Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter five hundred and seventy-eight cruel distribution system

Chapter 578 Cruel Distribution System

As long as the hard work of East Asian people is not shackled and the system does not hold back, East Asian countries can achieve good economic development. Not to mention the heyday of later generations, the grand occasion of selling the capital and buying the whole of the United States.

Even in the next few years, with the continuous influx of foreign capital, through cheap labor. This ancient kingdom, which had been outside the whole world before, once started to wake up, the steady stream of cheap labor was enough to wash the order of the entire world.

"But those skilled workers in Hong Kong may not follow the past." Xu Wenbiao thought of another headache.

George said plainly, "Only the most important excellent employees are the cornerstone of a company. Those excellent employees have the fighting spirit to pursue a better life. When they moved to the other side with the factory, the factory It also established a firm foothold on the other side.”

"As for the other people, they stay in Hong Kong if they want to. Everyone needs to be responsible for their own choices, right?" George said in a disapproving tone, "You've done enough, other decisions. , they don't need you to help them."

George looked at the others and said, "Okay, that's all for today's meeting. Let the others leave first, and Jason stay."

Seeing that George had already made a decision, the others left the conference room one after another. When Xu Wenbiao left, the brows on his face never stretched.

After waiting for the others to leave, Jason hesitated and asked in a somewhat puzzled tone.

"Chairman, if you reveal the company's strategy and secrets in this way, and let other employees know, will it be bad?"

He didn't quite understand why George would tell others about the company's major future strategy. Whether it's Hong Kong real estate that may fall in two years' time, or speculation about the Asian financial turmoil, it seems that these should not be told to employees who are not qualified to know.

He explained, "After all, these issues are also related to their vital interests. They have relatives and friends, and other people who are interested. The news and content of today's meeting can easily be spread." The devil is on the way.

That's what worries Jason, who doesn't quite trust the staff's ability to keep secrets. Even if he himself encountered such a thing, he would definitely discuss it with his family. He does not believe that ordinary employees can completely keep secrets.

George smiled lightly and said gently, "Jason, you should know that we are not doing any private calculations and business. What we invest in is the general economic trend and the general trend, these are not a few people can change. of.


He explained, "The investment in real estate is different from other investments. Such a project involves too much capital and the interests of too many people. Real estate has become an important issue all over the world, no matter which country it is in, Real estate is an important part of national taxation.”

George said with emotion, "In the real estate game, the real big players and the real behind-the-scenes manipulators have always been the whole country, and finally the whole society is involved. People have to pay for this all their lives, it's not a few days. Individuals can decide."

"It is different from other transactions and general trends. The views on real estate investment cannot be hidden. On the contrary, the more people know about the real estate trend, and the more people pay attention, the more rapid the rise in house prices. The whole feast of dividing wealth, feedback faster.”

He concluded by saying, "The distribution feast of real estate relies on the deprivation of others, on creating a fear of losing future life, and making the whole distribution completely cruel. This bubble will make people Attacking each other, making people hate each other, that's the scary part of the housing bubble."

Jason nodded suddenly and said, "It's also because of the bloody cruelty of the real estate bubble, so the company chooses to invest more in industries in Europe and America instead of real estate?"

"Part of the reason is indeed the case." George explained slowly, "Real estate is a kind of tax, a kind of landlord, in fact, all countries know this very well. Developed countries, basically know the huge real estate. Destructive force, people are also very tax sensitive."

He said with emotion, "In developed countries, it is difficult to see a wave of collective fanaticism in real estate. Even if it does, they will eventually pierce the real estate bubble mercilessly like the United States and Japan did in the past." hero spectrum

"Developed countries, relying on this kind of emphasis on the country's long-term interests, have come to the position of developed countries. They will not allow the real estate bubble to wipe out the future of the entire country."

Investing in manufacturing is a very troublesome thing. Continuously improving technology and improving management can maintain competitiveness. There is absolutely no threshold for the low-end and mid-end manufacturing industries. With just a little money, production can be started immediately.

The high-end manufacturing industry needs the cooperation of the entire technological form, and the corresponding technology and skilled workers are very difficult to cultivate. But destroying these is easy, all it takes is the hype to push up local house prices. Even high-end manufacturing will be destroyed by high housing prices in the short term.

Industry is hard to make money, if it is not a good environment, most of the industry will lose competitiveness.

After all, everyone will carry decades of debt for a home. Those with huge debts will not be able to provide much purchasing power for decades to come.

The residue left by high housing prices is the market that can be shared by all other industries. In this case, any manufacturing industry is a victim of high housing prices.

High housing prices have destroyed the entire manufacturing industry, from the lowest-end bottom-level manufacturing industry to the highest-end precision manufacturing industry. Once housing prices remain high, not only manufacturing, but all industries other than hype and deception will be swallowed up by real estate.

After all, in normal wealth creation, it is quick and convenient to directly participate in the division.

George himself has a deep understanding that his industrial investment in developed countries employs far more people than branches in Hong Kong. But the returns from those investments are far from financial investments compared to the easy speculation in Hong Kong.

Those industries invested in developed countries are not so much profiting from this, but rather focus on those skilled workers in the industrial chain and upstream and downstream, and focus on the influence of the entire industrial chain. These influences and industrial chains can be changed into other things when needed in the future.

The fastest money in the world, after all, is still directly involved in hype and distribution.


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