Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 319 Thought Remolding

Chapter 319 Thought Remolding

George commented, "Slytherin has inherited some of the ideas of Salazar Slytherin. Slytherin students have high self-esteem, and they must be enemies of the majority and step on others."

"This makes Slytherin a thorn in the eyes of the three colleges and a catfish that stirs the other three colleges. This is helpful to the other three colleges."

"The hostility of the three colleges, in turn, makes Slytherin students more united. They use the hostility from the outside world to build a common identity, and also use the hostility from the outside world to promote the growth of students. Students who have adapted to Slytherin, will It is the fastest growing of the three colleges."

"This is not something that an academy should teach. They should not manipulate the humanity of students and interfere with students' lives." Kate pointed out this point sharply.

"No, schools have the right to manipulate students' lives." George's voice sounded a little flat, and he continued, "As long as the school is stronger than the students, as long as the students have to depend on the school, the students will be shaped by the school into what the school wants. "

He smiled softly, "No one can be unaffected. People are influenced by their family and their living environment when they are born. Schools are not a good place. This place is originally a place for reforming minds."

"They are destined to be transformed into what the school wants when they come in. Whether they can get more through the transformation of the school is entirely up to their own choice."

George continued, "I remembered a joke I once saw, there are three different places, they have a similar system. There are lights out every morning and evening, food is cheap, many people live together, work together, exercise, study every day. ."

"If this place needs to be paid to live in, this is a school, if this place has a salary to live in, this is the military, and if people are forced to go in, this is a prison. They are not exactly the same, but they are all the same. It's a place for thought remolding."

Kate said in a solemn tone, "No one can be unaffected, but the school should not be a place for forced reformation. The school is very similar to the prison and the army. Many people are forced to be arranged together. They study together every day and work together every day. Day off together. But schools are not prisons, nor are they the military.”

She continued, "Prisons and the military only provide the only way of thinking, completely compulsory reform. But schools are places where knowledge is imparted and students are guided. Schools should tap the diversity of students and tap the potential of students. Not like prisons and the military," she continued. Same, brutally reforming students."

George nodded and said, "Ideally, of course, but you can't rely on others to create your own life. After all, teachers are just taking a job and taking a job, they'll just do what they're supposed to do, What they are willing to do. They won't do anything extra."

Kate said with some frustration, "It's really impossible to rely on teachers, and their minds are only on teaching what is in the textbook. Maybe as you said, only puppets and robots can truly complete tasks perfectly, and people always succumb first. Their own selfishness. In addition to satisfying their own selfishness, they will consider others a little bit.”

"Using a standard template to transform students is of course much easier than guiding students to tap their potential."

George mockingly said, "This is a matter of course, after all, the parents of the students did not intend to guide and educate their children. It is like a dream to expect the teacher to do everything and make every student become a good student. Merlin, it makes no difference."

"Forget it, it's none of my business. I'm graduating this year. It doesn't matter if their teachers are brainwashing or reshaping their minds, whoever they love." Kate brought up the topic terminator, and she turned her eyes to the court again. The game has already started. .

"Haha!" George burst out laughing. That's true. These things were things he'd thought about in his last life.

His consideration is also only to these levels, before he graduates,

He also always felt that teachers should try their best to teach students and make students become talents. But when he graduated and started working, he would immediately understand that no matter if it was a teacher or other professions, everyone had a job.

If a person does his job well, he is completely worthy of anyone.

No one can control things outside of work, everyone can only control their own life. Teachers work hard and can only improve the quality of teaching in the classroom, which is what they can do. Students work hard and can only improve the quality of listening in class. This is what they can do.

However, the final grades of students are composed of many aspects, not only the quality of teaching in class, but also the quality of students' own lectures.

It also requires students to have enough accumulation on weekdays, a state of learning that lasts for many years, and the background of family education, which together create a student's future. An improvement in one aspect can have a very limited effect.

"Can Gryffindor win?" Kate had turned her attention to Quidditch.

At this time, the game between Gryffindor and Slytherin was intense, and Slytherin had the advantage of the nimbus 2oo1 broom. They are more agile, they are quicker, they are not lacking in the desire to win, they are not lacking in the courage to fight.

Gryffindor's teammates fought frantically. The training and preparation these days were not in vain. They fought fiercely and knew how to use their physical advantages. They try to move, they try to defend, they do everything they can to win.

Harry is looking for the Snitch high in the sky, and he can't help everyone at this time, but he needs to keep an eye on the Snitch at all times. Either way, he needs to end the game at the right time, which is the Seeker's mission and his mission.

"Oh, what a dirty game." Kate couldn't help crying, and she saw Slytherin's captain, Marcus Flint, attacking one of Gryffindor's female players, Angelina, fiercely The hit, Angelina almost fell off the broom.

"Although I don't like Slytherin winning the game, but the current situation is hard to say." George said with some sour teeth.

Just now, the Flint troll-like body slammed into Angelina's slender body, making his teeth sour. Angelina is a brave and good girl, but facing the body of Flint's troll, she was almost hit and seriously injured.

"It's a savage game, they can just use wands. Gryffindor has three female players, they are too disadvantaged." Kate said angrily.

(To be continued.) 8 More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's school

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