Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 501: Teacher George speaks the truth

Chapter 501 Mr. George's Reasoning

George waved his hand and asked loudly, "Except to resist Voldemort when there is no way to back down, have you really taken the initiative to do anything? The depravity and filth of the wizarding world have nothing to do with you, it is you These old people who are high above and ignore everything have created this world."

"Young people can only act according to your established trajectory, and they do not need to be responsible for the sins of this world."

He said slowly, "Voldemort broke this trajectory, but he is not the only one. If he can get good guidance at the beginning, now we may see another great wizard who mastered the sorcerer's stone refining, or, He can develop other longevity techniques."

"But how did you teach him? His Horcrux-making came from the Hogwarts library, and his first Horcruxes were made by killing Hogwarts students. Oh yes, that's when you Not the principal yet, so your responsibilities will be a little less, that principal is still hanging on the wall."

George glanced lightly at a portrait on the wall, and said contemptuously, "And you're like second-year Professor McGonagall, watching the school shut down, and that's all you do. I gotta say, Hogwarts. Many of the principals of Tsz are far inferior to the principals of Muggle schools, both in terms of teaching and ability."

This sentence made the portraits explode again, and they shouted loudly, "How dare you humiliate us so much, even if we are dead, how dare you compare us to Muggles, who do you think you are? So-called student, a daring madman, you're turning the entire history of Hogwarts upside down."

"Hahaha!" George laughed frantically and said in a fierce voice, "You are right, I want to subvert the entire history of Hogwarts, you are too old. For all students, you have already It's just a hindrance."

"You know nothing about the present world," he said in a cold tone, "Voldemort has surpassed all wizards in history, whether it's Salazar Slytherin or Godric Gryffindor. Will fall before Voldemort. So, who do you think you're talking to?"

"Voldemort is my defeat, and the history of the wizarding world has begun to be rewritten by me." George said in a dismissive tone, "You are just portraits with no memory, you have no future, just forever of portraits that are classified as miscellaneous."

He asked loudly, "Look at everything you've done, and see how the entire magic world is getting weaker and weaker under your leadership."

"The entire British wizarding world has a population of less than 10,000 people. Wizards can only hide under the expansion of Muggles. Dumbledore's greatest invention is the twelve ways to use dragon blood. What have you done all these years? "

"What contributions have you made to the magical world? You are just maintaining such a magical world, and you are already stretched and crumbling. When Muggles continue to develop rapidly, when wizards continue to rapidly degenerate, what will finally usher in war or destruction? ?"

He said coldly, "Even for Voldemort, his influence on the wizarding world will only be greater than yours. Hogwarts has been established for more than 1,000 years, and all the students of the British wizarding world are from Hogwarts. went out."

"What exactly is your education on them, your influence on them? Did you teach them to abuse and kill Muggles, or teach them to spread fear everywhere."

George asked loudly, "Hate, killing, evil, fear, these are what they learned in school? Don't say you are innocent, there is no one in this world, whether it's you, me, or any baby. , no one is innocent."

He sneered contemptuously, "When you ignore Slytherin students and spread hatred in the academy, when you ignore the teachers who teach fear in the academy. When you see evil without moving, when you Seeing atrocities and dodging and giving in,

When you abuse your power, abuse your position. "

"Then why are you wondering? A Voldemort will bring all the atrocities back to you."

He stared at the portraits fiercely, "It's not just you, only you old people are worthy of respect, you represent the past, you are hopeless. But the young people represent the future, how to treat them, represents their future is and You are just as filthy and depraved, but you still bring a new world."

"Make a fortune in silence, hehe," George smiled dismissively, "What a clever way, and then generations of young people become exactly the same old people."

"When they become as obedient as you are, and more and more weak, then you start complaining that they can't take on the heavy responsibility of the wizarding world, they are degenerate, they are the beat generation, that's really easy."

The portraits were speechless under George's terrifying stare, his eyes so enchanting that the rebuttals were beyond words.

"It's like waving your hand, all the responsibilities are none of your business. You enjoy all the advantages, you enjoy all the privileges, and then you say to the young people, you are too young, you are too naive. You have nothing to do with things. You know, you should respect the elderly, those who give you a world like this."

"From the first time Voldemort killed, the first time he made a Horcrux, from his graduation to his rise, from his war to his demise. From his dying breath to his rise again, it's been a long, abundant, very long time."

"And all you do is to make a fortune in silence, to feel sorry for yourself, and to maintain a rotten and dirty world."

George turned his fierce eyes to Dumbledore and continued to ask, "When Voldemort comes again, you will feel alone and afraid again, because there is no one to help you. Because you have never prepared for this. ."

"Over the years, the students couldn't even take a serious Defence Against the Dark Arts class, and the funny teachers changed year after year."

"It's all you do, you spread fear, let the students, let their parents, their families spread the fear of Voldemort. Let them be helpless, to fear, to remember Voldemort."

"It wasn't until they uttered the name, and shivered at the hearing of it, that you grieved at their weakness. They were powerless, and you asked them to fight against evil.

(To be continued.)

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