Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 235 Journey to Hogsmeade Village

Snape was petty and stupid, as shown by his constant use of petty tactics to punish Harry.

Although Snape's pettiness and stupidity are endearing to us readers who look down on it from the perspective of God, it does not hide the nature of Snape's stupidity.

In fact, the vast majority of people in the entire wizarding world have a small family spirit.

Like Lucius, the head of the Malfoy family, he is a petty person.

Any other successful man in the Muggle world who has done his family business to the same extent as he did would not be able to do the stupid things he did to the Weasleys.

The real big man, doing things only for interests.

In order to obtain more benefits, personal honor and disgrace really does not matter.

Mike firmly believes that the fundamental reason for the small family of wizards is that the wizard society is too small and too backward.

This will give birth to a lot of bumpkins like Snape and Lucius!

But no matter how much Mike despised these people in private, he couldn't deny that Snape, this stupid man, had caused him trouble.

The result of his binge drinking with Cedric and Harry yesterday was a deduction and a grounding. Deduction Mike doesn't care, as long as his plans for this year are successful, he won't need the Academy Cup to boost his prestige.

But banning is different.

Although the space ban at Hogwarts is invalid for Shuke and Beta, since these two little guys have never been to Hogwarts, they cannot appear directly in Hogwarts with a bang, and they also need a Mike belt. They go in there themselves.

So, Mike planned to take the opportunity to go to Hogsmeade Village to bring these two little guys to get acquainted with Hogwarts, and by the way, he could also get the 'Unbreakable Oath' and 'Shadow Shift' that they bought outside. The Scroll of Knowledge of 'Shape' and 'The End of All Spells'.

But it's all gone now, because of stingy Snape.

But it's not like Mike can't go out. The Marauder's map is still on him. Last year, the Weasley brothers were too embarrassed to ask Mike for it because of Percy's reasons. It was given to him by default.

And Mike naturally has no intention of returning it.

Just kidding, Marauder's map can display people's names in real time. What if you accidentally find a person named Peter Pettigrew next to your brother?

Is Mike's own plan still going?

In fact, Mike believes that this plot should be a bug in the original work. Just imagine that two mischievous teenagers have obtained a prank tool like the Marauder's Map. Will they use it to peep at their classmates or even their relatives trend?

With the Marauder's Map in their hands for so long, it was basically impossible for Pettigrew Peter not to be exposed.

Then again,

With the Marauder's map in his hand, Mike naturally knew most of the secret passages in Hogwarts, and of course some of them lead to Hogsmeade Village.

For sympathy, Mike took Harry with him when he set off for Hogsmeade, and as for Cedric, he was tired of Hogsmeade, and his homework burden increased as he moved up to sixth grade. The heavier it gets, the less desire to go shopping.

For the same reason, Penello did not choose to leave Hogwarts.

When the breathless Harry came to the secret passage, Mike was tired of waiting.

Harry also knew that he was late, and raised his seemingly empty hand a little embarrassed to explain: "I'm going to get the invisibility cloak, you know it, it's..."

Mike naturally knew the origin of the Invisibility Cloak in Harry's hand, and waved his hand to interrupt Harry's words, turned his head and took out his wand and aimed it at the statue of the one-eyed witch.

"Separate left and right."

Under Harry's astonished gaze, the hunchback of the statue opened, revealing a passageway that could accommodate a thinner man.


Harry cried out excitedly, but then he looked around vigilantly, for fear that someone would suddenly appear.

Seeing that Harry hadn't forgotten that they were going to Hogsmeade Village privately in violation of Professor McGonagall's restraining order, Mike nodded with satisfaction and took the lead in getting into the passage.

The beginning of the passage was a long slide, and Mike felt himself sliding down the slide for a long time before falling to the cold and wet dirt.

Mike stood up and half bowed his body to release fluorescent flashes.

Harry fell off the slide only when the soft light filled the surroundings.

"This is so cool! How did you know about this secret passage!"

Harry, who was using the secret passage for the first time, was obviously very excited and asked Mike excitedly.

Of course Mike didn't tell Harry the truth, so he said perfunctorily: "Don't forget that I did a year of Dolphin magic drink smuggling business with George and Fred last year, so it's not surprising to know this secret passage."

"Damn, they didn't tell me this secret passage!"

"Stop complaining, let's go!"

Under Mike's command, Harry finally stopped complaining without a doubt, and followed behind Mike to the depths of the passage.

This secret path is extremely long and twists and turns, more like a mouse hole.

Harry and Mike walked for ten minutes until they reached the bottom of a dilapidated stone staircase.

Mike stopped here, first cast a disillusionment spell on himself, and then let Harry put on the invisibility cloak before stepping up the stairs.

The design of the stairs is very unreasonable, each step is extremely high, which makes it very uncomfortable for Mike and Harry to step on.

Fortunately, since the passage had been going uphill from the beginning, the stairs were not long, and after a while, Mike had his head on a trapdoor.

Rubbing his aching head, Mike pushed open the trapdoor and climbed out.

Here is a cellar, with crates and other wooden chests piled around.

Mike waited until Harry climbed out too, then carefully closed the trapdoor.

The two invisible people naturally couldn't see each other, which made Harry very uneasy, calling out to Mike in a low voice from time to time, afraid that Mike would leave him here and leave him alone.

Reluctantly, Mike could only reply Harry in a low voice and let him go straight up the stairs.

At the end of the cellar stairs is a wooden door. When Mike and Harry carefully opened the wooden door, they saw the true face of Duke Bee's candy store.

The current Duke Bee is crowded with Hogwarts students, and the clerks at the counter are so busy that they don't even notice the two invisible people, Harry and Mike.

Seeing this, Mike quickly stabbed Harry and motioned him to go out quickly.

When the two carefully entered the store, they were almost stunned.

I saw rows and rows of huge shelves filled with the most delicious and juicy candies, large creamy yellow butter marzipan, sparkling pink coconut sorbet, honey-colored toffee, hundreds of kinds of whole. Neat chocolate, a big bucket of Bibi Da flavor beans and zizi honey...

Mike even saw Dumbledore's favorite pile of cockroaches in the corner!

But Mike is not a child, and his resistance to candy is much stronger than Harry's.

Even if the other wall is filled with super bubble gum like Bubble (can blow many bubbles, it will not burst for several days. There are many flavors, and the bubbles blown out are different according to the taste. It is said that there are special bubbles in some places. Bubble Contest, the Weasley Brothers wanted to participate because the bubbles they blew were big and solid) The candy with special effects didn't stop him.

"Let's go, you will have a chance to come here in the future!"

Mike whispered in Harry's ear, who was stunned, and this made Harry come back to his senses and followed him out of Duke Bee.

In an alley outside Duke Bee, Shuke and Beta were waiting.

When Mike's voice suddenly sounded in an unoccupied corner, Shuke's face immediately showed joy, and a small suitcase appeared in his hand while bending over.

Mike took the suitcase and opened it, and saw three rolls of parchment laying securely inside, and then he was satisfied to put the suitcase together and carefully put it into the responsive bag.

Don't be careful, this was bought at a high price for Mike's words.

Unbreakable Oath, Transfiguration, and Ten Thousand Spells all ended. These three spells cost more than 30,000 Galleons in total, and an average spell costs 10,000!

Harry on the side didn't care about the interaction between Mike and Shook. In fact, he was staring at the crowd of people coming and going outside the alley, and his mind had already flown to somewhere.

Hogsmeade is the only remaining pure wizarding village in the UK, and no Muggles are allowed to live there.

Therefore, the wizarding atmosphere in the village is very strong, and almost everything is very different from the Muggle world. Harry can't wait to start his adventure in this wizarding village.

Mike naturally wouldn't refuse Harry's request, he brought Harry out this time just to let Harry relax.

Winking at Shuke, Shuke quickly took out two masks and gave them to Mike and Harry.

Mike's is a monkey with a cigar, and Harry's is a chubby pig's head.

Although he felt that his mask was much uglier than Mike's, Harry couldn't care less about it at this time. He hurriedly took off the invisibility cloak and quickly put on the pig head mask.

Harry, who was ready, immediately became unhappy when he saw that Mike was still slowing down, and began to urge.

Half an hour later, two people in full-wrap masks came out of the alley, followed by two house-elves.

To be honest, Mike and Harry dressed more like bank robbers than students and tourists. If they were walking on the streets of London, they would definitely be caught and questioned by the police.

But there's no problem walking in Hogsmeade, it's a wizard's village, and there are even weirder wizards dressed up here.

Mike and Harry are just like children.

Today is Halloween, and there will be a Halloween dinner in the evening. In order not to be discovered that the two of them have sneaked out, they must go back before three o'clock in the afternoon.

So there wasn't much time left for Mike and Harry.

In this case, Harry naturally wouldn't waste any time. As soon as he came out of the alley, he pulled Mike into the Duke of Bee and started to sweep.

Due to time constraints, he did not carefully check the introduction of the candy, and just grabbed some of each and went to the counter to line up to check out.

Mike saw with his own eyes that Harry's candy basket was full of pepper urchins (a little black and small candy that tasted so hot that you could breathe fire. It really fires!) and exploding fondant (really It's going to explode!), and started a moment of silence for Harry's stomach.

Mike admits that his stomach is not as good as Harry's, so he buys a lot of zizi bees and piles of cockroaches.

As Duke Bee's signature candy, Zizi Bee Candy is of course expensive, but fortunately Mike is a local tyrant now, and the Dolphin Beverage Factory now brings him thousands of gold Galleons every week, so naturally he doesn't think it's expensive.

He even settled Harry's bills.

"Thank you, Mike. It's just that you don't have to, my parents left me a lot of money..."

"Okay, don't talk about this. The money your parents left you is for you to marry a wife and buy a house, so you can keep it well." Mike pouted and said, "You have spent all your money now, and in the future You won't be able to get a wife! Or even if you get a wife, you can only live with your wife in her parents' house!"

Harry was a child after all, and he didn't really feel the meaning of Mike's words. He just thought that Mike was persuading him to save money.

He was about to say something to thank some Mikes, but his words suddenly changed when he caught sight of the large bottle of crawling cockroaches in Mike's basket.

"Uh, I understand the truth, but why did you buy a cockroach pile?"

Mike's face froze, he couldn't tell Harry that the cockroach pile was actually delicious, right?

So he said perfunctorily: "This is for Dumbledore. You know, he likes to eat this strange candy the most."

Harry nodded in understanding, and Mike let out a sigh of relief.

Then the two continued to go shopping.

I have to say that the wizarding village of Hogsmeade is really interesting. Mike and Harry have visited almost every store, from the Joko joke shop that specializes in prank props such as dung bombs to the famous three Don't miss the Broom Bar.

It is worth mentioning that they also met the three Weasley brothers in the joke shop. According to Harry, the Weasley brothers had almost run out of prank props, so this time they came out to replenish the ammunition.

Harry originally wanted to go up and meet them, but was stopped by Mike.

What are you kidding me, you are a famous person, if someone else sees you appearing in Hogsmeade, won't you have to implicate me at that time?

Although this possibility is small, it has to be prevented.

The two of them were just so happy shopping, but when Harry saw a sign on one wall, the good mood was completely destroyed.

'Ministry of Magic... Dementors will patrol Hogsmeade every day at sunset... This order will not be lifted until Sirius is captured...'

The smile on Harry's face disappeared after reading the above.

Seeing this, Mike patted Harry's shoulder twice to comfort him, and said at the same time, "So Professor McGonagall didn't let you out because he loves you. After all, Black's target is probably you."

"I know, it's all because of the murderer Black that I can't come to Hogsmeade with everyone!" Harry cursed Black irritably, but then he seemed to be afraid that Mike would be worried, or that Mike would be worried about Black next time. Instead of bringing him here, he said, "But now the streets are full of dementors, so Blake shouldn't have a chance to get near here! So, Professor McGonagall is really making a fuss!"

After saying that, Harry turned and walked towards Duke Bee. It was getting late, and it was time for them to return to Hogwarts.

Mike, on the other hand, looked at Harry's back with a strange expression.

Tonight is Halloween, and it's also the time of Black's first attack!

If nothing else, Harry was going to be slapped in the face tonight.

Harry Potter Raven's Claw

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