The uniforms worn by the Beauxbaton girls are very ingenious, revealing the sexy figures of the women without a doubt, but at the same time, they don't appear too explicit and coquettish, but instead give people a dignified and virtuous feeling.

Originally, the distance between the two teams was relatively far, and the Hogwarts boys didn't feel anything.

But when Beauxbaton's team passed by the Hogwarts square, the Hogwarts boys realized that the quality of Beauxbaton's girls was so high!

Franklin next to Mike was almost drooling, and Hillary, not far away, was itchy with anger when he saw this, and kicked Franklin's calf angrily.

However, Franklin, who had already been immersed in Furong's talent, didn't respond at all. Like an idiot, his eyes followed the movement of Beauxbaton's team.

Mike glanced at Hillary with interest, and the latter immediately hid behind a girl next to her with a flushed face.

Beauxbaton's team was not long, and quickly disappeared through the gate of the castle.

It wasn't until this time that the Hogwarts boys came back to their senses, and sighed regretfully.

But before everyone regretted it for a long time, a loud and strange voice floated from the darkness outside the castle.

The voice was very depressing, everyone heard the sound and looked into the darkness, and saw that under the moonlight, huge water splashed on the originally calm surface of the Black Lake.

Then, a huge vortex appeared in the very center of the lake, the vortex expanded, and gradually a long black rod-like thing slowly rose from the center of the vortex.

"That's a mast!" said a Hufflepuff student in the crowd. "It must be true, my dad is a sailor!"

His guess was right. Slowly, a large and magnificent ship rose out of the water, anchored in the center of the Black Lake, shining brightly in the moonlight.

It looks very weird, the surface of the ship is covered with a lot of moss, as if it is a shipwreck that has just been salvaged, or it is a legendary ghost ship that appears and disappears on the sea.

A sound that sounded like the roar of an elephant came from the ship, and then the big ship moved towards the direction of the Hogwarts people.

With a splash, an iron anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and finally, with another snap, a plank rested on the shore.

The people on the boat were going ashore, and through the lights on the boat, Mike could clearly see that the person walking in front was an old man.

He has long, smooth hair, the same color as the fur coat on his body, and it is silver-white.

And behind him, a pair of burly men followed neatly. These big men all had inch-cut hair, and they were wearing fur cloaks like the old man in the row, but compared to the old man's, the fur cloaks on them It looks extremely old, and the fur on it has been knotted.

"Dumbledore!" When he approached, the silver-haired man shouted enthusiastically, "My dear old man, how are you?"

"Excellent, thank you, Karkaroff."

Dumbledore seemed a little perfunctory, but Karkaroff didn't care. He continued to walk forward while looking up at Hogwarts Castle, and said in that mellow [UUReading 00kxs] voice:

"Dear old fellow Hogwarts! How are you too!"

It was only at this time that everyone could see the appearance of the white-haired man clearly through the light from the castle.

He was tall and thin, with a build similar to that of Dumbledore, with a goatee on his face and a small curl at the end.

After shaking hands with Dumbledore, he seemed to suddenly think of something, turned his head and said to the back:


Come here and warm up... you don't mind, Dumbledore? Victor has a cold. "

Dumbledore said he didn't mind, and then a boy came out of the darkness behind Karkaroff and came to the light.

"My God! It's Krum!"

There were bursts of low-pitched exclamations from the Hogwarts crowd. It was the Seeker who showed his prowess in the Quidditch World Cup final, Krum!

"I can't believe it, it's Krum!"

Franklin covered his face with trembling hands in excitement, and there were many people around who reacted like him.

"Calm down, he's just a Quidditch player." Mike said lightly.

For a person like Mike who is not very interested in Quidditch, and at the same time holds a lot of money and power in high positions, Krum is really just a Quidditch player, and if he dies, he is just a little famous. It's just a player, no big deal.

But others didn't think so. Several girls rushed forward with quill pens in their hands to sign, but they didn't have autograph books in their hands. Mike guessed that they wanted Klum to sign them. .

Franklin, who was next to Mike, reacted now, took out his wand and turned a pen, and was about to rush up, but was firmly stopped by Mike.

"I still can't afford to lose this person!"

As Mike said, Franklin gave up the idea of ​​going up to ask for an autograph when he saw this, but his expression was still a little regretful.

Dumbledore led everyone into the auditorium. The seats of the Hogwarts students had already been reserved, so Mike and the others quickly found their seats and sat down.

Beauxbaton's alumni sat next to Ravenclaw, whose school emblem was similar in color to their uniforms.

It's just that they all had sullen expressions on their faces, and three of them still wrapped their heads tightly with scarves and headscarves.

Only Durmstrang alumni still haven't chosen their seats.

Franklin, who sat next to Mike, was whispering, as if praying that Durmstrang's men would sit beside him.

It's a pity that Malfoy had already extended an invitation to Durmstrang's students beforehand, and successfully got them to sit on his side of the table.

Many people from other colleges clenched their fists, because they saw that Malfoy was talking with Krum, and his eyes drifted across other college people from time to time, as if he was showing off.

Durmstrang's students cast off their heavy cloaks and looked up with interest at the dark, star-studded ceiling.

Two of the students also picked up the golden plate and goblet and looked at it carefully, looking very interested.

"Damn Malfoy..."

Franklin complained resentfully, but was interrupted by a nice voice just halfway through.

"May I sit here, please?"

Franklin heard the reputation, his pupils straightened instantly, his mouth opened slightly, and then he did a backflip and left the seat directly.

"Of course! Miss Furong!"

His sudden movement startled Fleur, but she recovered quickly, thanked Franklin softly, and then sat down on Franklin's original seat, which was the seat to the left of Mike.

Sitting on Mike's right was Penello.

In just a split second, Mike was surrounded by countless hot eyes.

Among them, the two eyes from his left and right were the hottest, as if they wanted to roast him directly.

"Long time no see, Mike." Fu Rong said with a smile, "This is..."

Fleur looked over Mike and cast her eyes on Penello.

Before Mike's introduction, Penello rushed to say:

"I'm Penelope Clearwater, Mike's girlfriend, nice to meet you..."

The gazes of Penello and Fleur collided with sparks in mid-air. Although both of them were smiling now, anyone could tell that the relationship between the two of them was not good.

On the other side, Franklin recovered and stared blankly at the long Ravenclaw table that was already full. In the end, he could only sit in the seat that originally belonged to Fleur in Beauxbaton's team.

Among a group of white and tender girls, a big black guy who looked a little anxious appeared, which made many boys who feasted their eyes very dissatisfied.

On the contrary, the attitudes of those girls were relatively good, and they greeted Franklin with a smile.

This made Franklin, the first brother, blushed instantly, and bowed his head in silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" came Dumbledore's voice suddenly, "It is with great joy that I welcome you to Hogwarts, and I hope and trust that you will find yourself comfortable and happy here."

Mike looked over after hearing the reputation, and saw that all the teaching staff were sitting upright in the front seats of the auditorium, even Filch, who usually didn't sit at the table at all, was there.

It's just that today's Filch obviously dressed up specially, not only put on his moldy tuxedo, but even had his hair done.

In addition to them, Mike also found that there were two more people in the faculty seats.

They are all acquaintances, one is Ludo Bagman of the Sports Executive Division, and the other is an old acquaintance, Barty Crouch.

"The Tournament will officially begin after the banquet." Dumbledore said, "Now I invite everyone to eat and drink to their heart's content, just like at home!"

After all, the dinner plate in front of everyone was full of food as usual.

The food for the dinner was sumptuous, ranging from traditional British 'food' to exotic dishes such as French cuisine.

It can be seen that the house elves have put a lot of effort into today's dinner, but it's a pity that Beauxbaton's girls don't seem to be very interested in Hogwarts food, only when a famous French dish cream mushroom soup appeared Then their eyes lit up a little.

Although Franklin has been eating with his head down, his ears are still paying attention to the movement around him.

His hearing is not excellent, but he still heard some interesting words, such as: Furong, Biaozi, saohuo...

Franklin pretended not to hear, and continued to eat with his head down.

The dinner went smoothly, but after everyone felt that they had almost eaten, Dumbledore stood up again.

"The moment has finally arrived. The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin. I want to explain a few words. Bring in the box."

Filch stood up from his seat with a swipe, bowed his waist and quickly disappeared into the auditorium.

"I want to explain our program of activities for this year, but first, please allow me to introduce two guests, because there are still people who don't know them." Dumbledore pointed to Bagman and Crouch, "This is Bargman Mr Tickrauch, Director of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Magic, and this is Ludo Bagman, Director of Sports and Sports at the Ministry of Magic."

There was loud applause as soon as the voice came off the stage, but Mike didn't applaud, he just looked at Crouch on the stage meaningfully.

He really didn't expect that after retiring from the legal department, Crouch would go to the international cooperation department as the director.

"Okay everyone, please stop for a moment." Dumbledore said, "They will join me, Professor Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim to form a jury to judge the warriors."

The word "warrior" once again excited the students in the audience, and at this time Filch also returned to the auditorium, holding a large wooden box inlaid with jewels in his hand.

"Thank you, Filch." Dumbledore took the wooden box and thanked Filch, "We have carefully reviewed the specific items of this year's Warriors competition. There are three items in total, Taking place at different times throughout the school year, they will test warriors in many different ways, such as magical aptitude, guts, wits, and more.

Then, as I'm sure you already know, there will be three warriors representing one school each. They will be graded according to the quality of their completion of each event, and the Warrior with the highest score after all three events will win the Triwizard Cup. And it is an impartial selector who is responsible for selecting the warriors, and it is the Goblet of Fire! "

Having said that, Dumbledore placed the wooden box on the table in front of him, pulled out his wand and tapped the box lid three times.

The lid creaked open, and Dumbledore reached in and pulled out a large goblet of rough-hewn wood.

There was nothing strange about the cup itself, but it was filled with dancing blue and white flames.

"Every student who wants to run for a warrior must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into the Goblet of Fire." Dumbledore said, "The registration time is 24 hours, tomorrow night, also On the eve of Halloween, the Goblet of Fire will choose the names of the three students it thinks best represent the three schools. Tonight, the goblet will be placed in the auditorium, and all students who are willing to participate in the election can touch it.

Of course, in order to prevent students who are underage from being unable to withstand the temptation. I would draw an age line around it, and no one under the age of fourteen could cross that line. "

"Finally, I want to remind everyone. This competition is not a child's play. Don't take part in it rashly. Because once you are selected by the Goblet of Fire, you must persist in the competition to the end.

Whoever puts his name into the cup actually forms a contract that must be obeyed, and the price of violating this contract is something that no one is willing to pay. "

Dumbledore's final discovery undoubtedly poured cold water on the heads of those who were so excited that they could hardly control themselves, but Dumbledore didn't care about the reactions of everyone in the audience, but went on to say:

"Well, I think it's time for everyone to go to bed. Good night everyone."

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