Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 356 Umbridge's favoritism

"What's going on over there?"

Mike pointed to a large group of people who were heading towards.

"Oh, it looks like it is," Franklin tiptoed and looked towards the center of the crowd with all his might, "it's Ron, he seems to be telling a story again!"

Hearing that, Mike's face suddenly became clear.

I don't know when it started. Whenever something interesting happens at Hogwarts, Ron will first learn about the details of the incident, and then tell it affectionately to others.

The long-term performance and telling have made Ron's storytelling ability stronger and stronger, and it has also allowed him to accumulate a large number of fans.

Nowadays, as long as Ron waved his arms in a public place like the auditorium or the lounge, in an instant, a large number of passers-by would gather around him to watch the fun.

"Let's go have a look."

Looking at Ron, who was standing at a long table in the middle of the crowd, talking excitedly, Mike said to Franklin.

"Okay, as long as you wait for the outline you will give me to be a little more detailed."

Mike readily agreed, and when the two of them got closer, they heard Ron dancing and saying:

"...Umbridge made Trelawney her first target for scrutiny, and Trelawney was clearly nervous about her arrival!"

Ron twisted his body, learned the usual way of Trelawney, a professor of divination, raised his hands in the air strangely, and the expression on his face became drunk:

"Classmates, we will continue to study prophetic dreams today. Please divide them into groups of two and explain each other's recent dreams to each other with the help of the "Dream Interpretation Guide"."

There was something mysterious about Ron's voice, but it was slightly trembling.

This tremor seemed to be brought from the bones, and even his hands were shaking.

This delicate performance immediately ushered in a burst of laughter from the onlookers, and Ron was even more excited when he saw it.

"Professor Trelawney, I want to take this opportunity to ask you a few questions."

Ron's expression became extremely arrogant. He held one hand and drew back and forth in the void with the other holding a pen, as if he was remembering something.

"So, how long have you been in this position, exactly?"

Ron switched to Trelawney's state again, folded his arms, stared angrily ahead and said tremblingly:

"Almost sixteen years."

"It's not too long." Ron put on Umbridge's expression again. "So Professor Dumbledore hired you?"

"That's right!"

"You are the great-great-granddaughter of the famous seer Cassandra Trelawney?"


Trelawney, played by Ron, raised her head a little higher,

He pointed his nostrils at Umbridge, who didn't exist in front of him.

"But I heard that since Cassandra died, members of your family no longer have this kind of prophetic ability." Umbridge played by Ron deftly made a puzzled and sarcastic expression, " In addition, I learned that you are still a half-blood, which means that you mastered this ability when the blood of your ancestors was diluted, but your pure-blood ancestors did not master the ability, is that so?"

"These things are often passed down - er - three generations apart!"

‘Trelawney’ danced angrily, but her tone became a little panicked.

"Of course," Ron pretended to make a few more notes in the non-existent notebook, then said with a smile on his face, "then wonder if you can predict something for me, eh?"

"I don't understand you!"

"I wish you could make a prophecy for me. Was it clear enough?"

"Tianmu will not be ordered to see!"

The tone of 'Trelawney' became indignant.

And 'Umbridge' raised his eyebrows, while writing something in the notebook, he said in an extremely frivolous tone:

"Oh, I see!"

"I-but-but...wait a minute!" Trelawney, played by Ron, stretched her neck forward, as if peeking at the contents of the 'notebook', and then trembled with anger , can no longer maintain that ethereal and mysterious tone.

In a hurry, he began to roll his eyes hard, his hands waving irregularly, "I... I think I saw something... It's about you... Ah, I feel it, something black... something extremely dangerous..."

All of a sudden, Ron's eyes, which had been rolled with only the whites of his eyes, suddenly returned to normal. He stretched out his hand and pointed sharply at an unoccupied corner, roaring as if Umbridge was there now:

"I'm afraid you will be in dire danger!"

Ron hurriedly ran to the corner he pointed to before, raised his eyebrows mischievously, pretending to be Umbridge, and then made a big X in the air with his right hand.

"Okay," Ron made a gesture of closing the book, "if that's the best you can do, then I'm sorry."

After saying that, Ron bowed deeply to the crowd, and there were bursts of applause from the crowd, but Mike found that in the corner of the auditorium, several Slytherin students were whispering and leaving the auditorium.

And the direction they left seemed to lead to Umbridge's office.

Raising his eyebrows, Mike felt that Ron might be in trouble.

But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded beside Mike and Franklin.

"Mike, Franklin! Why are you here!" Ron asked excitedly, "How is it? How was my performance just now?"

Looking at Ron's happy appearance, Mike felt that it was not a good thing to tell Ron this change of news now, so he applauded decisively:

"Fantastic, you are better than the professional drama actors in Diagon Alley! And your storytelling ability is also very good, maybe you should go into related work in the future, such as writing novels like Lockhart! I Dare to say, your achievements will definitely be higher than his!"


Ron said in surprise. To be honest, Ron actually envied Lockhart. Not only could he live a prosperous life, but he also had a large number of female fans.

But when he thought of Lockhart's bad reputation, in order to prevent himself from getting involved with him, Ron quickly changed his expression and said with a smile:

"Forget it, I don't want to be a scum like Lockhart!"

"Okay," Mike shook his head. "Did you just play Umbridge and Trelawney?"

"Oh! Yes. You must have missed the beginning. Just now, in our Divination class, Umbridge examined Professor Trelawney, and it was hilarious. Do you still want to see it? I can do it again if I want to see it!"

"Uh, no need, Ron, thank you."

Mike said helplessly, but he kept thinking about Trelawney's information in his heart.

This divination professor is a descendant of the legendary prophet Cassandra, but the investigation shows that the professor did not fully inherit the divination ability of her ancestors, so her first half of her life was very miserable, echoing on the line of poverty, You can only make a living by divination on the street.

However, she was invited by Dumbledore to become a professor of divination at Hogwarts.

But her financial situation hasn't improved much as a result.

Part of the reason is that the salary offered to her by Hogwarts is not high, at the level of food and housing and then some pocket money.

And another part of the reason is because this person is an alcoholic. She basically drinks every day except in class, which causes her to look drunk every moment.

Of course, in her words, she didn't like to drink, but only relied on alcohol to maintain her Third Eye ability.

On the whole, this is an extremely weak professor. Compared with Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, she has neither a deep background nor strong strength, and is a soft persimmon.

It has to be said that Umbridge's choice to use her for surgery is indeed a good choice.

And now it's up to Mag and the others to face this wave of Umbridge's offensive.

In the end is desperate resistance, or turn a blind eye?

Mike was very curious about this.


After a brief conversation with Ron in the auditorium, the three of them headed to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom together, and they will take the Defence Against the Dark Arts class together in Umbridge.

Because of the delay in the auditorium before, the three of Mike arrived at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Upon arriving at the classroom, Ron and Harry Hermione, who had already arrived, were both relieved, because given Umbridge's attitude towards Gryffindor, if Ron was really late, he might Going to accompany George and Fred.

Yet they clearly underestimated Umbridge's integrity.

Just as the three of them quickly walked towards their actions, a sly smile suddenly flashed across Umbridge's face, and he said:

"Stop for me!"

Hearing this, all three of Mike stopped.

Mike and Franklin's expressions were normal, but Ron, who had just said bad things about Umbridge, couldn't. He lowered his head, obviously very flustered.

"Ron, you're late!" Umbridge said. "Twenty points from Gryffindor! Then, give me a four-thousand-word review before class tomorrow!"

Ron's eyes suddenly turned red, and he retorted instinctively:

"But I'm not late," he pointed to the magic clock in the classroom, "Look! It's only 9 o'clock!"

"No, it's 30 seconds past 9, which means you're 30 seconds late." Umbridge frowned, "Besides, speaking in my class requires raising your hand, and you just didn't do that. .So 5 more points from Gryffindor!"

Hearing that, Ron quickly covered his mouth, afraid that he was making a sound to give Umbridge a handle.

The Ravenclaw classmates in the classroom also shook their heads in distress.

In their opinion, Mike and Franklin, who arrived at the same time as Ron, must have been punished the same way.

But to everyone's surprise, after announcing the punishment for Ron, Umbridge directly ignored Mike and Franklin and chose to let everyone return to their seats.

This time, the little lion in Gryffindor exploded immediately.

Umbridge's targeting of Gryffindor is understandable, after all, because of what George and Fred have done, they have long been enemies.

But now Umbridge is so partial to Ravenclaw?

What's the point of this! ?

"Quiet me all!" Umbridge said, watching the crowd whispering in the classroom, "Do you want to write an exam too?"

Hearing this, the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet, and Umbridge smiled when he saw this:

"We're going to start class next. Of course, first of all, please put away your wands."

The classmates did so reluctantly, and Umbridge continued triumphantly:

"We finished Chapter 1 last class, and today I hope you all turn to page 19 and start reading 'Chapter 2, General Defense Theory and Its Origins' without talking while reading."

There was a slight sigh in the classroom.

Obviously everyone didn't like this kind of boring reading class, but due to Umbridge's coercion, everyone could only flip through the books as instructed.

It's just that reading is reading, but most of the students are no longer in the book, just in a meaningless daze.

Umbridge didn't seem to see this, and was still sitting on the podium triumphantly.

But over time, the bored classmates couldn't take it anymore.

Some of them began to fiddle with the stationery on the table, and some began to pass notes.

In the eyes of the students, these small movements should be invisible to the teacher, but in fact, Umbridge on the podium saw all of them clearly.

"You! Don't look innocent, I'm talking about you, that black-haired Gryffindor!" Umbridge roared, standing up suddenly, "What are you holding in your hand? Get it out! "

The Gryffindor girl who was called opened her hands in despair, and a white note was lying quietly in his palm.

With the same expression as him, there is a Ravenclaw boy not far away. The note in the girl's hand is exactly what he put in - he is pursuing the Gryffindor girl.

"How dare you do a little trick in my class!?" Umbridge said, "20 points off Gryffindor, write me a five-thousand-word review tomorrow!"

The Gryffindor girl's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and she lowered her head, holding back her tears.

And the Ravenclaw boy also had a look of guilt when he saw this, and stood up to accept Umbridge's punishment.

Surprisingly, however, Umbridge did not mean to punish him. On the contrary, Umbridge put on a genial expression and asked him:

"Student, do you have any questions?"


"Sit down, no problem," Umbridge said. "We're still going to class."

Now anyone could see that Umbridge was deliberately favoring Ravenclaw.

Many Ravenclaw were giggling, and they enjoyed this kind of preferential treatment.

Seeing this, Hermione couldn't bear it any longer, got up and yelled at Umbridge angrily:

"It's not fair! That note was clearly passed on to her by that boy!"

Harry Potter Raven's Claw

Harry Potter Raven's Claw

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