Strikers and Aurors were all summoned, and wizards from all over the world were also notified to go to the Snowdon Mountains in northern Wales to encircle and suppress the remnants of the Death Eaters...

The method Voldemort used to hunt and kill Lockhart half a year ago was used by the victim this time to deal with the desperate Dark Lord...

The same thing between the two great sieges is that it was the dementors who let the Ministry of Magic know the approximate location of the fugitives: when Voldemort hunted and killed Lockhart, the dementors were used to search for the target in the encirclement, and they did find out Lockhart; and this time, the Ministry of Magic only needs to surround the place where the traces of the dementors are found, and trap the hunted target!

"There is another problem. If the mysterious man wants to run, none of us can stop him," Lockhart said, "He is the person with the most magic power and the fastest flying speed in the world. In this regard... Martin, let me tell you." Things to do--"

"Don't worry, as long as the mysterious person doesn't see you, he will run away..." Martin showed a mysterious smile: "When the Department of Mysteries' single-target no-fly barrier is completed, he will have no chance to run even if he wants to."

"This matter must be done properly. If the magic power is insufficient, all energy consumption except the defense system of the Ministry of Magic can be requisitioned. You can even cut off the floo network in other places first." Lockhart smiled with satisfaction: "Then, Rufus goes to the front to command the Aurors, Martin goes to prepare other things, and I'm going to arrange the manpower to deal with Grindelwald."


Maybe there is nothing in Snowton Hill, maybe there are just some dementors hiding, if that is the case, just treat this big move by the Ministry of Magic as a drill, and there is nothing to lose anyway.

Of all Lockhart's helpers, Martin and Scrimgeour must have been there. The two professors, Slughorn and Flitwick, and the two old Chinese wizards have also been living in the residential area of ​​the Ministry of Magic. Sirius Living in London, the place where Grindelwald lives is separated from him only by a spell of loyalty...

Then Lockhart only needs to inform Snape, Dean Bloody and another Aberforth Dumbledore who showed extraordinary strength in the defense of Hogwarts and is willing to help in advance. All in place.

Eleven wizard assistants whose strength is between strong and top-notch, even though the strength of the resurrected one is beyond expectations and is close to his own level without the Elder Wand. A group of three is definitely enough to contain one, not to mention dozens of Aurors, hundreds of strikers and more Ministry of Magic assistants...

If the number of resurrected people is less than four, then there is no suspense in this battle; if Voldemort has created five or six resurrected people. Or their strength far exceeds expectations, and they may fall into a bitter battle...

Never lose!

Impossible to lose!

But what if you can't beat it?

Being unable to beat and being unable to fight are not the same concept. The former refers to being unable to defeat the opponent. In that case, Lockhart can only take everyone back to the Ministry of Magic. Announce all the secrets of Horcruxes and resurrection magic and Voldemort's conspiracy to the whole of Europe and even the world, and then request formal assistance.

What if when we got there, we found that Voldemort already had a huge army of resurrected people, and even set traps?

The Department of Mysteries has received Lockhart's top-secret orders. Muggle intelligence agents are ready to control the British military base at any time, and a powerful magical barrier has been set up in the dungeon.

As long as Lockhart is in a desperate situation - not only can't win, but can't even run away, the missile base closest to the battlefield will be under the control of the wizard, and launch a large-yield nuclear bomb to Lockhart's position, killing both sides , the Death Eaters locked in the Ministry of Magic dungeon will also be executed immediately.

This is the real death of jade and stone, to this point. Lockhart's bet is that Voldemort has no will and ability to revive his followers after this battle - by then, the Dark Lord has no chance of turning around, but the Horcrux of the White Lord still loves him deeply side of his wife.


The resurrection magic Lockhart also left to Hermione, the Ministry of Magic has a lot of wizards who know potions,

Even the girl's own grades in potions are not bad, he still has a chance!

This is just a way to deal with the worst situation, and it won't make it to this point... Lockhart can only comfort himself in this way.

Voldemort has only been hidden for three and a half months. If he had started this plan three months ago, it would indeed be enough to resurrect a large number of wizards... But according to various signs, it can be speculated that Voldemort will not implement this plan for too long. It is likely that the idea or determination was made in the days before the attack on Potions Manor not long ago.

Ginny's thinking is reasonable: if Voldemort really forced all his Death Eaters to make Horcruxes—after discovering the great danger of this "immortality" method, it is impossible for those Death Eaters to obediently serve him. The one who raided the Potion Manor to collect the ingredients for the Resurrection Soup...

It is reasonable to infer that Voldemort told his men that he was going to teach them the method of immortality before letting them start collecting materials... until all the materials were in place. Voldemort put everyone in one place and forced them to be Horcruxes.

That would explain why so far no Death Eaters have turned themselves in.

Such a short period of time is only enough for a group of Horcrux owners to be resurrected, maybe even the first batch has not had time to be born. As long as you quickly find out their hiding place... and wipe them out immediately, you can still continue to enjoy the comfortable life of the big villain before, and you still have the opportunity to watch the wizarding world grow stronger step by step!


To the north west of London, three hundred kilometers away.

Tom, or Voldemort. I regret it now.

He had kept the dementors in place to serve as his guard against wizards who might discover his hiding place. But two days ago, a few dementors couldn't bear the hunger and went down the mountain to attack Muggles...

The lives of Muggles are of course worthless, they are dead when they die, but they should never be discovered by wizards from the Ministry of Magic!

These stupid, vile and dirty creatures!

Voldemort was full of anger at this moment, and he now made the same decision as his enemy, to completely exterminate the Dementor species after the end of the war.


The tide is gone? Three months ago, when he fled here with his horcrux, he really felt this way.

The mysterious wizard who was later confirmed to be Gilderoy Lockhart was not his opponent—in fact, no one in the world was his opponent, but the opponent took back the Ministry of Magic, and after cleverly distracting himself, he was at Hogwarts. Ci killed a large number of his reliable men.

There is no strong enough team to make a comeback.

But after calming down for a while, he realized that there was still a chance: he definitely killed Lockhart that day, so since he can reappear, he must be resurrected... Now it seems that there is no doubt that Sne Pu that guy revived him, and my trust in this guy seems to be correct... It's just that he was a master of potions at the time, so I told him the method of resurrection...

There is no doubt that resurrection magic is useless to ordinary wizards who have not made Horcruxes. What he didn't expect was that that guy Lockhart actually made Horcruxes and handed them over to Snape for safekeeping !

It is useless to worry about where and when Lockhart learned to make Horcruxes, or regret telling Snape about the resurrection magic. Since there is a second person resurrected with the same method, which means that his success is not accidental, but can be replicated, then maybe he can let the gang of escaped waste under him play a little bit of waste heat?

So, Voldemort found this cave, set magic on the cave wall, and after spending two months collecting enough potion materials, he locked all the Death Eaters and their families here, and began to let them make potions. Horcruxes...


【Recommendation ticket】

——(To be continued.)


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