Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 721 The New Course at Hogwarts

Listening to this sentence, all the students became attentive, which is the focus of this year.

When they got the book list, they had already discovered that their book list and courses throughout the semester had undergone the most radical changes. From the strange names on the book lists, it can be seen at a glance that these are all books edited by George Soros.

Tutorials written by the most powerful wizards in the entire wizarding world, lessons arranged by George Soros, and the biggest changes to the school this year are on these lessons.

Seeing the concentration on the students' faces, George did not delay.

He continued, "Given the current precarious situation, every wizard, even if you are underage, must master the ability to protect yourself. To this end, throughout this year, the vast majority of the school curriculum, All focus is on giving you the ability to protect yourself."

He emphasized, "All other irrelevant courses will be taken as electives."

That's one of the main points of his change at Hogwarts this year, where teaching at Hogwarts, at least for a long time, will become more and more pragmatic.

Listening to George's explanation, the faces of the students were all uncertain. Does this mean that the focus of all courses has become magic training?

George didn't care about the students' guesses. He gestured to the professor at the farthest on the staff's desk with his hand.

"This year, our teaching staff has also undergone great changes. First of all, we are very happy to welcome back Professor Glapland, who will continue to serve as your class on the protection of magical creatures."

Professor Glapland stood up, nodded towards everyone, towards George slightly, and bowed, "Thank you, thank you principal. I will do my best to teach everyone what I know in the new school year."

The students applauded enthusiastically, especially from the three Houses other than Gryffindor.

They have been worried and hated Hagrid for a long time, and no student is willing to go to Hagrid's course. When Dumbledore left, their dream finally came true.

George added, "Of course, as I mentioned before, this year, most of the courses will be slowed down. The Conservation of Magical Creatures class is an elective, and the schedule will be relatively small. The content of the class, also Advance notice will be given, and you can go to class on an ad hoc basis when needed."

After waiting for Professor Grapland to sit down.

George raised his hand again to indicate the direction of the staff desk, a professor on Snape's left, "Next, let's welcome Professor Karkaroff, our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher."

A tall, thin wizard with silver hair and a silver goatee stood up and bowed deeply to George. He pressed his forehead to the table and said in a humble tone.

"Thank you, great Headmaster, for giving me such an opportunity. I will teach the students of Hogwarts well in the new school year."

George nodded, and he said slowly, "Professor Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is a senior professor of black magic."

"After the Triwizard Tournament last year, Professor Karkaroff admired the excellent performance of the Hogwarts students, and he fell in love with the Hogwarts students. Professor Karkaroff voluntarily gave up, Dem Strong's position as headmaster, with all his heart on coming to teach at Hogwarts."

He continued, "This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class will be the focus of this year's study. We are honored to welcome such a senior Dark Arts professor. At the strong request of Professor Karkaroff, I agree He became a professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."

"Here, we applaud Professor Karkaroff's righteousness."

There was sparse applause in the auditorium, and everyone didn't like this Durmstrang principal.

During the Triwizard Tournament last year, Karkaroff showed no shortage of his discriminatory treatment. such a teacher,

Not what everyone wants to see.

Karkaroff didn't care about the indifference of the students at all, and he was delighted.

When he heard that he was finally, the professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. He knew that he had finally become a member of Hogwarts.

A boulder that had been hanging in his heart finally fell steadily. He no longer had to worry about being asked to leave Hogwarts, and he was finally safe.

After Voldemort's resurrection last year, he has been frightened.

He had betrayed Voldemort once, when Voldemort disappeared. He was caught by the Ministry of Magic, and in court, he disclosed numerous Death Eaters information to the Ministry for his own safety in exchange for a reduction of his sentence.

It was his testimony that led to the capture of some unexposed Death Eaters. Such a betrayal of him would never be tolerated by Voldemort, and Voldemort would never let him go.

During the Triwizard Tournament, Voldemort descended into the labyrinth, and he was the most feared and feared. He was the one who really betrayed Voldemort, and when Voldemort appeared in front of his eyes, he immediately reacted.

Once he appeared outside, Voldemort and Death Eaters would immediately chase after him. He couldn't beat the previous Voldemort, not to mention the stronger Voldemort afterward.

In this case, his only option was to join a strong man who could prove against Voldemort. Only by taking refuge in George Soros, who defeated Voldemort head-on, could he be able to save his life under Voldemort's pursuit.

Before the holiday last year, he was single-mindedly devoted to Hogwarts. He did not go back with Durmstrang's students. He did not hesitate to give up the position of headmaster of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

He is willing to give all his collections, all his knowledge, he is willing to use the heat of his life, just to get a job in front of George, just to be able to stay at Hogwarts.

"He's obviously afraid of being hunted down by Voldemort," Ron whispered in Harry's ear.

They knew that Karkaroff was a Death Eater and could naturally guess his thoughts. After Voldemort's resurrection, those who betrayed Voldemort could never find any other safe place except Hogwarts.

On the other side, after Professor Karkaroff sat down, George continued to introduce the other teachers.

"Because the Defence Against the Dark Arts class will become the entire focus of students' learning this academic year. Professor Karkaroff's Defence Against the Dark Arts class alone is not enough to meet the needs of the new Hogwarts school year."

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