Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 504: School Leaving Banquet

Chapter 504 School Leaving Banquet

When Harry looked at him, his eyes stayed on Harry for a moment. The expression on his face was elusive. He still looked as gloomy and nasty as ever. Harry looked at Snape for a long time after he looked away.

When Harry looked at Snape, he had an inexplicable feeling that he had never imagined before. Snape actually liked his mother, it was so bizarre.

He didn't underestimate his mother's charm, but thought that he missed someone like Snape, how could he like someone with such a cold body.

From Harry's point of view, Snape's veins were filled with hatred and insidiousness. How could such a person have love hidden in his heart? Or, in fact, love does not change a person. Can evil and resentful people have their own selfish and evil love?

Harry touched his chest with his hand, where his blood was throbbing, and he had always known that his mother's protective charm was still in his blood. This power, this love, has protected him and helped him to this day.

He realized for a while, "Maybe love is not noble, and evil and malicious people can have their own selfish and evil love. Just like Malfoy can summon the Patronus spell, his father Lucius has always been good to him, they The family atmosphere is much better than the decent but old-fashioned family atmosphere of Barty Crouch."

Harry was just thinking about it when Professor Dumbledore suddenly stood up from the staff's desk, interrupting his train of thought. The auditorium was already much quieter than the usual school-leaving banquet, but it was even more silent at this time. This year is a special year, and everyone has more complicated minds than in previous years.

"Another year," said Dumbledore, looking at them all. "It's over."

He stopped talking, and his eyes fell on Hufflepuff's table. Before Dumbledore stood up, the emotions on this table had been the most depressed, and the faces beside this table were also the saddest and palest in the entire auditorium.

"I have many things to say to you all tonight," said Dumbledore, "but I must first declare with great pain that we have lost a very good man who should have been sitting here,"

He pointed to his Hufflepuff classmates. "Enjoy this dinner with us. I want everyone to stand up and raise a glass to Cedric Diggory."

Everyone stood up one after another, and there was the sound of a bench moving in the auditorium. They all raised their goblets and said in unison, in deep, deep voices, "Cedric Diggory."

"Cedric embodies the quality of Hufflepuff," Dumbledore continued. "He was a kind, loyal friend, a hard-working student, and he believed in fair play. His departure, It's all our loss."

Dumbledore added: "The purpose of the Triwizard Tournament is to enhance and promote mutual understanding in the wizarding world. Given what is happening now, given Voldemort's return to life, this connection is more important than ever."

The people in the audience began to whisper, you must know that the first thing Voldemort resurrected was to attack Hogwarts, and accused Dumbledore of conspiracy to resurrect him, and even said that Dumbledore's defeat was also due to Dumbledore's previous defeat. conspiracy.

After that, whether it was the Daily Prophet or the students in the school, there were a lot of criticisms against Dumbledore these days.

Dumbledore looked at Lady Maxime and Hagrid, at Fleur Delacour and her Beauxbatons alumni, at Victor Krum and Dem at the Slytherin table Strong's classmate.

"Every guest in this auditorium,"

Dumbledore said calmly, his eyes resting on Durmstrang's classmates, "As long as you want to come back, you are welcome at any time. I repeat to all of you, in view of Voldemort's return to life, we can only unite It will be strong, and if it is divided, it will be vulnerable.”

"Voldemort's methods of creating conflict and enmity are very clever. We can only show the same unbreakable friendship and trust,

to fight it to the end. As long as we have the same goals and open our minds, differences in habits and language will not be a hindrance. "

George nodded slightly, and at this point, it was true, Voldemort's tactics were no less clever. Voldemort first used the Triwizard Championship trophy as a trap, and when everyone was most excited and looking forward to it, he directly killed Cedric, the champion warrior of the Triwizard Championship.

After that, the black mark that appeared in the sky was like the declaration of the demon king, showing the return of the demon king with the death of the warrior.

Then he and the Death Eaters suddenly appeared in everyone's fear, and the entire Triwizard Tournament became his stage alone. All the students and teachers, all the foreshadowing seemed to set off his return.

Such a situation brought everyone a boundless shock, which was unforgettable. The devil descended on the earth like darkness, ruling all living beings under the night.

After that, Voldemort used questions and accusations to disintegrate Dumbledore's myth and push Dumbledore into everyone's suspicion. The pillar of light in the magic world was completely disintegrated in just a few words from him.

The trust Dumbledore has maintained and built for many years, and the bright image he constructed was subverted by Voldemort in an instant.

The great wizard in everyone's heart, the elder who supported the bright future of the magic world, was instantly pushed into the ranks of conspiratorial careerists by Voldemort.

This rout of trust is worse than the rout of Dumbledore's strength.

Capitalists will trample everything for high profits, and people will bravely resist for the belief in their hearts and the mission on their shoulders, even without fear of sacrifice.

But the depravity of this man who entrusted people's beliefs and was given to support the bright future of the magic world, and this man who was given a righteous mission, made people completely lose confidence in the future.

This heavy blow was of great help to Voldemort's rule.

When people find out that there is no one they can trust, even the great wizard who has heard the big name from childhood and is regarded as the savior and the pillar of light is a liar.

At this time, there will be nothing in the will to unite them, and everyone will become a piece of sand, and they will be slaughtered.

"Fortunately, I was prepared."

George secretly rejoiced in his heart that if he really followed the so-called plot and placed his hopes on Dumbledore and Harry to defeat Voldemort, then there was really only a dead end.

(To be continued.)

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