Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 2338: Omen of the collapse of the defense

Sometimes the time of a night can be very long, but sometimes it seems surprisingly short. But whether it is short or long, it is enough for many things to happen.

For example, on the night after Hermione invited guests to dinner at Buckingham Palace in London, the living corpse girl, one of the twins, did not go out of the palace immediately, but went to the gate of the main hall for a visit. My younger brother brought some delicious desserts.

Maybe she can taste more food at the dinner, but if she can sit side by side with her brother on the cold steps at the entrance of the temple and eat a few pieces of butter cookies, it seems to be the happiest part for her. time.

   This night, the sister and brother of the living corpse seemed to have a very comfortable time.

   And the same night, and also in this palace, was probably not so wonderful for Ginny who had not attended the dinner party.

   Harry on the bed was still up all night, and Ginny by the window was naturally almost up all night. Just looking at her boyfriend's haggard face with closed eyes, even though Sarah and the others brought a lot of desserts to eat in advance, she barely ate a little at the beginning and soon lost her appetite.

   So for Ginny, this night is undoubtedly difficult and long.

   But no matter what, at least there is still no fighting and chaos in London tonight. Compared with them, the Netherlands and Germany, which are separated by the sea, are really not so easy.

   Not to mention the Blois father and daughter who have withdrawn from the southern Netherlands to the camp in the north of Belgium, let us return our attention to the real second battlefield today-the Northwest Front of Germany.

   The German Brandt family’s battle against the invasion of living corpses is still going on with difficulty. The Fire Dragon Legion raised by Brandt’s family actually performed quite well. So far, with the assistance of the wizarding alliance called by Mrs. Maxim, they have at least firmly maintained the front near the borders of the west and north of Germany, without allowing the army of living corpses to break into it soon.

   However, there is always a price to pay for such a deadly defense, and on the battlefield, the "price" that any party needs to pay is often a piece of fresh life.

   The life of a wizard is life, and the life of human-like magical creatures like elves, werewolves, and vampires is also life, and the main combat power such as fire dragons is even more important on the battlefield than human lives!

   In the mountains closest to the front line, there are not only the corpses of ordinary low-level living corpses, but the remains of the fire dragon have also fallen a lot.

In addition to those who have died, there are obviously more individuals who are unable to support flight due to injuries. Although those flying corpses rarely have individuals that can match adult fire dragons, they will still be against the fire dragon legion. Cause no small damage.

   In addition, the actual large-scale battle is obviously a little beyond the scope of the Brandt’s dragon trainers through their usual training. It has to be said that the fire dragons fighting on the front line are already in a mess.

   And this is not the most terrible.

   "President Maxim, the Brandt family sent an urgent request for help-Duisburg, the German western defense line, was lost!"

   Mrs. Maxim, who returned from the Blois home camp to the headquarters of the Federation this evening, began to process the accumulated documents after dinner, and did not prepare to rest until midnight, and then resume work.

   But before she had time to leave her desk, an emergency message directly from the front line of the German border battlefield completely disrupted her next arrangements.

   "'Three stronger corpses'?"

   Maxim looked at the information that the secretary had sent her in a hurry. There were some concise text descriptions and a somewhat vague magical photo on it. It can be seen that this information was not only written in a hurry, but the collection of front-line information is certainly not easy...Although it is not mentioned in the information, the photographer of the photo is probably dead, because the photo was obviously frozen in the end Above a rapidly approaching figure, although the overall shooting is blurry, it looks full of impact.

   "If it is placed on weekdays, this photo will definitely make the headlines, and maybe it will win the annual photojournalism contest!"

   The third secretary who was standing at the desk at the moment couldn't help but glanced at the photo again, and exclaimed.

   "Don't talk coldly, this is a life!"

   Maxim frowned very solemnly, and when she made such a big expression, she was still very oppressive, and the secretary did not dare to say anything at that time.

   And Mrs. Maxim stared at the information for a few more seconds before taking the scribbled document on the table, and immediately said loudly:

"First let the reserve forces stationed at the back of the battlefield go to the front line to meet the Brandt's team that has retreated from the front line and assist them to maintain the line of defense as much as possible. In addition, now let people draw up a letter and send it to the present and The major forces that we keep in touch...the situation has changed, and we need more support!"


   The secretary heard what Maxim said, and saw that she didn't seem to have any more instructions, so she hurriedly gave a salute and left the office to go to work.

And Mrs. Maxim, who was still here, just stood behind the desk and continued to meditate for a while. After UU read www.uukānshu.com, she suddenly picked up the wand on the table and knocked on a bell on the side. .


   The sweet silver bell rang leisurely, and not long after, the office door was reopened, and the first secretary who had followed her out for a run before appeared again in front of Mrs. Maxim.

   Maxim did not talk any more nonsense, but raised the urgent document on the table and said:

"You should have already seen this. To be honest, I think it's a bit bad. I just thought about it and thought that if you want to solve this problem, the most appropriate way is to go to the northern part of Belgium. Trip-we need the help of the Blois family."

   Having said that, she paused for a while, but then couldn't help but correct:

   "To be precise, it should be ‘we need Patriarch Blois to help himself’... Although I am not sure now whether he is willing to help this!"


Although the first secretary witch didn’t know much about the enemy in that magical photo, she knew that even the Dragonflight had to retreat and defend the Duisburg area, and she could roughly understand the so-called "more powerful". How terrible is "living corpse".

   After hesitating for a while, she finally nodded.

   "I see... Madam, I will visit the Blois Patriarch again."

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