Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 532 International Conference of Wizards

Chapter 532 The International Conference of Wizards

Streams of shining water shot from the tip of the wizard's wand, from the centaur's arrow, from the tip of the goblin's hat, from the house-elf's ears. There were ding dong ding dong, rushing water, and the popping and popping sounds of Apparitioners.

And the chaotic footsteps of hundreds of witches and wizards. With the deadly expressions of the mornings on their faces, they strode toward the row of golden doors across the hall.

"This is the main hall of the Ministry of Magic, and all the guests need to register wands in front." Fudge said a little irritably, "Even with my guarantee, these damn links can't be exempted."

George said calmly, "Usually, as long as they are strictly enforced, these small inconveniences can add a little bit of security to the Ministry of Magic, which is still useful."

He's not the kind of person who doesn't feel comfortable without privilege. On the contrary, he would actually prefer to see fair and equal treatment if possible.

George's words calmed Fudge a little, and he continued to lead the way.

They walked slowly along the crowded crowd, surrounded by Ministry of Magic staff, some of them holding crumbling piles of parchment in their arms, some carrying tattered briefcases, and others People read the Daily Prophet as they walked.

What surprised George a little was that those staff members, even when they saw Fudge, all had a cold look on their faces, no unease at all when they saw the leader, and no enthusiasm for wanting to chat a few words.

"Mr. Soros, please come this way." Fudge said softly.

They left the stream of Ministry staff who were walking towards the golden gate and headed to the left.

At a table on the left, under a sign that says "Security Check," sits a wizard in a perforated, navy-blue robe, with an uncleanly shaved beard. As they approached, he raised his head and put down the Daily Prophet in his hand.

"It's me, and Mr. Soros." Fudge knocked on the table and said impatiently, "Please hurry up, we have to go to the International Conference of Wizards."

"Good minister." The wizard said slowly.

"Mr. Soros, please register your wand." The wizard said listlessly.

George handed the wand over, and the wizard threw it on a grotesque brass machine that looked like a one-pan balance.

The machine began to vibrate slightly. A narrow strip of parchment spit out quickly from a slit in the bottom. The wizard tore off the paper and read the words on it.

"Twelve and three-quarters inch, dragon elm and dragon nerve wand, seven years old, right?"

"That's right." George said calmly.

"I'll keep this," said the wizard, stabbing the parchment on a small brass nail.

"Alright, Mr. Soros." The wizard handed the wand back to George.

"It's all right, we should go." Fudge continued to lead the way.

They returned to the flow of people at the golden gate, and all the way forward, they passed through a gate and came to a smaller hall.

There are at least twenty elevators there, barred by elaborate gold fence doors.

Fudge took George to a less crowded elevator.

With a tinkling, rattling sound, an elevator descended in front of them. The golden fence door slid open gently, and everyone walked in.

The fence gates slam shut, the elevator slowly ascends, the chain rattles. The woman's voice just now spoke in an indifferent tone.

"Here comes the seventh floor, Division of Magic and Sports, containing the British and Irish Quidditch League headquarters, the Official Gobstone Club and the Funny Products Patent Office."

The elevator door opened, and outside was a disorganized corridor with posters of various Quidditch teams strewn across the walls. A wizard in the elevator with a broomstick walked out and disappeared in the hallway.

The door closed, the elevator swayed slightly and continued to ascend, and the woman's voice announced: "The sixth floor is here, the Department of Magical Transportation, including the Floo Network Authority, the Broom Management and Control Bureau, the Portkey Office, and the Apparition Test Center. "

The elevator door opened again, and an elderly wizard stepped out. At the same time, several light purple paper airplanes swish into the elevator.

"I don't know how there is so much important news in one day." Fudge muttered with some dissatisfaction, "The recent paper airplanes are all lavender and dark purple."

The elevator clacked up again, and the notes danced around the lamp hanging from the elevator ceiling.

"The fifth floor has arrived, the International Magic Cooperation Department, including the International Magic Trade Standards Association, the International Magic Law Office, and the British Seat of the International Magician Federation."

Fudge and George got out of the elevator. Outside was a wide corridor. They walked through the corridor and pushed open an oak door at the end of the corridor.

Behind the oak gate is an aisle. The doors on both sides of the aisle are written, International Magic Trade Standards Association and International Magic Law Office.

They continued on until they reached the end of the aisle, and pushed open another oak door, which led to an empty hall.

"Oh, no." Fudge hurriedly closed the door again.

He closed the oak door again, tapped the door with his wand a few times, muttered a few words, and then pushed the door open again.

At this time, what appeared behind the oak gate was a solemn and solemn auditorium.

On the ceiling of the auditorium, colorful flags representing the Ministry of Magic of each country hang down.

In the center of the auditorium is a huge round table, and in the center of the round table is an exquisite magic hourglass. The silver hourglass has a warm luster, and the sky blue star sand slowly drips.

At this time, there were already many wizards sitting around the round table. They were all wearing gray magic robes and took their seats in different countries.

Some of them whispered, some closed their eyes and meditated.

George and Fudge sat down in the meeting seats belonging to the United Kingdom. In their seats, in front of each of them, there was a delicate red-covered thick book with gilded letters on it.

"List of participants in the International Confederation of Wizards."

George gently opened the red thick book, and every page in it was printed with the photos and profiles of the participants.

He first turned to the list of British representatives according to the directory.

The first British representative was Albus Dumbledore, pictured here with silver beard and silver hair, wearing his signature half-moon glasses.

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