Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 464? Discharged

Before today, Mike didn't believe that there was any coercion, murderousness, etc. in this world, but Dumbledore broke his understanding.

Until now, he is still a little unbelievable. Dumbledore just showed his anger and he was shivering, and the magic in his body was stimulated by an indescribable sense of horror and spontaneity to protect the Lord!

I have to say that this kind of move is actually somewhat useful. At least Mike felt a lot better after his own magic power spewed out. The shield composed of that magic power gave him a strong sense of security.

But after just being surprised for a while, Mike took the initiative to withdraw all the magic power into his body.

This kind of dangerous and spontaneous behavior is as ridiculous as cats and dogs will fry when encountering enemies, and monkeys will yell when encountering tigers in an attempt to scare off enemies through such bravado.

Although this is biological instinct, but Mike is ashamed of it!

After withdrawing the magic power, Mike felt the strong pressure again, which was a very bad experience, and Mike even had the urge to run away.

But he didn't do that, instead he gritted his teeth and stared at Dumbledore.

To know that Dumbledore was seriously injured, Mike didn't think that the other party could maintain this state for long, so as long as he persisted, he could always win.

"What are you doing!"

Professor Flitwick's anxious voice came from the side, and Dumbledore's expression softened slightly when he heard the words, and he turned to look at the other party.

"I'm sorry, Filius, I've lost my way."

And when he moved, the urgency in the ward disappeared instantly, Mike's body suddenly relaxed, panting and looking at Dumbledore gloomily.

Mike was embarrassed this time, and his back was already soaked with sweat at this moment.

"Mike, please apologize to Headmaster Dumbledore, and then withdraw the reward of ten thousand Galleons!"

Professor Flitwick said with a stern look.

Hearing this, Dumbledore turned his head to look at Mike again, and at this time Mike was squinting his eyes and looking at him.

After a while, the corners of Mike's mouth rose slightly, and he said slowly:



"Oops! Wouldn't it be better if you said that earlier? If you can correct your mistakes, you are a good boy." Professor Flitwick turned his head and said apologetically to Dumbledore, "I'm sorry, Principal! Mike I really wasn't scared this time, that's why I did such an extreme thing. But don't worry, I have taught him a lesson, in the future..."

"But I have conditions!"

Mike interrupted Professor Flitwick and said to Dumbledore with a wicked smile.

Professor Flitwick's face changed greatly, he turned his head suddenly, and was about to scold Mike when he heard Dumbledore beside him say softly:

"What do you think."

Professor Flitwick opened his mouth in surprise, that a wizard of Dumbledore's level would negotiate terms with Mike, which almost shattered his three views.

"Next, I will personally take action to find the assassin. My next move may be a bit big, but you must ignore it, including the right to dispose of the assassin, you must also hand it over to me."

"Listen to Mike," Dumbledore shook his head and said sincerely, "We will definitely catch that assassin, give me a little more..."

"He almost killed me!" Mike growled, "I have to find him myself, and kill him!"

Looking at the excited Mike, Dumbledore's brows were tightly twisted together, and he felt as if he knew Mike for the first time today.

"Hogwarts can't be in chaos for a long time, the students have to learn."

"This thing will be over before Christmas, even if I haven't caught the assassin by then, I will stop all actions." Mike said, "And, I will exercise restraint, if you think I do too much. If you go too far, you can stop me at any time."

Dumbledore closed his eyes in pain, and after a long time he said slowly:



An hour later, Professor Flitwick had already rushed to the classroom, and Mike walked out of the infirmary under Madam Pomfrey's complicated gaze.

In the corridor, Franklin and Zhou Hong had been waiting here for a long time. Seeing Mike coming, Franklin's expression immediately became bitter. He carefully leaned over to Mike's side and said guiltily:

"Sorry, Mike, I haven't been able to find the assassin."

Hearing that, Mike glanced at Franklin. He couldn't tell if there were any dark circles on his dark face, but his swollen face and huge eye bags proved that he was not lazy.

Mike shook his head, and was about to comfort Franklin when he heard Zhou Hong say angrily:

"Come on, you can't blame us. Who let you out of the hospital so early. However, although we didn't find the assassin, we still prepared a discharge gift for you."


Mike looked at Franklin in amazement, and saw that there was no guilt on his face at the moment, he said proudly:

"That's right, I hid him in the Response Room, you'll know when you see it."

Mike was taken to the Response Room by Franklin and Zhou Hong curiously. At this time, the Response Room was in a prison state. They walked through dozens of empty cages, and finally met in the deepest prison cell. The gift that Franklin and Zhou Hong said - Draco Malfoy.

At this time, Draco was no longer as delicate as he used to be. He was panting and slumped on the cold slate floor with an aggrieved expression. The outer skin is also full of stains.

Hearing the footsteps, Draco instinctively covered his head with his trembling hands, not even daring to look up at the approaching person.

"Have you gouged out his bones with your heart?"

Mike asked with a bewildered look, Draco was looking really embarrassed at the moment, and most importantly, there seemed to be something wrong with his spirit.

"Of course not! We didn't even touch him very much! He did all the scrapes and dirt on his body!"

"Then how did he become like this?"

"Uh, this is just a side effect of reading the memory, it will be fine after a good night's sleep." Zhou Hong said a little embarrassedly, "Mike, I assure you, we really didn't torture him, after all, we are not devils! "

Mike looked at Drake, who was still shivering in the cell, and then looked at Zhou Hong. At this time, he was facing Mike with a harmless smile.

Sighing, Mike asked:

"So, what do you know from his memory?"

Franklin and Zhou Hong looked at each other and smiled, the latter said proudly:

"Big secret!"

Franklin continued:

"Yes, you would never have imagined that the Malfoy family has completely surrendered to Voldemort, and now Voldemort and the Death Eaters are staying in Malfoy Manor, using it as a nest! Moreover, Voldemort also gave Drake Malfoy a Mission, that is to assassinate you and Dumbledore!"

As soon as he said this, Mike's expression turned gloomy, and he narrowed his eyes and looked at Draco.

The fact that Draco would assassinate Dumbledore was recorded in the original books, and he had known it for a long time.

But he really didn't expect that Draco had his own name in the assassination name this time.

For a moment, Mike's look at Draco became dangerous.

And Draco in the cell also seemed to notice Mike's eyes, and the whole person trembled even more, and he kept mumbling: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's not me! It's not me..."

"Mike, don't get excited, this assassination has nothing to do with him." Franklin said hurriedly, "Although he has already planned an assassination against you, he just hasn't acted yet."

"Oh? How is he going to kill me?"

"A gemstone necklace with a curse, which he got from Knockturn Alley. The curse on it is very deadly, and the person who touches it will instantly lose consciousness and die within half an hour if not treated in time. He is going to put this necklace on As a Christmas present for you."

Mike's eyes twitched, he knew very well that what Franklin was talking about was the opal necklace in the original book. Draco was going to use this thing to assassinate Dumbledore, but he didn't expect it to be used on him now.

It has to be said that pure blood nobles like Malfoy have their natural advantages, and such powerful black magic tools are almost at their fingertips.

It's just that this kid Draco is obviously not very good. Mike receives countless Christmas gifts every year, including prank props for him, so he opened Christmas gifts a few years ago. And the task of giving gifts is left to the house-elves.

Besides, even if Mike personally opened the gift from Draco, how could he wear a lady's necklace? Mike is not a women's clothing tycoon!

Looking at Draco who was still talking to himself in the cell, Mike slowly shook his head.

He really wanted to have a good talk with the other party (flickering), but now the other party's state is really bad.

"Let's go," Mike said. "Let's go back to the base. As for him, let him get a good night's sleep."

Zhou Hong and Franklin nodded, followed Mike and went out. Before leaving, Draco, who was comatose and forced, fell asleep.

When Mike and the others returned to the secret realm of Freemasonry, Penello and Benjamin and other core members of the Freemasonry were already in place. Like Franklin, they had already received the news that Mike was about to be discharged from the hospital, so early waiting here.

It's just that their expressions were not very good-looking, because Mike's discharge time was earlier, and in view of the impact of what they were doing secretly on Hogwarts, although Mike repeatedly explained that his injury was healed, they still felt that It may be that Hogwarts is unwilling to continue treating Mike.

And it wasn't until after seeing the lively Mike with his own eyes and feeling the surging magic in his body that everyone's faces finally showed a smile.

As the strongest among them, Mike is undoubtedly the cornerstone of Freemasonry. If something happens to Mike, let alone pursuing greater interests, it would be good for Freemasonry not to fall apart.

After chatting with everyone for a while, the conference room finally became quiet, everyone returned to their seats, and Mike also sat down.

"Although what happened this time was an accident, it turned out to be good for us." Mike said, rubbing his hands together, "I just made a deal with Dumbledore not long ago, so before Christmas our The operation will not be disturbed, we can search for the assassin as much as we like, but at the same time you need to pay attention to the fact that we must mobilize the emotions of ordinary students during the operation, and it is very important for us to win them over, understand? "

After speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Franklin and Zhou Hong, who were the main actors in this operation in the school.

Seeing the latter nod, Mike retracted his gaze with satisfaction and continued:

"Of course, in exchange we have to help Dumbledore get rid of those people who are now gathered at the school gate. If this group of people is attacked into Hogwarts, it will not benefit us all."

Penello's brows furrowed.

The order to issue the reward order was issued by her. At that time, she mainly wanted to use external pressure to force Dumbledore to submit. Although it seems to be working well now, it is not easy to disband the group of wizards in a short period of time. .

After all, those people are desperadoes, and they will not agree to the good reward order.

Penello fell into contemplation. This is a very difficult question. If they can't get it right, the group of people is likely to turn their guns and run against them. Since they didn't want to give the bounty that they originally promised, then the group of people will not give it. I will get it myself.

While Penello was thinking hard, Mike smiled lightly, waved his hand and said:

"This matter is actually easy to handle, and I have already thought of a way."

"Penello, you will revoke the bounty for that assassin later." Mike sneered, "Then release a new bounty, Voldemort-Tom Marvolo Riddle offers a bounty of 100,000 gold Galleons!"

As soon as these words came out of the conference room, everyone in the conference room let out a burst of exclamation, offering a reward to Voldemort. They didn't dare to think about such a thing.

But Mike's words were not finished, and after a short pause he continued:

"Then Bellatrix Lestrange offered a bounty of ten thousand. Lucius Malfoy offered a bounty of five thousand..."

Mike quickly announced the names of Death Eaters and their respective bounties, and every time he called out a name, everyone's eyes became brighter.

They already understand what Mike wants to do, use a knife to kill people and drive away wolves!

The power of money is infinite. Under the stimulation of this massive amount of money, countless outlaws will rush to the Death Eaters one after another and treat them as prey. Voldemort, who has the highest bounty, is actually just a gimmick. Mike just wanted to spread public opinion by relying on his name and the bounty at that price. He never thought that someone would take Voldemort's head to receive the reward.

Of course, if someone really did this, Mike would have given the bounty even if he sold iron, because it means that the person who hunted down Voldemort was so powerful that even Voldemort was no match.

"That's about it, and you can set the bounty for the rest of the Death Eaters by yourself. Anyway, those who have the black mark on their arms will all become the target of the bounty!"

After saying that, Mike leaned back on the back of the soft sofa chair, and the others in the conference room were having a heated discussion!

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