Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 707: The Twins' Joke Shop

As you can imagine, they can definitely understand this sentence, money is really a good thing.

From the envious eyes of the surrounding classmates, it can be seen that the trio of crazy big purchases have pocket money that others are envious of.

George stepped up and greeted them.

"Hi Harry, Ron, Hermione, good morning."

The three of Harry were shopping, and when they looked at George, they immediately became happy, "Good morning, George."

"Diagon Alley is really lively today."

Seeing others keep walking past them, Harry couldn't help but sigh.

Ron winked at George. "We're looking for the joke shop that Fred and Joe run. The shop's name is Weasley's Witchcraft."

"Has their shop opened?" George's face showed some curiosity.

Fred and Joe, two bold fellows. The reputation of their shop was built on Voldemort's grievances. George also felt embarrassed when he thought of the treasures in their store, those scales from Voldemort's body.

"It's already open." Ron nodded. "They're lucky. They were paying attention to the shops in Diagon Alley. During the summer vacation, Voldemort happened to be resurrected, and the prices of the shops in Diagon Alley plummeted. They bought a shop with the help of a few Demon King scales."

Ron couldn't hide his envy in his tone. "They are really lucky. Now that the Aurors have settled in, the prices of those shops have gone up several times from the lowest point."

Fred and Joe were really lucky, and before their joke shop opened, they were already making a lot of money off the cheap shops they bought.

"They are lucky." George said softly.

Fred and Joe's luck, I really do not know how to evaluate.

They obviously lost and continued, which is bad luck. But they suddenly had an idea, collected Voldemort's scales in the labyrinth, and even advertised in the "Daily Prophet".

Their joke shop has really become a legend in the wizarding world. Fred and Joe's provocation and mockery of Voldemort can even be recorded in important history of the wizarding world.

But as an ordinary wizard, Voldemort was so angered, and he didn't know whether to call it lucky or unfortunate.

Ron looked around at the door number of the store on the street, "Their store address is at No. 93 Diagon Alley, we have to go ahead for a while."

They talked as they walked along the cobbled street.

"Ha, number ninety-one, number ninety-two, that's right there." Ron pointed forward with his hand carrying the big bag.


Harry looked in the direction Ron was pointing, and couldn't help exclaiming.

In front of them was an eye-catching store, which was completely different from the cookie-cutter, outdated stores around it.

Fred and Joe's shop window draws people's attention like a firework display.

The pedestrians around couldn't help but turn their heads and look at the window.

Outside the transparent glass window, there are several people sticking to the window, staring blankly at the goods in the window, looking shocked.

This attracted more people to stop, a lively look.

The window on the left side of the shop is colorful, with all kinds of goods that spin, twitch, flicker, jump and scream. The dazzling light, looking at it, made people cry.

The window on the right is covered with a huge poster, the same heavy purple as those from the Ministry of Magic, with dazzling gold characters on it:

"Are you still worried about the mysterious man?"

"You should be concerned, constipation benevolence, the feeling of constipation tortures the people of the country!"

A middle-aged wizard tourist passing by outside the window was attracted by the dazzling golden characters, and he involuntarily said the sentence, "You should be concerned, constipation is benevolent, the feeling of constipation tortures the people of the country!"

After reading,

The face of the middle-aged wizard turned pale immediately.

He frantically looked around, then covered his face with his hands, rushed into the crowd, and hurriedly fled.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The wizard's embarrassed appearance immediately aroused the ridicule of some students around him.

"Those adult wizards are so timid."

"Well, it's the third or the fourth."

"Haha, these adults are too timid."

The classmates were talking, and they were very disapproving of the cowardice of those adult wizards.

They had all seen George fighting Voldemort, even though Voldemort was very powerful and terrifying.

But the classmates they get along with day and night, their peers, have stood above Voldemort's heights.

This gave them a confidence and pride that adult wizards never had.

Among the young students, the myth of Voldemort's invincibility, the horror of Voldemort. The moment George defeated Voldemort, it was completely disintegrated.

They still feared Voldemort, they still knew that Voldemort was powerful, but the devil was no longer invincible. On the contrary, they even have a trace of ambition and a trace of pride.

If their classmates, their peers, can be this powerful, what about them?

Thinking of these, their ambitions grow like weeds after the rain. They can no longer look up at the Demon King, and they have more hope and more fantasy in their hearts.

Maybe one day, they will be able to stand on a higher level than Voldemort. Such ambition has been deeply rooted in the students.

Those things that adults dare not imagine at all have taken root in the hearts of the students and are slowly beginning to sprout.

Seeing this scene, the corners of George's mouth rose slightly. These changes were what he hoped to see and what he worked hard to promote.

When the students are not bowing to the Lord, they are not kneeling down and licking Voldemort's robes.

When the students were inspired with ambition and hope, the bewitching of those Death Eaters, those pure-blooded wizards, became a complete joke.

When one by one, they knelt down in front of Voldemort and licked Voldemort's robes. They will never be able to get the support of the students, the advocacy of the students.

From the moment George defeated Voldemort, the myths created by Voldemort, the fears spread by Voldemort. The dark rule that Voldemort created in the wizarding world was immediately dispelled by him.

Unless Voldemort can completely defeat him and completely cover up that fact.

Otherwise, Voldemort would never have been able to conquer the students who had witnessed his ugliness.

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