Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 275 Stupid woman?

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Chapter 275 Stupid woman?

He hadn't solemnly thanked Hermione and Ron for being with him, who no one cared about or liked.

He also needed a special thanks to George, who owed George a whole lot of money and favors that he would have had to work for George all his life to repay. But now, he's dead and he's got nothing left, which is pretty bad.

He still needed repentance, and so much was expected of him, he even boasted of killing Voldemort. As a result, he died in a Quidditch match before he saw Voldemort.

If you know, he was in a Quidditch match, saw the Dementors, and was so frightened that he fell off his broomstick. From a height of a hundred feet above the ground, he fell to a pulp. The others would surely die of laughter, and if Voldemort were to die of laughter, he might be able to ease some remorse.

The world after death is silent and silent, cold and gloomy, and Harry is no stranger to these.

His mind was still clear, and he still remembered clearly that he was looking for the Golden Snitch in the storm, and he had already discovered the golden lightning. That's when a familiar, terrifying cold snap hit him.

On the ground, with a wand in hand, Harry believed, he would have fared much better, even if the last scene he saw had a hundred dementors.

He believed that he only needed to persevere for a while, and George and the teachers would be able to react and help him. ????·But he couldn't hold on, the hundred dementors were like gloomy colds magnified a hundred times, and their terrifying faces under their hoods seemed to be facing him.

The cold directly penetrated into his heart, tore open his internal organs, and he heard the voice again, clearer than before, like a whisper in his ear.

A woman, no, not a woman, that was his mother. Harry already knew that this was what happened to her mother before she died.

These were memories from his infancy, they were almost completely gone, and he couldn't remember them at all. But Dementors can read memories from people's minds that they have completely forgotten.

His mother pleaded, saying, "Don't hurt Harry, don't hurt Harry, please, you can do anything."

Another cold and terrifying voice, "Go, you stupid woman, go if you don't want to die."

"Don't hurt Harry, please, take me away, kill me," Harry's mother said in a distraught voice.

"Don't hurt Harry, have mercy, have mercy," Harry's mother pleaded desperately.

The grim voice was laughing, Harry's mother was screaming, and then everything was gone, nothing but gloom and darkness. ?·

Harry felt something come out, wet, he touched it subconsciously, he touched his tears, and he woke up.

"I'm not dead?" Harry froze.

"Harry, you're awake." Fred shouted happily.

Everyone gathered around, and they talked about the events at that time, expressing their concern in a chaotic manner.

"I thought you were going to die, I just don't know how to react."

"It's the scariest thing I've ever seen."

"You're seventy feet off the ground. Luckily George saved you."

Harry listened to them dumbly, still in a trance, his whole body was sore, as if he had been beaten. The words of his friends came in from his left ear and came out of his right ear, but the full concern remained in his heart.

He felt the warm flow in his body, and the blood began to move again. He really wasn't dead, or, in other words, he was alive.

Gryffindor players covered in mud from head to toe,

They surrounded Harry, chatting about the game. Harry looked at them without saying a word, just like that.

About fifteen minutes later, Madam Pomfrey came over and told the team that Harry needed a break.

"We'll see you next time," Fred whispered. "Take a good rest and everything will be fine."

The teammates all left, leaving behind mud all over the place. After they left, Madam Pomfrey closed the door angrily, looking unhappy, she muttered, "This dangerous activity should be cancelled."

Ron and Hermione gathered around, and they patted Harry lightly, conveying a touch of warmth and concern.

"I thought I was dead, I remember I fell off the broom and what happened?" Harry asked in a dry voice, opening his mouth.

"George, George saved you," said Hermione, trembling, still in her terror, "You were frightened by the Dementors and fell off your broom, and George saved you with a spell , he used a spell to let you land safely."

"The dementors rushed into the stands and came to the pitch. George was angry, I've never seen him so angry. He rushed at the dementors, cast a silver beam with a spell, and the dementors were running around in flames, He burned several dementors."

Ron said in a bit of horror, he saw George so powerful that the Dementors were burning and fleeing everywhere.

"Then Dumbledore put you on a stretcher and took you to the hospital," Hermione whispered.

She continued, "George spotted a strange big black dog in the Gryffindor stand. He suspected it was Sirius Black's Animagos transformation and chased it out."

Harry's eyes changed, he sat up from the bed with his hands on his back, and said worriedly, "George will be all right." He recalled that he had also seen the big black dog on the broom.

Hermione bit her lip, a little nervous, but said stubbornly, "George will be fine. He is so strong and shrewd that he won't be hurt by a fugitive."

Seeing everyone's appearance, Harry didn't want to ask any more questions. His mind was in a mess and he needed more time to wake up.

He's not dead, he's alive, and everything has to go on.

He thought of his mother again, the woman who had desperately pleaded with Voldemort to keep him alive.

As Voldemort said, she was a very stupid woman. It was clear that as long as she stood aside, she could survive, and Voldemort had no intention of killing her.

But she was just so stupid that she went to plead with a cold-blooded demon. What's even more stupid is that she finally let Voldemort kill her, and she used everything she had to cast a protective spell.

"Stupid woman." Harry whimpered. He gritted his teeth tightly and squeezed the sheets with both hands, his knuckles bursting with blue veins. The pale face was contorted with pain, and there was something wet that could not stop flowing out of the corners of the eyes.

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