Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 626: A Resolute Activist

Chapter 626 Resolute Activist

Dumbledore continued, "I didn't find much memory of Riddle at Hogwarts. Not many people who knew him at the time wanted to talk about him. They were too scared."

"What I know now is that after he left Hogwarts, he went to great lengths to find people who could be elicited, to look up old records, to ask Muggles and wizards."

"Those who are willing to recall me tell me that Riddle was fascinated by his origins. Of course that's understandable, he grew up in an orphanage and naturally wondered how he got there."

"It appears that he has searched the prize room, the prefects' list of old school records, and even the history books of magic for traces of old Tom Riddle, but found nothing, and was finally forced to admit that his father had never been to Hogwarts. tz."

Dumbledore said slowly, "I believe it was then that he dropped the name, changed his name to Voldemort's, and began to investigate the family history of his mother, whom he had despised before, and you will recall that he thought the woman had been subservient to the Death, the shameful weakness of mankind, cannot be a wizard."

"His only clue was the name 'Marvolo', which he learned from the orphanage administrators was his maternal grandfather's name."

"After a painstaking search of old books and wizarding families, he finally found what was left of the Slytherin family. In the summer of sixteen, he left the orphanage he returned to every year to find his Gaunt family. relative."

Dumbledore said with a sigh, "There, he found Marvolo's son, Morfin. He knew his own life from Morfin, and knowing his own life would obviously not make him happy."

"His mother married a Muggle, was abandoned by a Muggle, and finally gave birth to him in an orphanage and died incompetently. This is probably the most unwilling fact of his life to accept."

"That's when he killed his father, old Tom?" George immediately guessed what happened next.

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded.

"Morfin woke up the next morning alone on the ground with an heirloom, Marvolo's ring missing. Meanwhile, in the village of Little Hangleton, a maid screamed in the street He ran wild and said that there were three corpses in the living room of the big mansion: old Tom Riddle and his parents."

"Of course the Muggle authorities couldn't find out the cause of their death, and the Avada Sorcerer wouldn't leave any scars. But the Ministry of Magic knew right away that it was the hands of a wizard. They also knew that a man who hated Muggles lived in the house. Across from Del's house and who had been in jail for assaulting one of the victims in the case.


"So the Ministry of Magic found Morfin, and without much interrogation, he immediately confessed. He gave details that only the killer knew, and said he was proud of killing those Muggles, and said he had been waiting for this for years. Chance."

"The wand he handed over immediately turned out to be the weapon used to kill the Riddles. He didn't resist and was taken into Azkaban obediently."

"The only thing that bothered him was that his father's ring was missing. 'He's going to kill me.' He said repeatedly to his arresters, 'I lost his ring and he's going to kill me.' That seemed like All his next words."

"He spent the rest of his life in Azkaban, mourning the loss of Marvolo's last family heirloom, and was buried next to the prison, along with the other poor people who died in prison."

Dumbledore sighed and said, "He is only sixteen years old, just a sixth-grade student. At that time, Riddle was already a terrible dark wizard. He has strength and wisdom that is not lost to adult wizards, but Use these for the most vicious killings."

George shook his head gently, "The memory implantation is so clever that even the staff of the Ministry of Magic can't tell the difference."

"It is conceivable that Riddle had almost no hesitation. He made all the plans in the shortest possible time. Without any hesitation or hesitation, he immediately started to act. It is really terrifying action."

Riddle's strength at the time may not be surprising, but his determination and action were terrifyingly decisive. Maybe it only took a few minutes for him to decide to kill his father and kill everyone who was related to him.

"He knocked out his uncle, took his wand, went across the valley to the big mansion across the street, killed his father, killed his grandparents by the way, and wiped out the Riddles." Rebirth. grudge

"Then he went back to Gaunt's house, planted a false memory in his uncle's head, put his wand next to its comatose master, took the ancient ring, and walked away."

Dumbledore said slowly, "I have been investigating Voldemort's past, and I found Morfin's clue based on the clues I found. I went to Azkaban to visit him, and with great effort, The memory was extracted from his mind using Legilimency."

"After seeing this, I tried to get Morfin out of Azkaban. But before the Ministry of Magic made a decision, Morfin died."

Dumbledore sighed and said, "If my actions weren't so slow, it was another node that could change everything. With Morfin and that memory, I could send Riddle to Azkaban. "

He said regretfully, "But Morfin is dead, that memory is no longer enough as evidence, and Voldemort has graduated from Hogwarts, so I don't even have the chance to continue monitoring him."

Dumbledore stood up, and he said solemnly, "Now, I need to show you something important. This is the most important one of Voldemort-related memories I have collected. It helps a lot."

Dumbledore poured the contents of the small crystal bottle into the stone basin, and after emptying the bottle, "Now, we can enter the Pensieve."

Through the memory of the Pensieve, George and Dumbledore appeared in front of a middle-aged wizard with thick and shiny yellow hair, like a messy thatch. There is a large bald spot on the top of the wizard's head, and the ginger beard is also very thick.

The wizard was wearing an embroidered waistcoat, and the gold buttons on the waistcoat were quite tight. He rested his little feet on a large velvet cushion, half-reclined in a comfortable winged armchair, a small glass of wine in one hand, and the other hand picking through a box of pineapple preserves.

The wizard was sitting in an office at Hogwarts, and there were six or seven boys around Slughorn, all fifteen or sixteen, with chairs that were stiffer or shorter than his.


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