Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 1106: Broken Cauldron Night

As an important place with the responsibility of connecting the Muggle world and the magic world, the broken cauldron bar is open for almost 24 hours a day.

But of course, even if Tom, the bar owner, doesn't think this responsibility is so great, presumably he won't reduce the bar's business hours.

After all, it is precisely because many people pass by him, staying, dining, or offering afternoon tea to travelers. Even if it was just for more of Jin Jialong's account, he would not be willing to close the shop to snore.

Right now, Pansy, who had just got off the bus, went with the fairy Elly, pushed the black wooden door of the bar and walked in gently.

Probably because from time to time the wound on the back shoulder was affected, and her brows were involuntarily slightly tightened, making people look unhappy.


"Carl, are there any remaining rooms upstairs?"

Panxi reached out and knocked on the countertop of the bar, waking up the middle-aged wizard who was sitting dozing inside--the old Tom, the owner of the vixen bar, was usually responsible for hospitality during the day, and late at night, responsible The night shift is usually replaced by this Carl.

However, compared to the old Tom, who was always awkward but always enthusiastic, this guy was a little absent-minded.


Seeing the middle-aged wizard whimpering, his eyes fluttered behind the bar, and he nodded hummingly:

"Oh, yes. There are five more upstairs ... no, no, it seems like four? Ah, would you like to open one for you? Plan to stay here for a few days?"

"It's all right in one night," Pansy said without paying much nonsense. "I'm going out for a while, just give me the keys."

"You don't need to carry your luggage or anything ... oh, both of them seem to be empty, it's easy!"

Carl groaned rather vaguely, taking the coin in one hand and immediately taking out a bunch of keys from the drawer under the bar and passing it with the other.

"The third room on the right hand of the stairs ... Ah, it seems to be the second room? Anyway, you will know when you try it yourself!" He said with a wink, suddenly adding as if he thought of something, " By the way, there is some bean soup cooked by old Tom in the kitchen. I'll bring you two to warm up in a while ... "

Before he could finish speaking, Carl's heavy eyelids could no longer be opened, and he fell asleep again.

"You go up first!"

When Pansy saw this, she slightly slackened her lips, and then handed the key to Yi Luli.

"I'll go out here and come back soon."

"Oh, no! How can this be?" Yi Luli said sharply, "You're because of me ... if you didn't drag me down, you wouldn't have to suffer from this sin! Buying ... shopping Let me come and go! "

Although it was late at night, there were still many alcoholics in the bar drinking and chatting in twos and threes, so that Illy didn't dare to make things too clear.

After voluntarily planning to buy Pansy's treatment medicament, she also carefully added:

"And ... Miss Parkinson, although you have cleaned up the blood on your clothes, you can still smell a little **** if you smell it carefully. I think it would be unsafe to move in the overturned alley at night. . "

"Then you'll be safe if you go?" Pansi couldn't help but said, "Your wand has been lost in the church long ago, and now you are almost like a dumb cannon, aren't you?"

But in this regard, Yi Luli shook her head silently, then flipped the hood behind her back.

"Look ... few people can't get through with a goblin, do they?"

Like domestic elves, fairies' talents allow them to cast enough powerful magic without relying on a wand, and they have a bad temper that is quite different from domestic elves.

Therefore, although most wizards think that fairies are inferior creatures, they are unwilling to provoke them. After all, no one wants to let the goblin-loving goblin stare at his life.

It ’s a pity, if I could say that I was more proud when I said this sentence—looking at her unconfident appearance, people would always think that she might as well inherit the fairy character directly. .

At least, the arrogant pride and despise of the fairies are very similar to the pretentious pure blood among wizards.

However, Yi Luli can no doubt say that she wants to get a chance to repay Pansy. The thought of this may deepen the friendship between the two, Pansy eventually agreed to her request.

"Okay!" Miss Parkinson smiled. "Well ... then hold my wand first! Although it may be a bit unsuitable, it's better than nothing ... I'll wait for you in the room first." "

Seeing Yi Luli hurriedly walking towards the back door in a small step, until she couldn't see it, Panxi finally exhaled as if she had stunned for a long time.

Honestly, she didn't really get used to the seemingly mild tone before.

Not to mention, she grew up with a standard pure blood education since she was a child. Regarding mixed-race offspring born of humans and magical creatures, such as Yi Luli, although her views are not as extreme as those of her parents, they are somewhat despised.


Cold, Panxi reached out again, knocking the countertop as loud as a gong and drum.

"Carl, a glass of Belgian raspberry beer, add ice!"

"Oh? Oh ... Is this weather going to add ice? Miss ... Are you serious?"

This wet spring night in London, England, may be colder than people think.


Not to mention that Pansy intends to have a drink with a wound in the broken cauldron bar, so as to clear out the slightly annoying heart by the cold and soaked liquor. On the other end, Draco, who had completed his mission, had returned to Hogwarts and stood reluctantly in front of Maca's door.

In fact, he had been standing here for more than three minutes, and every time he wanted to reach out and knock on the door, he couldn't help but put his arm down at the last moment.

In the room, Maca was staring at the flame at the bottom of the flask, not paying much attention to Mr. Malfoy standing outside the door.

In the condensing tube connected to the flask, the thick steam billowed in the serpentine tube, and turned into a drop of clear water droplets, which flowed into another closed flask next to it.

As long as it is purified through several rounds of distillation, the component concentration of the true medicine may reach several times higher than that of the crucible. It is believed that even the resistance of the basilisk will be a hit.

Of course, the repurification of the true medicine in this way requires very high temperature control. Even with his ability to perceive magic, he needs full attention to maintain the firepower under the beaker.

Right now, Draco was just dead right outside the door, because even if the other party rang the door, Maca didn't have the time to open the door and let him in.

However, at this moment Mr. Malfoy was almost impatient.

"Parkinson's woman ... didn't she say that McLean could find people in the corridor across the wall? Why didn't the door open until now ... must I knock on the door?"

Yes, out of that somewhat puzzling self-esteem, he has to do some humble struggles even on such trivial matters as knocking on the door.

But then again, it is because he has not been able to compete with Maca on major issues, so he can only seek some satisfaction in this detail.

When Draco continued to wait stubbornly for a moment, the door in front of him finally opened automatically with a light sound. Immediately afterwards, he heard Maca's voice in the room.

"Mr. Malfoy, come in!"

Regarding Draco's careful thoughts, Maca could understand it, and he didn't think it was bad.

In fact, apart from the other party's biased values, Draco's persistence and persistence in his own ideas are still very appreciated.

Today's Draco Malfoy is at least better than his dad who doesn't get on the stage.

"McLean," Draco walked into the room expressionlessly, speaking as equal as possible, "Parkinson has fled with the wizard named Martin. In addition, I saw her in my father's place When I acted, I helped a relatively small 'companion'. Presumably the two people should be together now ... "

After explaining in advance Pansy's situation, he turned to:

"As for the underground church, my father is still there to check with others. If there is a possibility of detection, I believe that my father would secretly interfere with the test results."

"Oh, is that it?" Maca nodded and nodded suddenly. "Thanks to you, it looks like the plan is progressing well ... well ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and Miss Parkinson, she did well not bad!"

"She?" Draco snorted softly. "My father and I joined forces to deal with that Martin, in order to give her the opportunity to intervene, but she chose an insignificant person to help! This is also Can you say 'good'? "

"Oh, it's actually pretty good," Maca waved and smiled. "If you start directly with that Martin, it would be too abrupt ... Don't worry, it's fine step by step. Believe it You can also understand, after all, it's the 'despicable Haierbo' that stands behind the other person. It's better to be cautious. "

With that said, he didn't care about Draco's awkward expression, raised his hand and waved it gently.

Immediately, a letter placed on the desktop flew up automatically, made a spin in the air, and slid toward the other side.

"Speaking of good rewards, you can choose some time to put into your father's hands ... so that your Malfoy family can restore a good relationship with the Ministry at any time.

Draco took the envelope at his fingertips, but with a complex expression on his face.

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