Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 380 Vomiting Micro Chapter

Chapter 38o Vomiting Micro Chapter

Completely different from Snape, Professor Moody absolutely does not tolerate Slytherin's mischief. Δ"

During a sneak attack on Harry, Malfoy was bumped into by Professor Moody. He immediately turned Malfoy into a ferret, frightening Malfoy like an angry little daughter-in-law who dared not speak. It's a picture that will make Harry and Ron laugh for the rest of their lives.

"I'm counting on this joke to live for the rest of my life." Ron said with a wide-eyed smile, "Draco Malfoy, that hopping ferret."

"Sure enough, this is a really powerful Defence Against the Dark Arts professor." Harry said with emotion, "This is a powerful wizard without moisture, and even Snape dare not offend him."

Whenever he saw Snape dodging eyes from Professor Moody in the hallway, he longed for the deterrence of that power. If he was as powerful as Professor Moody, Snape must have looked the same to him.

As soon as he thought of this, he ignited an infinite desire for power.

"But he's a little too strong, and he'll hurt Malfoy," Hermione said cautiously, "and he's still in class, teaching the Unforgivable Curse. Imperius, Cruciatus, Avadazoo. , these unforgivables should not be what we are learning now."

Professor Moody is undoubtedly a very powerful Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, but I have to say that he is too different from other professors, which makes Hermione uncomfortable.

"Hermione, you're a disappointment." Ron said with some displeasure.

"Professor Moody is teaching us how to protect ourselves. Although teaching the three Unforgivable Curses seems to be going too far. But in any case, this is much better than those professors who teach little children. The previous teacher never intended to , taught us the real lethal spell."

"There's nothing wrong with knowing the Unforgivable Curse. If a wizard, he doesn't even know what he needs to face. It's hard for me to believe that they can protect themselves and resist those evils."

George said lightly, "Professor Moody is a very powerful Auror, he has faced many evil forces, he has arrested many dark wizards. He is a real good at fighting evil, this and other jokes Even the Defence Against the Dark Arts class is taught differently."

He said earnestly, "Dumbledore has made some preparations. He intends to resurrect Voldemort. This plan is very dangerous. He found Professor Moody, and he was able to open his mouth and find a real Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. , which is a good thing."

"On the other hand, he tolerates everyone learning real defense techniques, which also means that his dangerous plan is running deeper and deeper. You need to spend more time on mastering the power to protect yourself."

"It turns out to be so, no wonder." Harry also looked thoughtful.

From those funny Defence Against the Dark Arts professors, suddenly jumping to a powerful wizard, which made them even a little flattered and couldn't believe it.

It turned out that there was such a reason. Dumbledore recruited Professor Moody. In addition to being a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he probably hoped that he could protect the students after Voldemort was resurrected.

"But apart from the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, the divination class is as boring as ever. I want to quit it." Hermione said gloomily, "My biggest gain from this class is that my ability to make up stories is much stronger."

"Who said it wasn't." Ron shook his head helplessly. "Although we have a good relationship with Hagrid, I still have to say it. Hagrid's magical creature protection class won't help us. Why should we go? What kind of fried tail snails are raised, apart from exploding and stinging people, no one knows what it is for."

"But we can't quit the Conservation of Magical Creatures class, and we have no one to support Hagrid," Harry said uneasily, "Malfoy is taking this class, and he nearly killed Buckbeak last year. , if we don't look at Hagrid, he will make more troubles.


Harry also had a headache. He didn't know Dumbledore, why he wanted Hagrid to be a teacher. He was obviously unqualified and would only cause trouble.

And now the bad thing is that only they can help Hagrid clean up. Dumbledore could only keep Hagrid, and at a critical moment, he would stay out of the matter, at least when Buckbeak was sentenced to death, Dumbledore didn't say anything.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and let out a long sigh. Now Hagrid is relaxed and heartless in the protection of magical creatures class.

On the contrary, they were worried, like taking care of a big child, they had to watch Hagrid firmly, not let him make trouble, and they couldn't let Malfoy make trouble and involve Hagrid.

Hermione shuddered and said, "Forget it, if I drop out of divination class, Hagrid might let me take his class. When she thinks of raising Flott caterpillars and blowing tail snails, she'd rather stay there. Make up stories in divination class, and read books in other classes.”

George nodded and said, "Indeed, the most important electives are Ancient Rune. For the others, you can just mix credits. When you have transformed Animagus and mastered it to perfection, you can continue to practice it. Advanced form, this magic takes a lifetime to master."

He continued, "You can't become a great wizard just by the progress of the course. In addition to the things on the course, you also need more training. I will continue to promote the dueling club and add more training."

"Okay, let's not talk about that." Hermione waved her hand and said excitedly, "I have other things."

As she said that, she took out an exquisite small iron box, and she mysteriously opened the box. There were fifty badges in the box, in different colors, all of which read, s.p.e..

"Spe, vomit," Harry asked curiously, picking up a badge, "what does that mean."

"It's not vomiting, it's s.p.e.. It means House Elf Rights Promotion Association." Hermione explained carefully, "This is an association I just founded to fight for legal rights for house elves, such as work vacations and so on. With you, there are four members of the association."

"Why do we wear a vomit badge and do some inexplicable things?" Ron said unhappily, this has nothing to do with them, no one in their family raises house-elves.

She said indignantly, "It's not an inexplicable thing, it's our mission. The attitude of the wizards to the house-elves is so bad, they are like slaves, no, worse than slaves. They have no rest, no Sick leave, no pay, nothing."

(To be continued.) 8 More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's school

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