He Comes From the Void

Chapter 163 Deathmatch

Kha'Zix didn't disappear for a long time. When it reappeared, it was hanging on the tree trunk near Rengar's back with its sharp claws, kicking its legs towards the carnivorous beast.

It will preferentially attack isolated targets.

The high-speed vibrating wings shook off the remaining slime, and flew to Rengar's side in an instant. The latter's vigilance made him aware, Kankan turned around and used his dagger to block the slashing scythe.

Purple arcs danced from the scythe, and Rengar was knocked from the tree by the blow.

Its braids swayed in the air, and its back fell heavily on the decaying ground, knocking out dead leaves all over the sky.

The murderous intent hidden among the falling dead leaves flashed away, Rengar opened his eyes wide in an instant, and rolled to the side.

In an instant, Kazik pounced!

Two sickle-like blade feet were deeply inserted into the soil, right where he just fell!

The air-splitting claw could hardly be seen clearly, Rengar was dazzled by the ensuing killing intent,

Pongav's promise made him blind, his self-confidence fermented into arrogance, and his flaws were fully exposed.

Kha'Zix seemed to have been invisible for too long and was repelled by the different space, and he didn't disappear again to look for an opportunity to attack, but Rengar didn't think much, turned over and jumped up and rushed over.

too slow.

For the top predator in the void, Rengar, who can't let go, is too slow!

The series of attacks just now seemed to have shattered his confidence, and he became suspicious.

The dagger that Rengar swung was still probing, and before he could use all his strength, the dagger he was holding tightly in his hand was blown away by Kazik.

Stupid, indecisive!

He committed a big taboo, and his blue eyes left Kha'Zix's body following the dagger he dropped.

This mistake left him wide open, allowing the evil thing to attack.

Kha'Zix swung out another bladed claw, but Rengar couldn't dodge it, and there was a fiery sting on his face.

The roar filled between his ears knocked him back, blood soaked the fur on his face, and his vision was covered by a burst of red.

He hurriedly distanced himself, trying to squeeze out the red in his vision with blinking eyes.

But in the end, there was darkness on the left side, and I couldn't see anything, only a burning pain, as if a furnace was ignited in the eye socket.

Kazik was still roaring with his mouth wide open, and his masseter muscles were exposed to the air, as if about to be pulled apart.

Rengar reached out to touch his face, realizing what the monster had taken from him.

a left eye.

Seeing this scene, Kahn, who jumped down from the tree, stopped and stopped approaching. Even Kai'Sa, who had aimed, stopped shooting.

Sure enough, even with their intervention, those things related to fate still happened.

Kha'Zix took Rengar's eyeball and made himself a formidable nemesis.

According to this development, Rengar will push himself harder for revenge and become the most powerful hunter; while Ka'Zix will devour and evolve even more frantically, and at the same time learn to imitate Rengar's hunting skills.

However, Kahn will not give Khazik to Rengar, he will end this relationship, if Rengar is not convinced, let's die together.

At least they can live together on his skin armor.

With one hit, Kha'Zix flapped his wings vigorously and flew to the branch above Rengar's head.

It opened its jaws wide, revealing its fangs, but there was no provocation, nor a sneer.

He just raised the blade foot, with the blood-stained left eye stuck in the tip, and under Rengar's one-eyed gaze, he slowly put the blood-red bead between his teeth, and then swallowed it.

Murder! Murder! To kill is to punish the heart!

This action allowed Kahn to confirm that Kha'Zix had not weak intelligence, and at the same time felt that Rengar's fear and hesitation had disappeared and turned into anger.

Only anger!

Rengar clenched his fists, rubbed his remaining eye, and cursed "filthy bastard".

The identity is reversed, and the role of the hunter is snatched away by the prey.

He no longer felt any pain, but vaguely felt a brand-new and terrifying induction, connecting him with the monster.

The moment Kha'Zix ate his eyeball, the bond was formed.

Rengar no longer needs a dagger, he still has natural claws, a high-pitched growl, and he's not a human who can do nothing without a weapon.

He rushed forward with all his strength, and he would not be defeated again.

The two ferocious beasts collided into each other in the open space, violently clashing, adrenaline surged, blood spurted, and seemed to dance an endless red dance.

They took turns chasing each other, the coldness of abominable darkness, the core of a vengeful sun.

They hack at each other, round after round, and the world around them doesn't matter anymore.

There was a high-pitched growl and a low-pitched growl, and the grass and trees within reach suffered, were broken and chopped in their frenzied death struggle. Sawdust was flying, and dead leaves were dancing.

"How come they don't care about the surroundings when they fight?" Kai'Sa was led away from the battlefield by Kahn.

Right under her nose, Rengar shattered Kha'Zix's wing in one swoop, pinning it under him.

The brutal swing made the claws leave white marks on the carapace, and the feeling of tearing the tendon made Kha'Zix let out a high-pitched roar when he was injured.

Kha'Zix disappeared into the void, then circled behind Rengar and stabbed his claws into his shoulder blade. After Rengar let go of his hands and feet and used his anger, the two sides fought back and forth, and the strength was evenly matched.

With her hips akimbo, she watched the two ferocious beasts bump into each other round after round, and then separated again. The flying dead leaves made her frown.

Why did things develop like this?

It was obvious that the two of them were the biggest threat, but after the two prey started fighting without authorization, they were overwhelmed with anger and ignored them.

This makes no sense at all!

But Kahn on the side watched it with gusto.

"Actually, it's good to just let them fight like this, to waste your energy, and when we take over it later, it won't be able to make any splashes." He patted Kai'Sa's lower back, not in a hurry.

Kai'Sa curled her lips, mainly because the skin armor was stimulated by their bloody smell, and it kept undulating in the flesh to create an itchy feeling.

She knew very well that only killing could stop this urge.

There is no way, since Kahn is unwilling to do it now, she can only find some topics to try to divert her attention.

"Then how long are they going to fight?" she asked.

"From now on, it may not stop until it gets dark." Kahn glanced at the sky, the sun was blocked by thick cumulus clouds, but it was still a long time before night fell.

"So long?!" Kai'Sa exclaimed, suddenly feeling dissatisfied with the two beasts who were dueling for life and death.

"Yes, it's been so long. When people are extremely angry, they can fight bloody battles for a day and a night." Kahn said solemnly, with an expression that if you can't do it, you have a problem.

"Then who do you think will win?"

"Tie. Or lose both."

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