's eye socket, sending him to relief.


The cabin of the Nether Abyss has been filled with a lot of seawater. Sarah is lurking in the turbid seawater, looking at the situation in the cabin through the water.

The huge horn of the narwhal pierced the cabin, and the huge golden horn stretched across the cabin, and the light emitted made the whole cabin as bright as day.

This was Sarah's first visit to the interior of the Nether Abyss. The huge hull was divided into multiple compartments, and the front and rear hatches were tightly closed to prevent the water from spreading.

In the cabin, several sailors are nailing the repeatedly repaired wood to the leak, narrowing the leak made by the whale horn. The carnivorous fish in the sea were all dizzy by the turbulent sea water, and did not attack the sailors half-body floating on the water.

Even Sarah, as Planck's enemy, has to sigh that this is indeed the car of the Pirate King. These sailors are veterans who have experienced many battles. Has been blasted away by cannons.

The water level has been unable to rise, and realizing that the speed of the influx of sea water has begun to slow down, Sarah stared at the airtight hatch. If she wanted to sink Planck's ship, she would have to open all the other compartments and let seawater fill them all.

She swam to the hatch, and a sailor spotted her, screaming in terror with a mace.

Sarah moved her hand towards him, comparing her hand to the shape of a pistol, and with a light shake, a bolt of lightning burst out from her fingertips, instantly piercing through the sailor's chest.

The sailor held his chest that had been opened with a big hole, and his body went deep into the water stiffly, like a lifeless sculpture.

The blood oozed out between the fingers and diffused in the sea water, instantly arousing the fierceness of the fish school. Sarah swam past the sailor's body, and behind her, Keisha swarmed around the pack and devoured his body.


"Let me go!"

"Help me! I don't want to die!"

Seeing this scene, the other tinkerers slammed on the cabin door vigorously, or simply smashed the door with tools in their hands, begging the people on the other side to let them out.

They were originally thrown down by Planck, and they were victims who would drown here if they were not repaired. But now there are more monsters in the cabin, even if they die, they can't repair the cabin.

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