Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 561 Death takes away all noise

Chapter 561 Death takes away all the noise

But even with so much preparation, in the face of natural disasters and disasters reads();

This "queen of mountaineering" who has wealth, status, youth and beauty, fame and pride, can make men kneel. In the end, in front of nature's small temper, he also completely revealed his vulnerability.

A pile of snow sliding down the mountain wall is like a small sneeze from Mount Kailash. In the face of such mischief by nature, all preparations are meaningless.

They are equipped with excellent equipment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. They are the top mountaineering team in the world. They have the best guides who have ten years of experience on Mount Kailash and can successfully complete the task every time. They have the best guides. Perfect plan.

But now, everything, everything carefully prepared, is covered by a pile of worthless snow that doesn't even hold ten trucks.

If you count the lives of each of them, a team worth hundreds of millions, a top team that can be surrounded by spotlights and envied no matter where you go. A professional team standing at the top of the world in professional projects.

It was so light, even worthless, and disappeared under the small evil realm of nature.

After all, human beings cannot blindly fight against natural disasters.

In Catherine's last memory, she was filled with boundless remorse, "Is it too self-willed after all, all the team members were killed by me!"

Catherine has had countless auras since she was a child. She was born in a big family with wealth and status. She is the envy of everyone in the eyes, but she is the only one who never likes herself.

She hates that she is a daughter and cannot conquer the world like a man.

She always remembered that his father and mother, his grandmother and grandmother, always sighed regretfully when she achieved a result, "What a pity, Catherine, if you were a boy. You are better than all the others. Boys have to be good, if you are a boy, the whole world will be conquered by you."

Catherine hated such regrets, why must women and men be different? Why does every achievement she strives to achieve can only be exchanged for a sigh?

Why are those slugs and stinky brats that she completely despised, just because they are boys, they can get the forgiveness of the whole world and the preferential treatment of the whole world.

She hated it, she hated it all. So she has been forcing herself to be stronger than men, she is harder than men, stronger than men, she hates red carpets, she hates drinking parties, she hates women's special treatment in exchange for anything.

She wants to prove that even if she is a woman, she will never lose to any outstanding man.

Even in mountaineering where women have a huge disadvantage, Katherine is stronger than men, and the team she has formed is the top mountaineering team in the world.

They have conquered numerous treacherous peaks, and even while climbing Mount Everest, they have reached a height of over 8,000 meters. Just because she was worried that the last part of the road to death would usher in more risks and even cause casualties to the team, she gave up at the last moment.

Although others feel sorry for her giving up at the last moment, only she knows that compared to climbing a mountain that has been conquered many times. There is a mysterious place that is more worthy of her to conquer.

If successful, she will be the first person in the world to conquer the mountain. It was far more exciting than climbing Mount Everest for Catherine.

All the ideas are so beautiful, but all the realities are so cruel reads(); the male supporting role is the female lead.

Katherine has the best preparation, the best team, the best guide, she is smarter than men, she is stronger than men. But everything, all preparations, all ideas, all futures, all quietly disappeared under a little mischief of nature.

How fragile and insignificant human beings are, those who try to conquer the world, those who possess all the advantages and honors in the world.

It was so light and fluttering, covered by a gust of cold wind and the snow that was quietly brought up.

Snow and nature do not give preferential treatment to anyone. They cannot tell who is right and who is wrong, who is beautiful and who is ugly.

Who is the king of the world, who is too poor to have a house. Who is saving countless people, who is paving the way for murder.

In nature, in the face of death, everything is random. In the face of randomness, everyone is marked with the same number without any meaning.

Imperial powers, billionaires, whoever they are, whatever they shoulder, what they stand for. In the face of randomness and accident, they all have the same weight, and they all face the same death.

Only death takes away all noise.

Catherine's last thought was that if she died like this, she only hoped that others would survive. It was my fault and no one else should have been implicated.

It was she who chose to climb the sacred mountain that no one has ever conquered. She failed and she lost everything. But she didn't want others to lose everything too.

Fortunately, she was lucky.

Catherine was in a trance and felt a warmth spread from her body, "Are you saved?...Please save others first..."

She couldn't make a sound, she couldn't open her eyes.

In a trance, she saw the sun.

Next came the clamor, the clamor, and Catherine vaguely heard someone shouting, someone shouting, the sound was far away and erratic, and it gradually changed from far to near.

"Hurry up, there's an accident on the mountain...the signal for the mountaineering team has been out for half an hour. Damn wind...if something happens to Miss Hearst, I'm going to kill you all , I'm going to kill myself." A rough voice shouted loudly.

A few minutes later, there was an exclamation, so loud that Katherine almost woke up.

"Oh my God, did you hear my prayer? I praise you, I thank you, I'm alive again." The rough voice shouted excitedly.

"The medical staff came up quickly. I saw Miss Hearst and the others. They were rescued. They are here at the camp. Almighty God, Almighty God, thank you for your kindness, you saved us all."

"It's my rescue team."

Catherine reacted, the rescue team found her, and she was a little puzzled. If the rescue team found them now, who rescued them from the snow.

She couldn't think too much, the tiredness, sleepiness, and endless sleep overwhelmed her.

She just wanted to shout out one sentence, "Other people..." But she couldn't do it, and she fell into a coma again.

(To be continued.)

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