Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 177 Infighting? (superior)

Sirius Black ran outside and brought back western food. Three men—no, it should be two men, and a boy ate while chatting.

"Harry, how do you feel about Zhang Qiu?" Lockhart said with a smile, "Don't learn to pedal two boats at a young age."

"...Nothing, just normal friends..." Harry said awkwardly.

"Who is Zhang Qiu?" Sirius asked curiously. He was still more concerned about the love life of his godson. "Ginny is very good. It's hard to find a pure-blooded girl with such a temper to me."

Suddenly there were hurried footsteps at the door, and Snape suddenly rushed in, startling several people with his angry look.

"Dumbledore, this old guy!" Snape's anger almost drowned the three of them. He also raised his hand and beckoned the Patronus, as if to notify others to come to the meeting. Harry's attention.

"What's the matter, Severus?" Lockhart asked with concern. "Isn't there any activity lately? We are waiting for the Muggle to conduct a survey and statistics of the whole of Britain."

"Emeline Vance is dead!" Snape growled.

"What!" Before Lockhart could react, Sirius cried out in horror, "Why did she die? Didn't she help the Muggle Prime Minister handle affairs? It's not dangerous!"

"Potter, go upstairs after you eat, it's none of your business!" Snape saw Harry and rushed him unceremoniously.

"No, I'm going to the meeting too!" Harry shouted without showing any weakness, he had decided not to take Muggle studies next term, and now that he was with the godfather, he was not afraid of Snape at all.

"Harry, be obedient, you can't control this." Lockhart also recalled that Emmeline Vance was a middle-aged female member of the Order of the Phoenix, but because she was a peripheral member, she hardly remembered it.

"Don't eat it! Come to the meeting room!" Snape walked into the meeting room without looking back.

Lockhart then walked into the conference room. Sirius also felt that it was not good for Harry to participate in the discussion this time, so he had to say a few words to Harry outside and asked him to go upstairs obediently before entering the meeting. room.

Snape just sat there with a sullen face and said nothing. No matter how Lockhart asked Snape, he insisted on waiting for everyone to get together. A few minutes later, Lupin and Tonks also came to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, then Moody, Mundungus and some of the outer members, Dedalo Digg, Hestia Jones, etc., and finally even Professor McGonagall and Hagrid came because school didn't start, and Kingsley didn't come because he was protecting the Muggle Prime Minister.

"What's the matter, Severus?" McGonagall asked curiously. She rarely attended meetings of the Order of the Phoenix. Now these dozen people seem to be almost all meetings. If Voldemort brought the Death Eaters to rush Come in, but it's a pot.

"Emeline Vance died because of that old Dumbledore!" Snape told the uninformed, "He told me that I could give her information to the Eater in order to make the Dark Lord trust me. On the side of the dead."

"Emeline is dead?" Tonks screamed. "What happened?"

"I followed Dumbledore's instructions and told the Dark Lord what Emmeline was doing, but Emmeline didn't know about it!" Snape yelled, "And then she was killed by the Death Eaters! "

There was an uproar in the conference room. This kind of thing made everyone feel insecure. It was not so much anger, but more panic. If for the safety of spies, the lives of other members would be sacrificed. Who knows if the next one will be you? You should leave the Order of the Phoenix immediately!

"Dumbledore wouldn't do such a thing!" exclaimed Hagrid.

"Would you like me to show you the memory, eh?" Snape was furious. "I'm afraid you'll think I faked it when you see it, you stupid big guy who doesn't know how to use your brain at all!"

"You!" Hagrid stood up,

Head hit the chandelier on the ceiling, making it wobbly.

"Why, I'm afraid of you?" Snape drew his wand with a fierce look. "Giant blood doesn't make you immune to magic, dear Hagrid."

"Stop!" McGonagall yelled.

"Stop arguing, this is a big deal, let's contact Headmaster Dumbledore." Lupin said calmly, then took out a note from the Order of the Phoenix and tried to contact Dumbledore. Hagrid resisted his anger and sat down. down.

"You didn't know if Emmeline knew before you told the news to You-Know-Who!" Sirius Black asked loudly, pointing at Snape.

Snape couldn't keep his cool any longer, he slapped the table vigorously: "You said it lightly! Shouldn't Dumbledore do this with a note? Among the members, especially me, it is best to Don't get in touch with other members, the ideal is that I don't even know you!"

"It's unfair to accuse Severus like this, Sirius." Professor McGonagall also spoke. "This is definitely Dumbledore's work error."

"Working mistakes are the best!" Lockhart couldn't calm down. "If it was intentional, it would be a naked-naked waste of life!"

"How's it going?" Snape asked impatiently, where Lupin was still fiddling with the note. "Did that old guy enter some unreachable place again?"

"Looks like..." Lupin said uneasily, showing the note to everyone: there was no response.

Snape grabbed the note and ripped it to pieces. Although rude, Lupin immediately forgave him - at this time, Dumbledore should have appeared immediately to explain, no matter what, or the group would have dispersed. .

The members of the Order of the Phoenix in the conference room were discussing with each other as if they had exploded. Some were angry, while others tried to explain to Dumbledore. Dumbledore appeared shortly after the note was broken. Not knowing what he had just done, he looked a little haggard again.

Dumbledore was obviously surprised by the presence of so many people: "What's the matter? There are so many people, and even my secrecy has been called, which is quite dangerous!"

"Old man! How did Emmeline Vance die?" Snape demanded loudly.

"What!" Dumbledore's tired face suddenly became serious, and almost instantly, he remembered that he had forgotten an important thing. He immediately took out his note and put it down a few seconds later - Emmeline Vance was indeed dead.

"I'm sorry, everyone..."

"You're sorry?" Lockhart interrupted, with Dumbledore's performance apparently confirming Snape's claim. "You sold a member to the Death Eaters and said sorry?"

"Dumbledore, explain quickly?" Hagrid was still imagining.

Mag also saw that something was wrong: "Is it really your problem. Mr. Principal?"

"No doubt, it's my problem." Dumbledore signaled everyone to be quiet. "I asked Snape to pretend to reveal this news to Voldemort, but for some reason, I forgot to tell the person concerned to avoid danger."

"Forgot?" This time even Tonks was furious, she stood up and said loudly despite Lupin's dissuasion: "Can such an important thing be forgotten? I can't accept this explanation! I'm going to have a fight with Remus right away. Baby, I don't want him to be the second Harry Potter! . .

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