Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 449: Harry's performance [seven/thirty-nine]

Chapter 449 Harry's Performance

Unbelievable, he actually analyzed the answer word by word, he said loudly, "It's a spider, the answer is a spider, right?"

The sphinx smiled kindly, and she stood up, straightened her front legs, and stepped aside.

"Thank you!" Harry was delighted that he had guessed such a difficult riddle, and excitedly walked towards the center of the maze.

"Passed out." A white beam of light hit Harry.

The white beam hit Harry's side, met a transparent wall of air, and bounced off.

Harry rushed towards the dark corner of the wall in an instant, and in the process of dodging, he also threw a flame.

The flames flew to the grass where Krum was hiding, and instantly ignited the grass and trees. Krum immediately rolled on the spot and escaped from the burning grass.

He didn't expect at all that his sneak attack, which he was sure about, would miss. The opponent's reaction was so quick, which was completely beyond his imagination.

Krum, who jumped out of the grass, did not escape the danger because of this. During the rolling process, he hit an invisible wall of air again, making a muffled sound, and only felt that the world was spinning and he was dizzy. Before he could get up, a white beam hit him. An overwhelming tiredness hit him.

"Passed out."

Harry, who added another Sleeping Charm, slowly walked out of the dark corner. He had already determined that Krum had completely lost the ability to resist.

It has to be said that Krum's attack angles and opportunities are well grasped, and his timing is as good as he is in Quidditch.

He chose the moment when a person was the least prepared and most likely to lose his mind, and his shot was just right. But no matter how good the talent, no matter how good the skills, can't help people know it.

Harry came all the way cautiously, avoiding many dangers, and he was about to face the final test, how could he be unprepared.

He has prepared armor and bodyguards for himself along the way, and the spell to counterattack is always ready. As soon as Krum shot, he immediately attracted a barrage of counterattacks from Harry.

"Not bad." George was quite satisfied with Harry's performance. It is really not easy to be able to be prepared for attacks at any time while guessing the riddles.

On the screen, Cedric also entered the center of the maze from another road.

George pondered that Harry would not be fighting for the trophy. It seems that the championship is Cedric's, but he just doesn't know what will happen to the trophy. The trophy should have been checked by the referees, but Voldemort's methods were not so easy to find.

The stands were already noisy, and at the moment when Krum attacked Harry, the stands were full of people. They were the first to reach the center of the labyrinth, victory would be decided among them, and Krum's sneak attack was almost a success.

At that moment, the Durmstrand students were full of glory and excitement, and the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament was theirs.

The students at Hogwarts were anxious and dissatisfied, and although Harry was an individual contestant, he was also a member of the school after all. Winning the title by Harry, while not perfect, is better than losing to Durmstrang.

And they hate losing to Durmst this way more than losing to Durmstrang. Although they hate failure, they hate being overtaken by their opponents by unsightly means, which is even more unacceptable.

But things went completely beyond the students' expectations.

Durmstrang's students immediately fell from heaven to hell. Krum's sneak attack failed to defeat Harry, and was solved by his counterattack. Krum was disqualified from the competition. Is there anything worse and more humiliating than this? They can't imagine.

The Hogwarts students were just the opposite. Their mood was like a roller coaster, from the bottom of the valley to the top. Harry had been prepared for a long time, his protective spell blocked Krum's sneak attack, and his counterattack quickly solved Krum within a few seconds.

On the screen, Harry used his wand to send out a red firework,

The signal for help was released for Krum, and Krum was completely disqualified from the competition.

On the screen, Harry has passed the passage of the Sphinx, and he walked unhurriedly towards the center of the maze.

The uproar in the stands had changed the content, previously they were worried that Harry was moving too slowly, complaining about why Harry was moving so slowly, only because Krum was in the first place.

And now, they were starting to worry about Harry moving too fast, even though Harry was still walking slowly and cautiously like the previous journey. But this speed made the students in the stands anxious, and they wanted Harry to stop immediately and not act.

Such the same speed, the same action, produced a completely different effect.

Just because on the other side, Cedric also walked to the center of the maze. He was completely different from Harry's unhurried, he ran very fast, and even accidentally fell because he was too hasty. But even if he fell, it didn't slow him down, he immediately got up with a tumble and crawled, and continued to run fast.

"Cedric come on!"

"Harry slow down!"

There were all kinds of strange calls in the stands. Even though they all knew that the warriors couldn't hear them, they couldn't help but shout.

Although they were also Hogwarts students, they remembered that Harry was a solo contestant. Once he wins the game, the trophy is his personal glory, not staying in school and leaving everyone in the dust.

Like luck, or intentional, by the time Harry walked to the center of the maze and saw the trophy, Cedric had already touched the Triwizard Tournament trophy.

"Win, Hogwarts won, we won the Triwizard Tournament."

The students on the opening stage cheered loudly, jumping for joy, and couldn't help it.

After a year, the warriors of Hogwarts finally won the Triwizard Tournament.

George was not at all happy, he was staring at the changes on the screen, and took a look at the referee's table from the corner of his eye.

Like him, Dumbledore was not happy at all, his eyes fixed on the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament, and there was some disappointment and unwillingness on his face.

At this time again, a drastic change occurred on the screen, and then the entire labyrinth underwent a drastic change.

Cedric took the Gold Cup in the Triwizard Tournament, holding the trophy high, rejoicing at his hard-won victory. But in an instant, with a green light, he fell to the ground.

A huge green glitter flew out of the trophy. It jumped over the hedge and flew into the air.

It was a gigantic skeleton, composed of countless green star-like things, and a large python emerged from the skeleton's mouth like a tongue.

(To be continued.)

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