Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 491 Complaining [Thirty-one/Thirty-nine]

Chapter 491 Complain

Unexpectedly, the students from other colleges did not refute the words of the Slytherin students, but agreed.

"Drmstrang's students are pretty good. Black magic is not as rumored. Once exposed, it will deteriorate. On the contrary, inability to protect yourself is the worst result."

After nearly a year of contact, plus a series of battles in the dueling club before. The students at Hogwarts had a better understanding of the students at Durmstrang, and they even developed some sympathy in battle.

They no longer regard Durmstrang's students as terrifying monsters, nor are they hostile to black magic for no reason, but are really starting to use their own thinking to look at what they see with their eyes.

For such a situation, George is happy to see it. Schools can only instill something that teachers want to instill in their students. The real learning and growth can only depend on the students themselves.

When students know how to take the initiative to pursue strength, they will make faster progress. Only the beliefs that come from the students' own thinking can really stay in their hearts for a long time and pay the price for it.

A Ravenclaw student said with emotion, "Dark magic is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying thing is that you do not master power because of fear. In the labyrinth, if George hadn't defeated Voldemort, now the entire wizarding world will be ∨Long∨Wind∨Wen∨Learning, w⊥ww.cf○wx.n∧et will kneel to lick Voldemort's robe."

The shocking battle that took place in front of the students has been echoing in the minds of the students. Facing Voldemort's weak and powerless memories, the students quickly matured as if they had truly experienced life and death.

When Durmstrang's students defeated the Hogwarts students on the stage, they amicably let the other party walk off the stage.

Seeing that the students of Hogwarts were once again defeated by Durmstrang's black magic, the discussion among the students of Hogwarts became more intense off the stage.

"Dumbledore is not fit to be a headmaster. After he became headmaster, the teaching of the school has been getting worse and worse over the years. In the name of safety, he forbade us to learn powerful magic, but did not improve the quality of teaching, even the original The curriculum is getting worse and worse.”

"He is a cover-up for the school's teachers without any demands. Snape can insult students at will in class. A person like Hagrid who is completely incapable of teaching is also appointed as a teacher."

"That's right, a completely meaningless course like the prophecy class has also been brought into the classroom. It is the most important Defense Against the Dark Arts class,

Every year, some joke-like teachers are replaced. Is there really no one in the magic world? "

When danger comes, everyone yearns for more and more power, but the school does not provide them with a way to obtain power.

"I think the teaching of the mutual aid society is much better than the teaching of the teachers. When I was there, I could easily ask questions without worrying about being scolded. All the questions I asked were well answered instead of being laughed at by the teachers. You are an idiot."

"Yeah, if the teachers could teach like a mutual aid society, we would definitely be stronger than we are now. So why don't they teach like a mutual aid society?"

Listening to the students' complaints and thoughts, George secretly figured out how to make use of the students' morale.

"It's a pity that the summer vacation will be over in a few days. I hope they will remember this after the vacation. Or, should they prepare a lot of homework for the summer vacation?"

The high morale of the students will soon be consumed in the long summer vacation, which makes George feel a little regretful. But then, he calmed down again, chicken blood can't cope with long-term study.

If just one summer vacation consumes their morale, then their morale is too erratic, and the heavy homework may just be a screening. After all, for wizards, the number of the bottom has never been the real advantage.

When George walked out of the dueling club, he had some plans for the summer vacation.

In the last few days, the news of Voldemort's resurrection is still fermenting. The front page of the "Daily Prophet" completely published the information obtained by the interrogation of little Crouch, and completely revealed the whole news of Voldemort's resurrection.

When eating in the morning, the owls gathered and flew into the big restaurant. It was like rain, and many newspapers were thrown down.

The recent events are too important. Everyone at Hogwarts paid attention to the latest "Daily Prophet" for the first time.

Harry picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet and read it gently.

The title of the article is, George Soros turns the tide and saves the wizarding world. Voldemort came back, and Dumbledore was instantly defeated.

He turned his attention to George, and when he saw that he had no objection, he continued to read. Everyone else turned their attention to Harry, listening to today's report with pricked ears.

This is a first-hand account obtained by a reporter from the Daily Prophet from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on the front line.

After Voldemort's failed attack on Hogwarts, the greatest young wizard the wizarding world has ever seen, Mr. George Soros, along with the Minister of Magic and Hogwarts teachers, interrogates the Death Eaters who infiltrated Hogwarts.

Through the interrogation of the Death Eater, we completely know the whole process of Voldemort's resurrection.

Barty Crouch Jr. is the head of the Ministry of Magic's International Magical Exchange and Cooperation Division and Barty Crouch's son. He was sentenced to life in Azkaban after being accused of torturing the Auror Longbottom and his wife with the Cruciatus Curse during the time Voldemort had just disappeared, causing them to go mad.

According to the testimony obtained by the interrogation of Little Crouch, Barty Crouch, because of his wife's pleas, tacitly agreed that his wife replaced Little Crouch with compound decoction and died in Azkaban instead.

This great mother exchanged her life for the life of her Death Eater son, but it is a pity that even the greatest affection cannot save the filthy soul of the Death Eater. Her son did not repent because of his mother's death, but focused on returning to Voldemort's command and continuing to serve his master.

For many years, Barty Sr. kept little Crouch at home with Imperius and guarded him with house-elves. But it is clear that this completely derelict father has continued to dereliction of duty for more than a decade after this.

He couldn't change his son in the slightest, and his Imperius Curse only aroused more disgust in Little Crouch, and too many spells made Little Crouch resist the Imperius Curse.

(To be continued.)

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