Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 383 The Terrible Imperius Curse

Chapter 383 The Terrible Imperius Curse

"Okay, it's a happy decision." Hermione said with a smile, "Harry is the honorary president, I am the executive president, Ron is the treasurer, and George is an honorary member."

She said happily, "Now that our team is complete, we need to show more members. I originally planned to ask the members to pay for this badge. Since George intends to pay, we will strongly support this great significance. things, then badges can be given to members for free, which will make it easier for us to show members.”

She said in an uplifting tone, "Let's applaud George's generosity. The house-elves will not forget his great efforts for this matter. The history of house-elves will change at this moment."

Then she applauded fiercely by herself, and Harry and Ron suppressed the urge to laugh and watched the scene quietly.

The corners of George's eyes twitched, and he only felt a feeling of shooting himself in the foot. After his unremitting efforts and education, Hermione has learned badly and is full of routines.


Thankfully, Hermione wasn't crazy, she still looked like that smart little girl. She doesn't put s.p.e. associations above study and life.

For the next two weeks, Hermione didn't jump into action as quickly as she had made her speech.

"Maybe George's words convinced him." Harry had a fluke in his heart, and it would be great if Hermione could forget about it.

Their classes are getting tighter these days, perhaps because the college is trying to make the students look a little more like them before delegations from other countries arrive.

After all, neither teachers nor students want to lose face in front of other colleges and delegations from other countries.

The requirements of the courses are getting higher and higher, and the intensity is getting stronger and stronger, and the most difficult of them is undoubtedly the Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by Moody.

Perhaps, as George said, Dumbledore hired Professor Moody as a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor because his dangerous plan to resurrect Voldemort was getting deeper and deeper, and the terrifying threat was getting closer and closer to the students. close.

Professor Moody was different from all the other Defence Against the Dark Arts professors, and he was different from all the teachers in the Academy. The teachers are always afraid that the students will make trouble. In every class, they keep watching the students and not let them do anything dangerous.

But the new Defence Against the Dark Arts class was completely different, and the class itself became the greatest danger.

After Professor Moody showed the Three Unforgivable Curses in the living room, he even asked every student to take his Imperius Curse in class to help them get used to the curse and make them understand the curse. Terrible power to train resistance to this spell.

When Professor Moody just said this sentence in class, all the classmates looked at him with incredible eyes, and they all believed that they must have heard it wrong just now.

"You heard that right," said Professor Moody in a nonchalant tone. "Everyone must be trained to resist the Imperius Curse, and no one is exempt."

Even if Professor Moody reiterated such words, the students still couldn't believe it. How is this possible, this is Hogwarts. This is the most vigilant and most feared place for black magic except the Ministry of Magic.

I know from this course in school, Defense Against the Dark Arts. All the aims and attempts of this course stem from a deep fear of black magic. The school does not dare to teach black magic, and can only pin all their wishes on waiting for enough defense against black magic.

How could it be possible for students to be subjected to the Unforgivable Curse in a Hogwarts classroom?

Professor Moody didn't seem to see the students' doubts at all. He waved his wand and moved the desks to the wall, leaving a huge space in the middle of the classroom.

"This is illegal, Professor." Hermione reminded in a low voice.

"You said that if you use it on people, you'll be imprisoned in Azkaban."

She clearly remembered that when Professor Moody showed the Three Unforgivable Curses, he solemnly warned all students that using any of the three Unforgivable Curses on people would lead to life imprisonment in Azkaban .

"Professor Dumbledore allows you to experience these terrifying things in advance." Professor Moody's terrifying blue-eyed false eye looked at Hermione with a sinister, penetrating gaze, and said coldly.

"Unless you wish to experience this feeling in a crueler way—waiting for the enemy to recite this spell for you, keeping you completely in the palm of your hand. If you want, then you can leave immediately. ."

He stretched out his scarred finger and pointed at the classroom door, giving Hermione a choice.

Hermione blushed and muttered in a low voice that she didn't want to leave.

Then, Professor Moody began to greet the students one by one, and asked them to take turns trying to be controlled by the Imperius Curse.

Hermione cursed inwardly, "Damn privilege." She looked at her classmates with trembling fear, and under the influence of the spell, one after another made unbelievable abnormal movements.

Dean Thomas danced in comical circles, singing out of tune. Lavender physically mimics the totally different squirrel.

Neville used his extremely soft body to perform a series of amazing gymnastics moves. Obviously, this was definitely not something he could do under normal conditions. After he got rid of the Imperius Curse, he could tell by his grinning and strained muscles, this was not his own flexibility.

No matter how reluctant things are, or things that are completely beyond the physical limit, they are strictly implemented by the students under the orders of Professor Moody.

Under the influence of the Imperius Curse, no one can resist the state of control, and they must wait until Professor Moody takes the initiative to eliminate the curse before they can return to normal.

"Potter." Professor Moody said in an expectant voice, "It's your turn." The previous students' performance was very ordinary or even mediocre, and he couldn't wait to see something different.

Harry stepped forward and walked to the middle of the classroom, like the rest of the class, to the space that had just been vacated. He calmed down and tried to take the initiative to enter the special state of meditation under this situation. This was something he usually had a hard time doing, but he knew that only in this way would he be able to resist the Imperius Curse.

Professor Moody raised his wand, pointed at Harry, and read, "Out of body."

Before Professor Moody spoke, Harry had been trying to actively enter the special state of meditation, and he still failed to do so when he reached the middle of the field.

(To be continued.) 8 More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's school

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