He Comes From the Void

Chapter 124: Guilty

Biting her lower lip, Taliyah squirmed excitedly in her seat, her eyes looking around.

The seaside ancient city has ushered in the prologue of the night. Lanterns are lit in front of the hotel, and the inside is full of guests. They managed to win a table.

A group of five people occupied a square table and waited for the food to be served. On one side of the table they each occupied, only Kankasha was crowded together.

Taliyah was used to it, but Sivir couldn't bear this kind of behavior, complaining that the two were like conjoined siblings, getting tired of being together every day.

Because the place where he came was crowded with people, Sivir didn't wear the dazzling golden cross blade, but changed into ordinary clothes, and tied his black and purple long hair in a ponytail.

Although the skin armor changed her skin and made her look younger and more hydrated, it failed to change her temperament.

Her eyes were piercing, and her sharp eyes revealed her identity as a soldier without a doubt, and her words revealed blood, as if she would draw her sword at each other if she disagreed with her words.

Taliyah turned her eyes to Kassadin who was also looking around but was silent.

This uncle likes to use actions instead of words. Taliyah just woke up and saw a look of boredom in the eyes of the barbecue. Kassadin immediately took them to the small restaurant by the sea to eat fish.

This made Taliyah very excited. This was the first time she went to a restaurant after coming to Nashilami, and it was also the first time she ate seafood. She was full of expectations.

Finally, she looked at Kahn and the two of them.

The little master can always restrain his eyes from looking around, and try to keep a low profile.

But out of the corner of his eye, he always pays attention to the movement around him, or observes the actions of others through the reflection of the teacup.

On the other hand, Kai'Sa will unconsciously tighten her face when there are many people, her expression is cold, and strangers should not enter.

Even when talking with the person at the same table, he never cared about friendship, and his stern face never softened.

Taliyah suddenly discovered that the people around her had stories and personalities, and she was like an ordinary little sparrow, but suddenly got the gift of Weaver.

She shifted her gaze to other people, and found that most of them didn't know anyone. However, a guest dressed as a businessman at the next table talked about a topic that interested her.

"Did you see a beam of light falling from the sky last night and landed outside the city of Nashilami?"

"I heard that the gods descended to earth, and smashed a huge hole there."

Staring at her palm prints, Taliyah began to think about it.

Last night, outside the city...

The time and place match, so the giant pit they mentioned should be the giant pit they made themselves?

I fainted last night and didn't restore it. I'm sorry for causing trouble to others.

But... what's going on with the descending of the gods?

Could it be that Sivir really summoned Nasus, but... where did the god go?

"Sivir, what happened after last night?" Taliyah looked at Sivir with eyes full of question marks, and Kahn asked her to ask, but she hadn't asked yet.

Sivir couldn't help shrinking his head tactically, and after realizing that he couldn't hide, he replied casually: "You just set off a firework."

"Last night you were not as calm as you are now." Kahn joked.

Kaisha hesitated to speak, wanted to say something, but couldn't let it go, so she didn't say it in the end.

She was still not good at dealing with people like Sivir, and only the gentle tone of voice with Taliyah would make her feel a little easier.

"Yeah, I was so frightened that I almost passed out." Sivir pouted.

"Isn't that just talking about me?" Taliyah suddenly blushed, and didn't ask any further.

The opinions of the businessmen at the table seemed to be divided. Some people said that it was actually a divine soldier, because there were no huge footprints of the gods at the scene, only the marks left by the blade.

She guessed that the knife marks on the scene were left by Chali Kaer, but when others talked about the magic weapon, she remembered the evil weapon from ancient times that Kahn had just mentioned not long ago.

They are living weapons with beating hearts or bloody eyes, prisons in which the fallen gods have been cursed.

Legend has it that this weapon will occupy the user's body, annihilate the wielder's will, and cause slaughter everywhere. The purpose of existence is to destroy.

Fortunately, Taliyah can confirm that what happened last night has nothing to do with these evil weapons.

The clerk brought to the table a large plate of grilled fish they ordered. Although various spices were added during the grilling process, it was not spicy in general.

"There are thorns, don't swallow too fast." Kassadin did not forget to remind that children in the desert inland always get tricked when they eat fish for the first time.

Taliyah was immediately overwhelmed by the taste of the fish, and chewed carefully in her mouth without asking questions.

She found that she was the only one who regarded fish as a staple food, while others regarded it as an appetizer. They drank wine with fish and spent most of their time chatting, as if talking would fill them up.

At first, the few people were still chatting enthusiastically, but when the after-dinner tea talk from another table reached their table, the people at the table fell silent tacitly.

One of the merchants asked a companion to help him bring some sea salt to sell inland at the small town of Amakra.

The latter agreed, but said that some evil things happened in Amakra recently.

After saying this, other people became interested and asked him to continue.

Perhaps this group of businessmen felt that there were some business opportunities in it.

He said that a pregnant widow came to Amaqra and found the Prophet, and she said: "Master Prophet, I have sinned. I killed my husband and abandoned my young son."

Hearing these two words, Kahn and the others at the next table fell silent.

The widow sought the Prophet in order to ask the Prophet to atone for her sins, and the Prophet asked her to tell her story.

She originally settled in Zurieta with her husband, had a son, and lived a happy life, but was pushed into the abyss by unexpected disasters.

The husband suddenly contracted a serious disease, which could not be cured for a long time, and he was bedridden in a few days, becoming a disabled person.

They had no relatives there, and the wife alone had to take on the responsibility of earning money to support the family and taking care of her seriously ill husband, exhausted both physically and mentally.

However, the husband's illness required high monthly medical expenses, and it didn't take long for the family to collapse.

The wife was unable to pay for the medicine. She saw her husband's suffering, her son's ignorance, and the family's unsustainability, and made a painful choice.

Before the child was sensible, she personally strangled her sick husband to death in bed.

Without the encumbrance of her husband, the widow can finally support the children by herself, but she has become depressed ever since.

But life didn't let her go. One day when she went out to buy vegetables, she was kidnapped and insulted by a bandit tribe who was interested in sex.

I don't know how she got through those few days of nightmares. She dragged her broken body, held back her nausea, and went home to continue making meals for her children.

But the morning sickness that appeared afterwards finally broke her heart, and being pregnant with the evil seed made her feel that her whole body was full of filth and she didn't deserve to live.

She didn't want to die in front of her son, so she left home, wanting to find a deserted place to end her miserable life.

But she found that she couldn't do it.

In pain, she found the prophet and wanted to atone for her sins and then died, but the prophet agreed to her request and let her go back first.

A few days later, she was shocked to hear that the bandit tribe that hurt her was dragged into the ground by monsters and evaporated.

The ecstatic widow found the Prophet again and gladly followed him to a world free of pain.

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