Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 375 Rumors fly

Chapter 375 Rumors Are Flying

"As for the Ministry of Magic's accountability, they will directly introduce an editor-in-chief at that time, saying that it is a temporary worker. Once the temporary worker is fired, the Ministry of Magic will not be able to directly ban it. In the end, rumors spread, fame and fortune, and the The world, who cares if the report is really untrue."

George could see the trick at a glance. This kind of thing is not too much in the Muggle world.

As for holding the boss of the newspaper office accountable, the newspaper office is no better than any other business, and the newspaper office is propaganda. Behind such a large newspaper office, there is often the support of the Ministry of Magic itself. Many of the bosses behind the newspaper office are retired senior officials of the Ministry of Magic.

When they were in office, they would certainly not allow newspapers to report like this. But once they retire, they immediately stand wholeheartedly in the position and interests of the newspaper, how to make money. When necessary, pour dirty water on the Ministry of Magic, and don't be afraid to piss off your brother.

After all, it is the big water to wash the Dragon King Temple, and the interests are the left hand and the right hand, and in the end, neither side will suffer.

"Okay, let's have breakfast first, and tell me what's going on while you eat." The grandmother greeted them and came to the restaurant together.

An overly hearty breakfast filled with long tables and enough dessert cakes to open a breakfast shop.

It seemed that her grandmother woke up early, and the news made her very worried and made too much breakfast unknowingly.

Fortunately, no matter how much food there is, George can always eat it when necessary.

Anna had already eaten breakfast and began to talk about the situation carefully.

"That is to say, except for those rogue wizards who were drinking and making trouble, there was only one Death Eater who didn't know his intentions and fired the Mark of the Darkness, and everyone else was injured by George?" The grandmother asked quietly.

George swallowed the last piece of cake, drank another big glass of milk, and said, "That's right, as long as Voldemort's mind is okay, even if he is really resurrected, he would never dare to appear in such a situation. He dares to come out, I dare to kill him with Anna."

Anna smiled and said, "I can't beat Voldemort, it's good to not cause trouble for the young master."

George said calmly, "Voldemort is also a flesh and blood after all. When he was killed by Harry Potter's mother, I don't believe that I can't find his flaws. The longer time passes, the greater our advantage will be. He is in a hurry. It is a dead end to emerge, but he is also a dead end when he hides a plan."

The strength grows year after year, the vision and strength grow year after year.

George is no longer the young man who would be afraid of Voldemort when he thinks of it. He has already made his own way in the pursuit of strength and power.

This road is very long, but this road is wider and wider than Voldemort, Dumbledore, everything they have seen and known.

Grandma and Anna both looked at George with trusting eyes and said, "You're the best wizard, by any means."

In the next few days, all kinds of rumors and wars were flying around.

The Ministry of Magic immediately clarified the rumors that detonated the whole world. Voldemort did not return, let alone nothing, and the dark wizards attacked.

On the contrary, at the Quidditch World Cup, it is time for the Ministry of Magic to flex its muscles, and it is a time for the Ministry of Magic to strictly uphold the dignity of the law. Hundreds of wizards who caused chaos in Quidditch were rigorously interrogated, and one of them Thorn was found to be involved with the Death Eaters.

Even among those people, they found some prisoners wanted by various countries.

This time, even other countries have expressed great support and high praise for the severe punishment of the British Ministry of Magic.

Even those blindly obedient rabble must pay a heavy ransom in exchange for freedom and return to their own country. And when they return to China, they will only be ridiculed by everyone.

as a wizard,

To create chaos and torture Muggles is a very humiliating act, and what is even more humiliating is that they were caught.

A wizard who is caught is the most humiliating way. Powerful wizards can often go beyond the law and become the object of worship of wizards. Just as the Dark Wizards worshipped the stronger Dark Wizards, as the Death Eaters worshipped Voldemort.

But those poor people who were caught and sentenced, everyone was ashamed to get acquainted with, and no one wanted to pay attention to him.

Not idle, they found a temporary worker for the first time, apologized to the Ministry of Magic and admitted the mistake. But don't take it for granted that they will be restrained, on the contrary, the newspapers have become more crazy and sensational during this time.

The previous report really exploded the entire wizarding world, and a steady stream of newspaper subscriptions came from all over the world. They are like wild wolves who want to smell meat, frantically searching for all the clues, and want to make more big news.

What the Ministry of Magic staff, Bertha Higgins disappeared, what a former top Auror, Mad-Eye Moody was attacked, one after another weird news, waiting for the front page headlines.

As for the issue of reporting deviations, how many temporary workers are needed, and how many can even be recycled. They can wear a pair of pants with the Ministry of Magic, and naturally they can also take off each other's pants.

In the middle of the big fight in the press, the new semester began.

On the Hogwarts school bus, in a box near the back of the train.

George was sitting by the window, quietly looking at a book.

Suddenly, the door opened and it was Harry, Hermione, and Ron. They all carried snacks in large and small bags and walked in dragging boxes. Seeing George here, their eyes lit up, and they carefully put their luggage on the luggage rack.

Harry, Hermione and Ron, the first words they said were, "George, what the hell is going on at the Academy? Everyone knows, but they just won't tell us. Keep it a mystery, say We'll know for ourselves, and it's just to whet our appetites."

"Actually, it has little to do with you. This is a game that only seniors need to participate in, the Triwizard Tournament."

George continued to flip through the book, and said lightly, "Wizards have too little entertainment, but many wizards are not interested in learning and mastering magic. So whether it's Quidditch or the Triwizard Tournament, a little excitement is enough. Makes them happy."

"What is the Triwizard Tournament?" Harry asked immediately curiously. He opened a package and took out a lot of candy, listening to George telling a story. Hermione and Ron, too, began to reach into the package and each took the candy.

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