Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 408: The Hidden Conspiracy

Chapter 408 Hidden Conspiracy

"Well done, Harry! You've grown a lot." George patted Harry's shoulder lightly and said sincerely, "The coping in the cabin is very good, even me, it won't show better."

"Hahaha." Harry said with a smile, "If it were you, they wouldn't dare to count on you like that, and the Triwizard Tournament wouldn't be difficult for you at all."

"That's true." George responded without modesty. "Strength is the foundation of everything. Every time you increase your strength, you will have more choices when facing difficulties and threats. You are all outstanding among your peers. You can have more confidence in yourself. You are already qualified wizards. ."

The discussions didn't uncover the real culprits or their true purpose, but Harry wasn't nervous anymore.

Like George said, he already has a lot of confidence in himself. He is not a simple 15-year-old child, his life is rich enough and he has experienced enough.

Not to mention the need to live a life of suffocation since childhood. In the years since he came to the wizarding world, he has faced the threat of Voldemort, faced the threat of the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, and he has personally ended the grievances handed down by his parents.

He's already a fourth-year wizard. He already has the power to protect himself. When he was in the African savannah, he faced the most vicious and cunning hunters on the savannah many times, those terrifying hyenas.

The winner is always him, as George said, he is already a qualified wizard.

"Okay, training, training, training. Powerful, powerful, powerful." Hermione said angrily, "Who made us wizards?"

Since entering the magic world, danger and violence have never left her, which is completely different from life in the world of ordinary people. But anyway, she has to get used to it.

"Wait until Voldemort is dead." George said with longing in his voice, "At that time, everyone can choose to travel around the world with peace of mind, or they can choose to use their own power to change the world and make the world a better place. We are still young and have a lot to do."

"I'm going to buy a Quidditch team then." Ron recalled his childhood dream again. He calculated his savings and possible future income, which no longer seemed out of reach.


Once the weekend was over, everything was back on track. The daily classes and daily activities make everyone's daily arrangements full. Harry didn't care about other people's gossip,

He needs to do a lot.

But obviously, not everyone thinks this way, and more about Harry's becoming a warrior has begun to be understood by his classmates.

As a result, the others were even more puzzled, except that they wondered how Harry had tricked the age line. More curious as to what he was thinking. He's become an individual contestant, and he's more in the limelight, but who's the winner of the Triwizard Tournament?

Everyone inquired about such unexpected results. When it was heard that if Harry won the Triwizard Tournament, the trophy would be awarded directly to Harry instead of the school, everyone was even more excited and uproared.

Now even the Gryffindor students don't know how to deal with Harry.

When Harry became a warrior on behalf of Gryffindor, everyone was proud and thought it was a victory for Gryffindor, and they enthusiastically supported Harry.

But when Harry becomes an individual participant, all the credit goes to Harry alone. In this case, Gryffindor students immediately felt a little lack of interest.

When Angelina saw Harry on the road, she stopped greeting him.

Fortunately, not everyone is like that. Fred and Joe, who admired Harry even more, agreed to crown Harry the King of Mischief.

After they knew the news, they looked for Harry immediately, "Harry, how on earth did you talk to other people in the hut and make them agree to you as a personal contestant."

Before Harry could say anything, they were already excited about what happened after the game.

"It's amazing, it's a lot more fun than being a warrior at Hogwarts. I guess the Triwizard trophy is made of gold, and you can choose to melt it when it comes, it's worth a lot of gold What about Gallen?" Fred said in a rare seriousness.

"No, no, no." Joe shook his head and said, "The personal trophy of the Triwizard Tournament is unique, and there will definitely be people who are willing to buy it at a high price. Even if it is kept for collection, it will become more and more valuable. "

"One thousand Galleons, if the trophy sells for one thousand Galleons, it will be a fortune for the boss." Fred said dumbly, swallowing hard.

Joe stared straight at Harry and said, "We will fully support you to win the championship. After you win the championship, you will get the bonus. We can let you invest in our joke shop. It doesn't take a lot of money, and we will definitely make money. ."

"Well, I'll think about it." Harry looked at the excitement on Fred and Joe's faces, unable to tell them that he wasn't planning to win the game. He figured it out secretly, he had a lot of savings, and it was not difficult to invest in their joke shop.

The reactions of the Gryffindor students were, of course, the friendliest.

Other than that, Ravenclaw didn't have much reaction to Harry becoming a warrior.

Needless to say, the whole of Hogwarts knows that the strongest student in the school will always be George Soros. He is the best student ever at Hogwarts, and it is foreseeable that, even for many years to come, there will never be a better student than him.

Ravenclaw students fully believe that the age limit in the House Cup is to keep George out of the competition. This will make the Triwizard Tournament completely unsuspenseful, and George will easily win the first place in all events without a doubt.

In terms of performance and background, Ravenclaw is the best. And in the future, George will become Ravenclaw, and the legend of Hogwarts.

It is with this absolute confidence that Ravenclaw can stand on the sidelines of any farce, any show of other academies.

"You won the Quidditch Cup?", "That's because George didn't play."

"You won the Academy Cup?", "That's because George didn't plan to play."

"You won the Triwizard Tournament trophy?", "That's because George doesn't want to bully you."

This kind of full of malicious answers made the other academies very uncomfortable and awkward, but they couldn't refute them. After all, what Hogwarts said was the truth.

(To be continued.)

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