Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 410 Neville's Little Dream

Chapter 410 Neville's Little Dream

"It's not surprising, the herbal class and the potion class are closely related courses. Your grades in the herbal class have always been good, and the results in the potions class are not bad. It's because Snape delayed you."

"It's the same with Harry. His potions talent is not bad at all, but he was also seriously delayed by Snape." George pointedly pointed out that the problems of their previous potions class were all caused by Snape's deliberate delay.

"I...I..." Neville had an unbelievable look in his eyes, he stammered and didn't know what to say.

Everyone could see Snape's malice towards him. He couldn't learn potions well, and he had a lot to do with Snape, everyone knew that. But he still couldn't believe it when he thought that he had a talent in the potions class.

"Don't worry, it's all over." Hermione comforted Neville gently, "Snape can't stop you from discovering your talents, you've let them show now, and your potion level will get better and better. The better come."

George clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, and said loudly.

"As you can see, each of you has potential talents. Maybe they are inconspicuous in the beginning, but as long as you keep working hard and keep cultivating them. Even Snape's all-out suppression won't work. Stop Neville from discovering his talents."

"It's like this with Neville, and so are you. Whether it's the difficulties in the course or the pressure from the teachers, they can't really stop you. It's only when you give up and don't want to think deeply, when you start to be unwilling to continue. Only then will your talents be completely buried."

"I hope you." George looked into everyone's eyes. "Like Neville, never give up. I hope you can discover your talents."

The mutual aid society burst into applause, and everyone looked at Neville excitedly. There is no more convincing proof than this. Neville Longbottom, who has always been considered the stupidest and most stupid in the academy, was said by Snape that once he appeared in the enemy's camp, it was the greatest good news. He also has Hidden talent.

Right in front of everyone's eyes, everyone clearly saw Neville's progress. When he discovered his talent, what was originally his most painful project has now become his greatest strength. At the level of potion, he has caught up with the most powerful students in the class.

There is nothing more exciting and motivating for students than this. Even Neville could do it, how could they possibly lose to Neville? Thinking of this, the students' fighting spirit for learning became extremely high.

Neville at this time,

There was contented joy on his face, a sense of relief, this time he really didn't hold back. God knows how hard he worked and how much he paid for it.

When Hermione and the others asked him to come to the mutual aid society to make up lessons, he initially refused. It's not that I'm afraid of being tired, nor is it that I'm afraid of being embarrassed or scolded.

These were already commonplace for him, even if Harry had Malfoy, Snape, and other mortal enemies, the scolding he received in the academy was only a fraction of Neville's.

It was not one teacher who targeted Neville, but almost all teachers. It's true, he has a bad memory and forgets things easily. He's slow to react, anything he does.

Teachers know this, but they always ignore it. They used other people's requirements, used other people's standards to demand Neville, whether it was asking him to answer questions or to show him a spell. He really can't do it, not because he doesn't work hard and doesn't want to do it, but because he really can't do it.

The teachers hoped that Neville would get better soon, like they believed it wasn't that Neville couldn't do it, but that he couldn't think. Once Neville's performance wasn't what they expected, they immediately started humiliating Neville's mind again. This only made Neville feel more fearful and harder to control himself.

Make yourself smarter, make yourself more responsive, make yourself popular. Who doesn't long to do that, Neville more than anyone else, to be like any other normal person.

He doesn't envy George Soros, he doesn't envy Hermione Granger, he doesn't envy Harry Potter. That is simply beyond his reach, and it is difficult to look up to.

He envied the Hufflepuffs who weren't doing well and weren't smart enough, but just enough to keep up with all their studies. That was what he really wished he could do, and that was his greatest fantasy of himself.

When everyone else had left the mutual aid society, George began to think about the next task, and in the evening, it was the activities of the dueling club.

Mutual aid and dueling clubs have always done well, just like Neville today, he overcame his inner demons and discovered his talents.

He found talent in the most unlikely projects, and found his talent for refining potions in the potions class he feared the most. It was Neville's success, and it was the mutual aid's success.

The same is true in the dueling club, where more classmates, who knew nothing from the beginning, tiptoed. Now that he can sway freely in the duel arena, and face any opponent, he can fight bravely, which is an amazing progress.

But everything, in his opinion, was too slow, too slow.

All the students were vulnerable in his eyes, indeed, they were children. Only in fairy tales can these little ones come in handy.

But he couldn't expect himself to be in a fairy tale, and perhaps it would be extremely unreasonable to demand these children by adult standards. But he couldn't expect that Voldemort would wait for everyone to come of age, to become adults, and to face everyone in a fair one-on-one match.

The recent situation has made George worry, and he has to impatiently implement all his plans. These plans were supposed to be rolled out slowly over the next few years, unnoticed by others, but everything has changed.

Harry was accidentally chosen to be the warrior of the Triwizard Tournament, Dumbledore insisted on resurrecting Voldemort, and even recruited senior Aurors like Mad-Eye Moody. The Triwizard Tournament started at such a sensitive and special time.

Everything made George feel that the time was not waiting for me. It was developing steadily, growing calmly, and finally crushing Voldemort with absolute strength. This is the ending he most expects.

It may even be said that it may not take long, just a few more years. No one else would care whether Dumbledore was going to die with peace of mind, or commit suicide with regret. But now, Dumbledore has to settle his own worries at the last moment of his long sleep, which affects everyone's future.

(To be continued.)

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