He Comes From the Void

Chapter 203: Superstition (800 Monthly Ticket Plus Change)

"This is..." After listening to Kahn's words, Sarah fell into deep thought, as if thinking about the possibility.

It is foreseeable that when her skin armor is completely covered, she will become a phantom of death traveling in the sea, and it may even be recorded in the horror legends of Bilgewater, and it may not necessarily become an existence as famous as the Ripper of Bloodport.

Make good use of the power bestowed by the void, whether it is to seize or sink a ship, it is not difficult. As long as she planned well, she could earn herself an exclusive warship at a very low cost.

Kahn's voice pulled her back from her reverie: "Our Captain Sarah, do you have a favorite ship now?"

Sarah glanced at Kai'Sa next to her, who was just listening and didn't want to get involved in the topic.

Because it is not restricted by any formal government and trade supervision, burning, killing and looting in Bilgewater is not illegal. You just need to pay attention to whether you will violate the rules set by the big shots.

But this does not mean that the kind Kaisha of Chaos will approve of these evil deeds. She just watched with cold eyes because everyone is black and black. No matter who she speaks for, it is wrong, so she simply doesn't say it.

Sarah turned her gaze back to the huge sailing ship on the pier, and said, "Here, I think the Moon Python is quite good, of course the Nether Abyss is even better, it directly comes with the throne of the Pirate King."

She licked her lips, and there was undisguised greed in her eyes.

"Then I still advise you not to take the idea of ​​​​the Moon Python. Ships that owe debts to the sea cannot be taken. It is more reliable to snatch Noxus' three-masted warships."

"Oh... I didn't expect you to be so superstitious?" Sarah looked at Kahn in surprise. She had indeed heard that Yalai owed debts to the sea and never left the inner sea too far.

"It's not a superstition. You'll know when you pay off the debt."

The Moon Mang left the port after loading its cargo, and the four returned to the shop after hearing the news.

Sarah's secret to maintaining fair skin is to minimize the time spent in daytime activities and leave chores to her subordinates. Otherwise, after a few hours of basking in the threatening sun of Bilgewater, there will be very exaggerated sun marks on the body.

"Planck was lucky, the slaughter fleet dragged back a sea beast just now." Sarah walked out of the room, took out a cigar and lit it.

Through that window, she had a rough overview of every move of the slaughter dock.

"What kind of sea beast?" Kai'Sa said very normally, her tone was like asking "what's for dinner tonight".

"Torre fish."

If you want to say which sea beast is the most popular sea beast among Bilgewater merchants, it must be the tuoer fish.

Its green sac can be purified to produce different magical essences, so everyone in Runeterra covets it. A small bottle of glowing green oil is enough to buy ten large ships and more than enough crew.

However, the conditions for obtaining the green sac are also very strict. When the fish is still alive, you need to jump into its bloody mouth full of saber teeth to cut off the green sac. The green sac must be taken alive, or the magical essence inside will dissipate as soon as the traor fish dies.

Therefore, although the sea beasts such as porcupines are not very aggressive, small in size and easy to hunt, they are still very popular in the market.

That's how Sarah said that Planck was lucky, and if he successfully took out the green bag, he would have made a lot of money out of all the draws.

"Are you going tonight?" Kasha asked.

"Go, although the pier is under martial law, I can still swim there."

"I think it's better to forget it. Don't hit the limelight. We will accompany you in two days." Kahn interjected.

"What? Don't worry about me? Don't worry, those people won't be able to catch me." Sarah raised her eyebrows, her tone was frivolous, and she breathed out a puff of smoke casually.

Now she is so confident in her swimming skills that even without a helmet and unable to breathe underwater, these mere mortals are unlikely to catch her.

Even, she began to miss the stench of the slaughter dock.

"No." Kahn shook his head unhurriedly: "The green sac has been cut off before going ashore, and the most nutritious part for the skin armor is gone. It's just that the flesh and blood of sea monsters are not expensive. It’s better to just buy it.”

Every year, Bilgewater will hold the Qianjue Carnival Night after the night of the soul eclipse. The wolf soul warrior who plays the role of one will personally kill the foolish lamb who plays the role of ten. The wolf spirit kills the sheep spirit, which symbolizes a good harvest in the coming year.

And Yang Ling likes to speak in such a polite way, so Sarah didn't find it strange that Kahn suddenly said "No".

"Why pay for it when you can save it?"

Sarah pouted, the reason for whoring for nothing was that she didn't want Plank to make money.

"The main thing is that it's best not to touch the Cuer fish, otherwise it's not good to be entangled by the ghost of Blood Harbor. So I'll let you wait a few days before going."

Bloodport Ghost Pike, an existence active in the horror legends of Bilgewater.

According to legend, he was a Zor catcher in front of him, but when he was taking the green bag alive, the captain of the Terror cut off the lifeline and threw it into the mouth of the fish, and died in the sea.

After death, Pike turned into an innocent soul, madly taking revenge on the captain and crew who abandoned him, and soon it was the turn of the ship repairman, then the first mate, trade officer, money lender... In fact, any bloody business with the slaughter dock No one with connections can escape.

But until now, no one has found a record of a ship named Dread having docked at Bilgewater.

Kahn didn't want Sarah to offend water ghosts because of her free prostitution. They might not be able to deal with it, but it must be very troublesome.

"Okay then, I'll come back later. But...do you really believe in that shit?" Sarah asked with a smile.

It is impossible for her not to know this legend, on the contrary, she is very familiar with this notorious blood port ghost.

Having dealt with the bounty list all the year round, she naturally knew that Parker was the only one with a four-digit bounty on the bounty list, only below Planck, worth a thousand gold sirens.

Some people think that Pike is just a legend, and the people who saw Pike in the legend are all dead. Conversely, those living people who said they have seen him are all lying, so it is not necessarily a frightening thing made up by people.

Too superstitious will become timid, but Sarah has always maintained a heart of awe for these ghosts and strange stories.

Every time she goes to sea, she throws a silver sea snake into the sea to pay tithes, and asks the snake caller to pray for blessings, and pray for safe entry and exit.

"I believe it anyway." Kahn pouted noncommittally.

"Then I believe it too." Sarah took another puff on her cigar.

The real horror legends have all happened to her, and she can't believe it.

"By the way, what about Hailong skin? Do you want me to send someone to get it for you to order?"

"I don't need to order it first. I don't know how many sizes the buyer wants to wear... Now that I take it out and order it, it is easy to think of the theft of the sea armor dragon not long ago, as if it was just yesterday." Thinking of someone, Kahn's thoughts floated in front of his eyes.

"It was yesterday." Kasabeth glanced at him.

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