Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter five hundred and forty second feast

Not only the students at Hogwarts, but even the Los Santos Group has prepared the supplies for the house-elves to hold a banquet.

This flattered the house-elves.

But most house-elves still rejected the Los Santos group's good intentions, because in their conception, pleasure is a very sinful thing.

Especially for things like banquets, this is simply a big crime of beheading!

In desperation, Penello, who went to Hogwarts as a representative, could only issue a compulsory order in Mike's name, which made these house elves reluctantly accept Penello's request and started a celebration in the kitchen. banquet.

Of course, the reason why they accepted it was largely because the Los Santos Group sent so much food and wine to the Hogwarts students that they, the house-elves, didn't need to prepare dinner for today.

Otherwise, even if it is an order given by Mike, the house elf will not obey.

In their hearts, work is bigger than everything!

But even if the banquet is held normally, the house-elves are extremely uncomfortable, but this is also something that can't be helped. After all, no matter how old or young, this is the first time in their lives to participate in the banquet as guests.

Unlike the embarrassing and dull banquets of the house-elves, the Hogwarts Great Hall at this moment has long since become a sea of ​​joy.

Except for Slytherin, who did not come to the banquet, the students of the other three colleges, regardless of their grades, regardless of the difference between the colleges, or even the ghosts in Hogwarts, all mixed together to celebrate their successful rescue of Mike.

Although there are also a few people who know very well that the reason why they can still sing and dance here now is all thanks to Chris not wanting to hurt their future flowers.

But in their eyes, they really saved Mike.

This is quite a feat for the still adolescent Hogwarts students!

As for the sacrifices of Los Santos wizards and Freemasons, and even those of ordinary wizards, they were quickly forgotten.

Those bloody scenes brought them great terror, but they also stimulated their nerves, forcing them to celebrate more unrestrainedly to dispel their inner fears.

This has caused the mountains of various drinks in the auditorium to be rapidly reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone in the auditorium tonight seems to have become a heroic ancient knight, and they have drained the wine of various heights like boiled water!

So, soon one after another drunk alcoholics appeared.

Under the anesthesia of alcohol, they did a lot of things that they would not normally do, such as confession. The successful guy performed a French wet wrestling for everyone on the spot. Back in his seat, he drank silently.

There are also guys who are not interested in the relationship between men and women, and their friends hooked their shoulders and climbed up the long table together to start their crooked singing and dancing performances.

If anyone ever dared to do this, they would be locked up by Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall, or ridiculed by other classmates.

However, these two professors were not seen in the auditorium today, and the other professors, led by Professor Flitwick, not only did not blame the students for their drinking and mischievous behavior, but even joined the carnival team.

This made the atmosphere of the scene even more lively.

However, although the atmosphere in the auditorium was very warm, the Harry trio in the corner of the auditorium was very worried at the moment.

Harry and Ron desperately wanted to be part of the carnival, and wanted to try those oolong teas that could be lit.

But beside them, there are four pairs of eyes staring at them.

"Uh, Sirius, I think..."

Harry said tentatively, but before he finished speaking, Sirius, who was beside him, let out an angry shout:


Harry's neck shrank, he stopped talking immediately, and could only start focusing on the T-bone steak in front of him.

This stuff is usually a supreme delicacy to him, but now looking at his classmates who are revelling, the delicacy in front of him has become unpalatable for some reason.

Opposite him, Ron is also in a similar state to Harry.

No, Ron was technically worse off because there were two people staring at him, Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley.

Biting his lip, although he was a little unhappy, Harry still resignedly ate the steak in front of him.

After all, the trouble they caused before was too great. You must know that whether it was Mike or other professors, they had clearly told them that they were not allowed to participate in this matter.

But they still went.

Harry still remembers the terrible expressions Sirius and the Weasleys had when they saw them in the halls of the Ministry of Magic.

That's really scary!

So for now they'd better act nice and don't make Sirius and the Weasleys angry, or else...

Thinking of this, Harry's eating speed increased a bit.

This made the anger in the eyes of Sirius and the Weasleys subside a little, and also made Hermione nodded in satisfaction.

As a good student who abides by the school rules, she is extremely disgusted with the Hogwarts students who blatantly violate the school rules and drink a lot.

Unfortunately, this large-scale violation happened with the acquiescence of Professor Flitwick. As a Gryffindor prefect, she has no qualifications to stop it.

But she couldn't care about the others, she still had to care about Harry and Ron.

So after seeing Harry and Ron as well-behaved as puppies in front of their guardians, she was satisfied and began to enjoy the vegetable salad in front of her.

As for the anger of Sirius and the Weasleys, it had nothing to do with her at all.

You must know that in the eyes of Sirius and the Weasleys, Hermione has always been a good girl with good character and study. How could such a good girl do such a dangerous thing?

Even if it is done, it must be the two skin boys Harry and Ron who have brought it down!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Hermione's face.

Seeing this, Harry stopped putting on a bitter face and started laughing with Hermione.

In Harry's view, this situation is now very good.

Voldemort has been eliminated, his duties as the son of prophecy have been completed, and there is no need to deal with those terrifying dark wizards.

And most importantly, none of his friends died!

Even Mike was rescued. Although he was wanted by the Ministry of Magic, with the power of the Los Santos group, Harry believed that Mike would be able to escape from the country and settle down in another country!

As for Chris becoming Minister of Magic, that sort of thing Harry doesn't care about, and Chris isn't a lunatic like Voldemort, and he probably wouldn't do those crazy things, although what he was doing in the halls of the Ministry of Magic was crazy enough. , but Harry still didn't think Chris was as bad as Voldemort.

It's fine now.

In this way, he will be able to graduate smoothly, find a job that is neither good nor bad, marry a witch who is neither beautiful nor ugly, have a litter of children who are not smart but not stupid, and finish his life. ordinary life.

'what! I really hope the peace lasts forever! 'Jing Love Book

Harry thought so, his pupils began to diverge.

But can things really go as Harry expected?

Can peace really last for a long time?

In Harry's subconscious, there is still deep uncertainty about this issue!


The celebrations in the auditorium continued, and the noise they made was so loud that even Dumbledore in the headmaster's office on the eighth floor of Hogwarts could vaguely hear it.

Of course, this is not a big problem. If it is too noisy, Dumbledore can completely turn on the soundproofing spell in the office.

But I don't know why, instead of doing this, Dumbledore tried his best to listen to the vague laughter and hilarity.

"The banquet below is very lively!"

Dumbledore took a deep breath and said with some longing.

Hearing that, the brows of a witch with silver curly hair painted on the wall immediately wrinkled.

Her name is Dalys-Devant, and she was a former headmaster of Hogwarts and head of St. Mungo's Hospital for Witchcraft and Wizardry, a powerful wizard and an outstanding healer.

She glanced down at Dumbledore.

Now that Dumbledore's dry skeleton has grown a lot of flesh, although it is still a little scary, at least it looks much better than the previous mummy.

At least, he can now perform some simple activities.

But this is only temporary. Dumbledore is too old. Although the curse that has tormented him has been removed, he still can't live for long when the magic power in his body dissipates.

In this state, it can be said that it is the last bloom before the flower withers.

Dalys sighed and said:

"Dumbledore, I advise you not to go to that banquet unless you want to die. You know it's too exciting for you."

"Oh! Merlin! Of course I won't go down. The following banquet belongs to the young people. After a bad old man like me passes by, it will only disappoint the young people." Dumbledore said with a smile, "So you don't have to. Worry about it, Dalys."

Dalis in the portrait nodded slightly, she was actually very satisfied with Dumbledore, the headmaster.

This is one of the few headmasters in the history of Hogwarts who wholeheartedly served the students and even gave up his life for it.

This is rare, and it makes Dalys very reluctant to see Dumbledore die.

Although, Dumbledore had already prepared for the aftermath, and even his own portrait had been put up in advance.

Dai Liz looked to his right, where a portrait was hung, and it was Dumbledore painted on it.

This is old Dumbledore in a healthy state, looking very energetic, but at a glance, he can tell that he is a fool.

For example, right now, he is grimacing at Dalys, and he looks very sandy.

It's just that there is no way to do this. The magic portrait does not have all the memories and characters of the original owner as soon as it is made. This new painting still needs to be adjusted by Dumbledore slowly, and finally it can become a pair with them. The same magic portrait.

Suddenly, there was another sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the office, which awakened Dalys from her contemplation.

She looked over curiously, but saw that Dumbledore was pulling out an old European-style dress from a large cabinet.

Dumbledore picked up the dress and looked at it carefully for a long time before carefully placing the dress on the desk and starting to apply magic conditioner to his beard and hair.

This hair conditioner, invented by Harry Potter's grandfather, was astonishingly effective. As soon as it was applied, Dumbledore's long snow-white hair and beard, which had been dry as dry grass, became docile again.

With its help, Dumbledore managed to get his hair and beard in their neatest shape.

Immediately afterwards, he began to pick up the scraper again, and began to scrape the excess hair and stubble on his face.

Dai Liz's brows wrinkled again, she said with some hatred:

"Dumbledore, I warned you, don't go to that banquet, you'll die!"

"Of course, I won't go, Dai Liz, didn't I just promise you?"

Dumbledore said softly, but at the same time, the movements of his hands did not stop, and he continued to trim his beard.

"Then what are you doing now?"

The scraper in Dumbledore's hand froze for a moment, but soon resumed scraping, and said at the same time:

"I have another feast to attend."

As soon as the words fell, Dumbledore put down the scraper, and under his efforts, his beard and hair had returned to exactly the same as in the portrait.

Then, he picked up the dress on the desk and put it on.

It is not easy to dress it neatly, after all, this dress is made according to Dumbledore's body shape when he was young, and now Dumbledore's body is very different from when he was young!

But despite the difficult process, Dumbledore finally put the dress, which was somewhat loose for him, neatly on his body.

Dumbledore walked slowly to the full-length mirror, looked at himself who was old, but had a lot of energy inside, and nodded with satisfaction.

His action finally awakened Phoenix Fox in the corner. It looked at Dumbledore, who was fully armed in front of the full-length mirror, and circled around Dumbledore a little uneasy.

At the same time, the clear chirping continued from his mouth, and Fox kept singing this song of courage, as if trying to arouse the courage in Dumbledore's heart.

But Dumbledore just smiled, and then hugged Phoenix Fox tightly, just like when he had just met Fox.

Dai Lisi on the wall saw all this in his eyes.

She was about to explode with anger, and roared angrily:

"Dumbledore! Do you want to die? What kind of feast is it that you're going to go to even if you're like this?"

At this moment, Dumbledore was holding Fox back to his seat. Hearing this, he raised his head slightly, took out a large bag of cockroaches and various candies from the drawer and placed it on the table, saying:

"This will be the most important banquet of my life. Its name is -- death."

Hearing this, Dalis was stunned.

And Dumbledore didn't pay attention to Da Lis anymore, turned his chair and looked out the window.

Every night in the past, the bright starry sky can be seen from here, and looking up at the starry sky every day has become Dumbledore's favorite thing to do.

But today I don't know why, when Dumbledore looked up, the sky was pitch black and not a single star was visible.

"Are they all hidden?" Dumbledore sighed. "That's a shame."

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