Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 108 Forced Evacuation (Part 2)

(I was just about to post two chapters in a row. After I posted one chapter, I splashed a glass of water on my notebook, and I almost freaked out. I didn’t believe that my computer was broken and the manuscript was lost. Fortunately, I’m fine. PS: The author found that he was finally not. The only person who has reviewed this book, thank you)



"Separate left and right!"

Although the wizard on the opposite side was not an Auror-level professional, he was better than a little more, and a large number of spells caused the doors of the airport hall to be destroyed.

Lockhart hid behind a desk, also hid here, and a Muggle worker at the airport, she was terrified, shaking her head.

"Out of body." Lockhart controlled the French woman and asked her to lean out. Sure enough, she was immediately hit by a stun spell and fell limply. Taking this opportunity, Lockhart stretched out his arm and savagely put a devil's flame on the place where the spell came from, only to see several wizards screaming and rushing out from there.

The other Aurors took their chances and knocked down the wizards.

"They're running out of people, rush out!" Moody shouted.

All Aurors braved the flying spells and forcibly rushed behind each other's bunker, almost attacking each other at a close-to-hands-to-hand distance. Several unfortunate Aurors were hit by the opponent's spell, but at this time the advantages of casting speed and power were revealed - after knocking down all opponents, most of the Aurors still had combat effectiveness, and only two were beaten. Forget it.

"Take these two guys, hurry up, our queen!" Moody yelled at Lockhart, so Lockhart and several other wizards floated up their injured colleagues and walked to the tarmac... Moody and Doris guards behind.

"Soul out of your body!" "Soul out of your body!" "Soul out of your body!"...

From the concourse of the airport to the arrival of the plane, the few Aurors who were not injured used the Imperius Curse several times each, more wizards were arrested for using the Imperius Curse than in the whole of the UK last year. All the Muggle security and staff who were obstructing the road, even the innocent wizards were all under control, some took them to find the plane, and some helped them bring the captain who heard the movement and was running away - and then Moody Forced him back to the plane with his wand—

"Take off! Immediately! Immediately!" Moody threw off his hat, ripped off his blindfold, and glared at the pilot with the magic eye, and then shattered his water glass with a spell.

"OK! OK! Don't kill me!" The Muggle pilot trembled nervously, begging for mercy in English, and scrambling to operate the plane.

"Use the Imperius to stop those bitches!" Moody yelled back into the passenger compartment, and Lockhart used Imperius to control the French stewardess.

The door of the plane was closed, the engine started, and it was slowly moving to the takeoff runway... The siren of a French police car was heard outside the plane. The French Ministry of Magic had cut off the Floo network, but no Muggle police responded quickly. .

"We have a hostage! Don't be nervous!" Doris comforted a few Aurors who didn't know what to do. "Muggles won't attack this plane."

Lockhart looked out the window and saw a large number of police cars parked around them with their lights flashing, Muggle cops hiding behind them with their weapons out and watching them. The French cops in the police car started chattering in French through the car horn. Doris didn't give them an interpreter this time, because it was no longer necessary... The plane began to accelerate taxiing, left the runway, and entered above the clouds over France. All Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wake up these guys, Anna." Daowishi slumped in his chair and said, "What spell are they all hit?"

Anna carefully inspected the two lying Aurors: "One is stunned, and it will be fine in a while; the other may be stunned, and it will take some time to cultivate."

The Taoist priest nodded: "That's good."

"Will the French continue to intercept?" Lockhart asked a little uneasily.

This is far from leaving France.

"There is definitely no way for the wizards to intercept us. Muggles may send air forces, but we have hostages. I'm not sure, after all, I don't know how the Muggle world deals with hijacking." Daowishi shrugged.

Everyone stopped talking, and now they are hanging in the air, and their fate is not completely controlled by themselves, this feeling is really bad.

Half an hour after takeoff, Doris finally received a message from Scrimgeour. Doris read out the message: "The French side has asked the British Ministry of Magic to cut off the airspace and the airway network of the airport we pass through. At this time, the airport in London has been completely taken over by our colleagues."

"It's all right! We'll have a good show later, and we can go home for dinner in the evening." Moody said happily.

"It's exciting!" Anna said excitedly. "Fortunately, it's all right."

All the Aurors would laugh heartily. The French side would never have imagined that they were not terrorists, but serious British Ministry of Magic agents. As long as they entered the British territory, they would be like fish in water.

The relaxed Aurors began discussing some light-hearted topics. William and another young Auror looked at the controlled flight attendants and began to research which was the prettiest, and after a while, Lockhart couldn't help but join their discussion. To be honest, the flight attendants in France were all good-looking, with their bodies sloping up and down. Lockhart and a few young Aurors ignored Anna's contemptuous eyes, while arguing and wiping oil on them. Anyway, they would be eliminated afterward. Memory, this is cheap, not white, not white...

There were also some older Aurors who, after no Muggle onlookers, relaxed and discussed the taste of the free meals and drinks on the plane, in the end, the famous foodie Joe Hudson among the Aurors thought it was better than the Ministry of Magic's working meal. It was delicious, and it was unanimously approved by everyone.

"It's almost there, you guys! Stop being a hooligan," Anna rolled her eyes helplessly. "Clear their memories!"

As the person with the best memory magic, Lockhart did his part to clear the memories of several flight attendants, then got up and walked to the cab. After the plane stopped, the driver's memory would also be erased.

The plane descended and began to touch down, and Lockhart could see through the window that there were few Muggles on the tarmac, just a large number of wizards "ready".

Daowishi still added loudly in the cabin: "The colleagues will only use fake spells on us later, and we can't use harmful spells, remember!"

When the plane finally came to a stop, Lockhart knocked out the pilot, then wiped his memory, turned and followed the others, getting off the plane with the wounded.

Sure enough, as soon as they got off the plane, they were greeted warmly - a large number of Ministry of Magic staff surrounded them, and as agreed, they staged a passionate Hollywood shootout on the tarmac with stun and flash charms, From the tarmac to the gate of the airport. After "knocking down" dozens of Ministry hitters and amnestics, a dozen Aurors snatched a Muggle bus and drove off...

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