Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 283 Hermione's Patronus

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Chapter 283 Hermione's Patronus

For ordinary students, the many advantages he has along the way, the snowball of advantages accumulated is too terrifying, enough to crush any peers. ·There is no fair competition at all in the competition between him and his peers.

He never denied it and prided himself on it, but at the same time, he didn't bully the weak like most others, he never abused his power and advantage.

He continued, "So I can't give you the Firebolt, this Nimbus 2000 can only replace the broom you lost. At the same time, Ravenclaw's Seeker Zhang Qiu also received the Nimbus I presented as a gift. 2000."

"Don't say that, George, you've helped me so much that it's hard for me to pay it back." Harry said a little embarrassedly.

Although the price of Nimbus 2000 is not worth mentioning to George. But for him, this is still a precious gift. He will not force himself to refuse this gift, but he will never take George's kindness for granted.

George looked at Ron and Hermione with ease, and said, "It's too discriminatory to give you a gift. So, Ron, Hermione, if you can summon the physical Patronus before the holidays, The same gift will be given. You can choose the Nimbus 2000, or you can choose a similar gift. ?·?"

Ron immediately became happy, and he said cheerfully, "I will definitely master the summoning entity Patronus before the holiday, and I will definitely get the Nimbus 2000."

He had coveted Harry's Nimbus 2000 for a long time. More importantly, if he can have a Nimbus 2000. Next year, when Wood graduates, the team needs to add new personnel, and he will definitely be able to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Hermione also looked very excited, she said quickly, "I will definitely master the Patronus Charm before Christmas, in fact I feel like I almost have to master it. Of course I don't plan, I want to master them all. Buy it back."

Speaking of which, she couldn't help but smile happily.

Her family conditions are very good, as a middle class, the exchange rate of pounds and gold Galleons is much higher than expected. The love and trust of her parents for her made her pocket money very rich among the students.

But compared to the piles of magic books and materials she wanted, her pocket money was far from enough to support the consumption of an ambitious wizard.

With George's incentives, Ron and Hermione devote more attention to the training of the Patronus Charm. ???????·Maybe they worked hard enough, maybe they were close to mastering the spell before.

Soon they had the feeling that Harry had once had, and they also encountered a state that was both a threshold and a bottleneck. There is only a piece of window paper before summoning the physical Patronus.


In the Gryffindor lounge, Harry was flipping through a spell book, Ron and Hermione hurrying to continue practicing the Patronus spell.

"Harry, how do you call out the Patronus? Is there any trick?" Ron was stuck in a bottleneck state for a few days. Since he couldn't find the trick, he honestly asked Harry for advice.

Harry was stunned for a moment, as if recalling the process, he said, "I was just like you before, I expected that I was only a little bit closer to mastering the Patronus Charm. I thought it would take a few more days, As a result, Malfoy came up to provoke me, and when I fought him, I didn't have the heart to think about anything."

He lowered his head in thought and said, "To be honest, although I can beat Malfoy every time, it's actually not easy every time, he's very difficult to deal with. When fighting him,

I have to focus all my energy. "

"I didn't notice the actions of Goyle and Crabbe at all. Until they released Boggart and turned into a dementor, I didn't realize it at all, I just read it subconsciously. Call God Guard!"

"Call God Guard!" Hermione said subconsciously.

A silver beam spewed out, transforming into a fluffy animal with short limbs. The silvery little animal was standing on its hind legs, jumping around Hermione, waving its short front paws to grab Hermione's clothes.

It jumped vigorously, but its plump body barely lifted off the ground, and it couldn't catch Hermione's clothes.

"Haha, what animal is that? It looks so stupid." Ron couldn't help laughing.

Ron saw that Hermione had summoned the physical Patronus, and was sincerely happy for her. But seeing the stupid-looking animal, I couldn't help but feel amused. This fluffy, short-limbed critter looks stupid.

It was standing on its hind legs, jumping up and down to get to Lahmione's clothes, but it was too stupid to jump at all.

Hermione had already picked up the stupid little animal, and she said angrily, "It's called Tiny, it's not stupid! It's much smarter than you, it's a smart and cute little otter."

The little otter's appearance immediately attracted Hermione, and she immediately gave it a cute name and kept Ron from making fun of it.

Ron smiled and said, "My Patronus won't be so stupid, it must be very tall and powerful, heroic and handsome, I guess he will be a knight. Or a Pegasus, I can ride it everywhere Flying around, it must be faster than the Firebolt.

Hermione scoffed at his thought. "You call your Patronus first, I guess it must be as stupid as you."

"How is it possible, I will summon my mighty and heroic Patronus now." Ron said confidently, "Call God to protect!"

"It's really summoned." Ron shouted happily, a streak of silver gas condensed into substance, and a big fluffy animal appeared in front of him.

"Hahahaha!" Hermione and Harry laughed and said breathlessly, "This is... a real stupid... animal."

Hermione continued to irritate Ron unceremoniously, "Look...it's so much...it suits you, and the temperament is exactly like...you."

Ron said in confusion, "What's so funny, although it's not a knight, it's not a Pegasus, but it's actually pretty good." He happily patted the animal's head.

Ron's open-mindedness made Harry and Hermione in awe, they couldn't keep laughing, and said with admiration, "Ron, I didn't expect you to have such a good attitude." They underestimated Ron, but they didn't expect him to be completely Not affected.

"Wolf is also a very good patron saint, why do you all seem to feel bad?" Ron felt even more strange.

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