Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 714 The New Textbook of Hogwarts

"Okay, Mom."

Ron and Ginny spoke with understanding, like a good baby.

Saying goodbye to everyone, Mrs. Weasley hurriedly walked towards a row of bookshelves in the bookstore.

"And our textbooks." Harry pulled out their new school year's list.

Then, he discovered that those book lists were not really needed at all.

Right in front of them, facing the door, in front of the largest and most conspicuous bookshelf in the bookstore.

A small table half a person high is placed on it, the textbooks they need to buy.

There is no need to rummage, stacks of neatly packaged textbooks are piled under the table.

The clerk in blue uniform greeted them warmly, "The full set of textbooks at Hogwarts for the new school year, half buy and half free, all half price."

Twenty-One Basic Magic Manual

"Twenty-one days to break through the silent spell"

"Twenty-One Day Basic Protection"

"Breakthrough Before the 21st Exam"

"One Hundred Days of Magical Proficiency"

"A Thousand Days of Habits"


This year, their textbooks have changed a lot. The textbooks on the list are a series of awkward names that start with numbers.

As for the author of the book, the names are all 'mutual aid societies'.

"George, did you write these books?"

Hermione's face couldn't help but wonder, she could be sure that these books were not books that existed in the wizarding world before. Just by looking at the names of these textbooks, it can be completely seen that these textbooks are all newly compiled books.

Not to mention, the words 'mutual aid' in the column of the author's name are the most familiar venue for them at Hogwarts.

With a relaxed smile on George's face, "These books are carefully sorted out from the study notes of the mutual aid society. Compared with the previous textbooks, they are more in line with the rules of students' learning.

He said slowly, "Considering the safety form this year, the school's textbooks, and the curriculum will change a lot."

"But why are their names so weird." Hermione had a weird expression on her face.

Harry and Ron nodded in agreement, looking at the list of books with a series of awkward names beginning with numbers, it really made people feel like complaining.

Is it really good to use a title like this?

"In order to keep pace with the times and increase sales, so that every wizard can have a textbook from a mutual aid society. I deliberately set these names and lowered the price." George smiled, "When you see this name At that time, is there an urge to buy them all back?"

"Unbelievable," Hermione said in surprise, "Why do I really seem to have an idea of ​​buying them all back?"

After George's reminder, she looked at the book list again. When she went to those books, she really had an urge to buy them all back.

"Because the names of these books give people a hint. It implies that after buying this book, people can become powerful wizards." George's tone was inexplicably strange.

"Is it because of magic?"

Harry asked curiously, "A hint of the spell is added to the book?"

"No," George waved his hand, "it's the power of words."

He explained, "In this world, many things have special abilities. I think you will all know the magic of Jin Galleon."

They immediately laughed knowingly, Jin Galleon is not omnipotent, without Jin Galleon it is absolutely impossible.

"Golden Galleon has a very powerful power, and language, in fact, also has a very powerful power." George slowly gave an example, "Of course, there are many things that have powerful power. Including wisdom, including infectious power, Incitement."

"Okay, let's set one textbook for each person. Everyone's textbooks are similar this year."

George took the stacks of books from the clerk and brought a set for each of them.

"It's really fast, it's all over."

Ron was surprised at how quickly he bought the book,

All the books were packaged directly by the shop assistants. No need to pick and choose, a bag of new books completes their trip to the bookstore.

George shrugged, "Isn't this normal? All the textbooks I arranged. I asked the clerk to pack the textbooks directly. After the freshmen arrive, they can easily finish the work with one pocket per person."

"Let's go see Mrs Weasley."

Harry suggested that they were over too soon and that Mrs. Weasley had to leave together.

"Children, I'm back."

Mrs. Weasley said cheerfully, "I saw a lot of witches in the back row of bookshelves, all reading my "Household Magic Guide". I didn't bother them, and came back immediately."

She said brightly, "If they asked me to sign, I would be embarrassed."

"I thought you would tell them your home address. Then I begged them to write to you!" A cold voice said slowly.

With a smooth, arrogant face, a fair-skinned woman walked in, "Molly, long time no see."

Mrs. Weasley's face became serious, "Narcissa, don't you stay at home honestly and be your lady? The outside world is not suitable for an arrogant guy like you."

Narcissa said indifferently, "That's exactly what I want to tell you. Your family is in big trouble now. It's not wise to stay in your little nest honestly."

Mrs. Weasley said bluntly, "Take care of yourself first, the Ministry of Magic is not so easy to fool. The subordinates of the mysterious man are not so easy to be."

"You actually..."

Narcissa's face immediately became ugly, her face was paler and bloodless, and her eyes were shining with anger.


Draco came out from behind Narcissa and touched Narcissa's wrist lightly with his hand.

Draco's eyes were bloodshot, and his pale, slender face looked a little haggard.

He bowed slightly to George, "Good morning, George."

George nodded slightly, but did not speak.

Draco walked quietly to the desk where the textbooks were placed, he took out a stack of gold Galleons and placed them gently on the desk.

He took the stack of books in the bag from the store clerk, and left the Lihen Bookstore with his mother without saying a word.

"That's really rare."

Harry raised his eyebrows and said incredulously, "The first time I saw Malfoy, I didn't hear his harsh provocation."

"He can't be funny now." Ron smiled. "I guess the Malfoys are having a hard time."

(To be continued.) Browse and read the address:

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