Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 404: The Future of Wizards (Part 2)

"As expected of a leader, you think so much..." Harry flattered him calmly.

Lockhart smiled at the savior: "Before I became the Minister of Magic, I thought that wizards didn't know much about it, didn't do anything, and let Muggles catch up and surpass them. But now I have authority, and I can read top-secret files and information ...So I know: the wizarding world has long had prophets who have discovered something is wrong, and the Ministry of Magic has long had an institution similar to the Muggle Research Institute. It's just that for various reasons, there is no way to start work smoothly—"

"Why?" Bill knew he was finally getting to the point.

"The most fundamental point is: there are too few wizards who are willing to study the nature and principles of magic. Most wizards, including myself, are more willing to use the spells taught to us by our professors at Hogwarts. Just be proficient in using it, why do you need to understand how it works." Lockhart admitted helplessly: "In this respect, most wizards are not even comparable to guys like Voldemort, at least they are willing to study it Magic, although it is only to make the spell more powerful and make the body stronger... It is a pity that the path has gone astray, or it has gone in a direction that others cannot accept."

"Understood." Furong also showed a rare look of admiration: "That's why you need more wizard population, but the immigrants... are all for welfare."

"When you have enough food and clothing, wizards will naturally want to find something to do. Look at Arthur, he is an honest man who works hard all day to support a large family. Would he be curious about the working principle of magic? No Possibly! Similarly, I can't ask those wizards who haven't solved the problem of eating to worry about "meaningless" things like "how magic works"-but with benefits, the population base has increased, and it will naturally come out Talented and interesting people." Lockhart looked at Gabriel, and the little Veela still looked at him with that adoring expression. "Even if only one out of ten wizards is curious about the magic they are using, only one out of a hundred such curious wizards is willing to take practical action to study this thing—"

"Then as long as there are a thousand wizards, there can be one wizard-scientist..." Hermione helped him finish, "What a strange term. Wizard-scientist."

Arthur was a little interested: "How many wizards are registered with the Ministry of Magic now?"

"In the early ten thousand," said Lockhart, "but it's still going up, and maybe even more when the Floo network is back up."

"There are so many wizards in England?" Fred said in surprise, "No wonder the business we opened is always better than expected."

"In the past, the number of registered wizards in the British Ministry of Magic was only 3,000, because registration not only required payment, but also didn't get any great benefits—oh, it can't be said that there are no benefits, at least it will provide the "Daily Prophet" and so on. The rest Many wizards in the country cannot use custom-made wands, and the Ministry of Magic cannot use wands to detect their spellcasting behavior. Ninety-nine percent of criminal wizards are unregistered-the three thousand registered Even if a wizard commits a crime, it is a matter of temper or philosophy. There are very few people who break the law maliciously." Lockhart explained: "At the same time, we also count magical creatures with equal intelligence such as centaurs, elves, goblins, etc. as wizards. Among the population, the number will naturally go up... When the werewolves are included in the later stage, the number may be even more."

"The main targets of the Aurors and Strikers are these unregistered wizards." Hermione asked softly, "It sounds messy."

"Of course it's messy, and those three thousand registered wizards would be too easy to catch if they used registered wands to commit crimes!" Lockhart nodded, "But the unregistered wizards, who don't know where they come from: dug out from the grave, ancestral, Even snatching and erasing the wand of the imprint, and committing crimes in non-wizard gathering areas, it is too difficult to investigate! It takes a lot of visits and investigations to find them and then arrest them. The only cute thing about them is that most of them have not been subjected to formal wizards. Training, mediocre combat effectiveness, and generally not apparating... Once you find it,

It's like being caught. "

"There's nothing wrong with catching them. They are usually registered and educated, and then released after a period of time." Arthur knows this aspect very well, after all, arresting unregistered wizards has something to do with his original job. "Like Mundungus... Even if Dumbledore doesn't go get him out of prison, he will only be released after a period of time. After all, he is only a petty thief. Not enough to use a dementor kiss he."

"Where is Mundungus now?" Hermione asked.

"After registering my identity, I hid." Bill said, "I guess he was ashamed to see us."

"I'll go find him in a couple of days," said Lockhart. "After all, he's pretty good at collecting gossip. But he can't call himself the Order of the Phoenix anymore, and I'm going to change the Order of the Phoenix from a company dedicated to working with Voldemort." The transformation of a small group of wizards fighting against each other into a large multinational forum-type organization of highly qualified and enlightened wizards..."

"It turns out that what we call the dispute between black and white wizards is essentially that the Ministry of Magic uses a part of the money of law-abiding wizards to hire a small number of excellent law-abiding wizards and let them deal with a large number of unregistered wizards who do not abide by the law?" . It was shocking to have no access to the lowest part of the wizarding world at all. "I never understood why there are so many dark wizards!"

"Yes, and most of the money comes from the pure-blood families," Lockhart said, "so you get the idea... I guess that's how it is in other countries now, and they just need a Voldemort-like figure to evoke some The pure-blood family has broken the law of secrecy. The British Ministry of Magic is the first wizarding government in Europe that has completely got rid of the control of the big family. It needs to maintain the strongest strength. Once other countries are dissatisfied with the law of secrecy and try to challenge its power, Immediately send an Auror to investigate to see if Voldemort is playing tricks."

"So you also suspect that he ran abroad?"

"It's just to guard against this possibility. You really have to believe in evil. The more you think it's impossible, the more you have to guard against it." Lockhart looked at Fu Rong, but felt that this seemed too obvious, so he looked at others first. "For many reasons, I now need a large number of wizard immigrants. As the Order of the Phoenix, you should take the lead in supporting this action. If there are relatives abroad who are interested in this, you can invite them to come to the UK."

"Well, I have a few distant relatives. I can contact them and ask them to bring the old and the young. Just give them a manor." Sirius spoke first.

"Well, thank you." Lockhart nodded, "Fleur, you see that Gabriel happened to have learned English, do you want to consider letting your parents come over, she can go to Hogwarts, I can let the school The professor here took special care of her."

"Ask my parents about this, I can't make the decision." It was rare for Fu Rong to honestly not question other people's decisions.

"Well, if necessary, I can write a letter to invite." Lockhart pretended to be casual and said, his eyes skipped the little Veela who was still radiating charm and unconsciously, and his heart felt hot again.

Lockhart made up a bunch of reasons just to keep this wonderful little stunner? Of course not, it is true that the Ministry of Magic welcomes immigrants from all over the world, and there are already a large number of foreign wizards intending to immigrate - so many that there is no need for members of the Order of the Phoenix to call their relatives to join them. But if this little baby can be kept with a reasonable excuse, that would be the best result.

"I'm afraid that some foreign perverts will come here because British wizards can have polygamy—" Mrs. Weasley still resented this policy very much.

"I can stipulate that new immigrant wizards do not apply to this law." Lockhart curled his lips indifferently. Anyway, this law is just a product of his selfishness, and he can change it as he likes. "I sincerely hope that the wizarding world, at least the British wizarding world, can break the stagnant state during my term of office and show vitality and a new look. I sincerely hope that...we wizards can always proudly tell Muggles: I know magic .”


[Recommendation ticket. 】

——(To be continued.)


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