Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 638 The Hidden Below the Surface


Chapter 638 Hidden Below the Surface

Telling others that they don't need house-elves and letting house-elves leave the wizard's family is the only way to do it, and the only way to completely solve this terrible relationship between wizards and house-elves.pb.m

George said with emotion, "Although wizards often look down on house-elves. But no matter what, even if they regard house-elves as their own things, or tools or the like."

"They always see the house-elves as part of the family, or something in the house that sees the house-elves as their own."

He explained slowly, "If you let wizards pay house-elves salaries, it's clear that wizards and house-elves are merely employment relationships. Obviously, there are not many wizards with normal brains."

"You can accept a creature that can release magic, can develop phantoms, have bad brains and IQ problems, and can kill their creatures and stay in their own homes."

No matter how much wizards discriminate against house-elves, house-elves are indeed considered part of the family by most wizards. Although the status of the house-elf may be lower than that of the **** in the home, just like an object, a tool.

But house-elves are really part of the family. It can access all the secrets of a wizard family, it can be related to the lives of everyone in the wizard family, and it is a member that wizards can completely trust.

Ron said in agreement, "I can't accept it now. There are house-elves in the family. As for hiring them."

He pursed his lips, "I'm still willing to do the housework by myself."

This is a difficult decision for him, who has always been a bit lazy. It is conceivable that he dislikes house elves.pb.m

Harry also appeared to say, "I can't accept raising one, or hiring a house elf."

With so many experiences, it was impossible for him to have any good feelings for house-elves. I don't even want to see house-elves in my future life.

George looked at the support of the two of them with satisfaction, and continued, "As long as the house-elves are still in the wizard's house, it is absolutely impossible for the wizards to accept that a dangerous creature is completely out of their control." Immortals become demons

Whether it is a wizard, or an ordinary person, or even other intelligent creatures. It is impossible for any intelligent creature to allow an outsider who is out of their control to control the secrets of their family and their lives.

Therefore, Hermione's practice of fighting for wages for house-elves and for vacations for house-elves was just a whimsical idea, and it was impossible to work at all.

She was too young to even think about what the relationship between wizards and house-elves represented.

Wizards cannot accept this idea, nor can house-elves accept this idea.

The house-elves can stay in the wizard's house, and the same reliance is on the absolute loyalty to the wizard, and there is no threat to the wizard.

House-elves have given up all thought and become vassals of wizards. Only in this way has the status of the wizard's tools and objects been exchanged, so that he can stay in the wizard's home and become a member of the wizard's family.

If you need something, you must give something. This is the most simple and clear truth in the world.

As a kind of alien intelligent creature, house-elves can become a member of the wizard family, master all the secrets of the wizard family, and even control the life and death of the members of the wizard family. By virtue of their utter obedience, as harmless as a tool, as a creature.

Hermione's attitude of fighting for the rights of house-elves terrifies house-elves, which is why.

Although house elves have poor brains, their survival instincts can make them understand subconsciously. The rights that Hermione fought for for them were the damage to their current situation.

Those little salaries and vacations don't do much good for house-elves, but they make them lose the wizard's trust and place in the wizarding family.

Once house-elves can get paid, they can get vacation time. Their identities immediately changed from the possessions and tools of the wizard family to outsiders hired by the wizard family.

In this case, the secrets of the wizarding family held by the house-elves immediately became a major conflict between wizards and house-elves.

No normal wizard can accept the secrets of his family, and his family's life is in the hands of an outsider. And he is still a low-IQ, extremely dangerous outsider. Specializing in the male master system

If the relationship between family members requires monthly salary to maintain, there will be huge conflicts even between normal family members.

What's more, in the family, the status of the house elves is equivalent to the sex.

George added, "There are a lot of secrets hidden in the wizard's house. The secret things that house elves come into contact with in the wizard's house. If they know it as an outsider, it is enough for the wizards to kill them."

He gave an example, "Like Kreacher this time, it knows the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix and has hatred for others. If you don't kill it, you have to wash all its memories, otherwise, everyone They are all under threat of death.”

Of course, those pure-blooded families do not need to say that families like Malfoy and Black hide a lot of secrets, and many secrets must never be known by outsiders.

Just like what George did to Kreacher this time, Kreacher knew the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix and had hatred for others. In this case, Klee was cut off to death, and all his memories were washed away. Only in this way can people feel at ease.

Hermione was dumbfounded. She opened her mouth wide, unable to react for a long time.

The cruel and terrifying reality is far beyond her imagination. In her opinion, it goes without saying that house-elves deserve a salary and vacation.

But she never imagined that there were so many dark doorways lurking under the natural rights she envisioned.

She is not a brainless person who can't listen to advice. After listening to George's analysis and examples, she can understand that what George said is not an exaggeration.

For the sake of disputes, whether it is the wizarding world or the human world, there have been too many bloody lessons.

If house elves really become a threat to wizards, any history can testify, and the final result can only be drawn with blood.

"I never thought that my actions would have such dire consequences." Hermione said dejectedly, "I'm too young and naive."


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