Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 219 Hagrid's Collection

Chapter 219 Hagrid's Collection

Harry didn't just scare Hagrid. Seeing that Hagrid's thoughts had loosened, he comforted him immediately.

"Eight-eyed giant spiders prey on creatures in the Forbidden Forest, and naturally they will be preyed by other creatures. This is just and right. You have stayed in the Forbidden Forest for so many years, can you guard the eight-eyed giant spider all day long and help them kill other creatures? biology?"

He continued, "Whether it was the centaur tribe who killed the giant eight-eyed spider, or the fire dragon passing by. You can't avenge the spiders, you may not be able to beat them, and their hunting is also an ecological balance."

In his heart, Harry silently apologized to the centaur tribe and the fire dragon lying on the gun, for Hagrid's safety and for the complete drowning of this matter.

He needs to make Hagrid mistakenly think that it was the centaurs and the fire dragon who killed the eight-eyed giant spider, and make Hagrid dare not investigate further. Now it will be difficult for Hagrid to discover the truth by accident.

"That's the only way. The last time I went to see Aragog, it was dying." Hagrid sobbed softly.

He murmured, "It has been blind for many years, and it has lived too long compared to the lifespan of a normal eight-eyed giant spider. In a hunting environment, they will soon be hunted by other creatures."

"Then remember now, the eight-eyed giant spider has nothing to do with you, and nothing happened in the forbidden forest. It is very peaceful and peaceful." Harry said in a solemn tone, as if he was giving orders. Wind]%wen]%learning, ww○w.cf$wx.n▽et order is the same.

"The Giant Eight-Eyed Spider has nothing to do with me at all. The Forbidden Forest is very peaceful and peaceful, nothing happened," Hagrid repeated blankly.

"That's it, peace and quiet recently, nothing happened." Harry's face finally showed a relaxed smile.

"The Eight-Eyed Spider has nothing to do with me at all. The Forbidden Forest is very peaceful and peaceful, nothing happened." Hagrid continued to mumble with his head lowered.

"Okay, it's a holiday tomorrow, I'm going back first, I hope you have a happy summer vacation." Harry smiled and greeted Hagrid.

"Then have a good time coming home too!" Hagrid regained his strength and greeted Harry as well.

Harry was opening the door and walking out, "Wait!" Hagrid stood up immediately and asked again with a flustered face.

"Harry, don't go yet, and you'll help me see. There's something contraband in the house, and I'm going to hide it all." Hagrid was like a headless fly.

Crashing around in the hut, like ants on a hot pan, scorched.

Harry now believed that Hagrid had absolutely no guts, and continued to investigate the eight-eyed giant spider. He had to follow Hagrid to rummage through boxes and cabinets in the hut, cleaning up prohibited items.

This cleanup really surprised Harry, and he couldn't think of Hagrid's shabby-looking hut. There are a lot of things hidden, some of which look dark but are obviously not the eggs of normal creatures. Although most of the dead have not hatched, the nature of the law has not changed at all.

There were also some limbs and minions that were obviously dangerous species. These didn't look so sensitive, but they were dangerous to throw around, and Harry cleaned up along with them.

For a moment, it was like they had done a complete, thorough cleaning of the hut. In the end, the messy hut became clean, bright, and had a natural and tranquil taste.

"The house looks much nicer," whispered Hagrid. After a lot of cleaning, the house became bright and spacious, which even made him a little uncomfortable.

"That's it." Harry straightened his waist and said with a sore back.

Because they are afraid of dangerous and prohibited things, they can't use magic, and can only clean things manually, which is not a small job.

Pack things into categories and burn some. Some of the collections that Hagrid was reluctant to deal with were packed into a large wooden crate. He was going to dig a hole to bury it, and maybe he could dig it out again in the future.

Hagrid carried the big box and walked fifty paces along the cabin towards the forbidden forest. In an open area, he dug a big hole and buried the big box honestly. A few more old soil and leaves were sprinkled in to cover up the fresh soil.

"This is all my treasure." Hagrid said reluctantly.

In the end, he looked at the wand hidden in the umbrella with a heartache. Shouldn't even this be buried?

"That's not necessary," said Harry, after thinking about it. "You've been banned from using your wand because you've been wronged for fifty years. It's all over, so the wand doesn't need to be hidden."

"Oh! God, it's such a beautiful day, don't have to throw away the wand." Hagrid cried with joy. After losing all his treasures, he finally kept the most important wand. Only when it is lost is it the most precious thing left.

Harry said goodbye to Hagrid and returned to Gryffindor, a little unbearable in his heart. A few words from him scared Hagrid into throwing away all his collections, which made the iron-blooded man cry and make trouble. At that time, he was like a real devil, a devil, manipulating people's minds and fears.

But he quickly threw all these out of his head again, and he was on vacation tomorrow, and he didn't have the heart to think about these little things.

In the Gryffindor common room, Ron and Fred soon came to pick him up and enjoy the final house time.

They lit the last of Fred's collection of hard-pulled fireworks, shooting sparks in the hallway and crackling. They also practiced disarming spells with each other, and everyone was very proficient in this magic, and finally Hermione and Ginny also participated in their carnival.

Ginny also secretly revealed a secret to them.

"Percy has a girlfriend."


Fred and Ron were negligent for a moment, and both were hit by each other's Disarming Charm and flew to the wall. But they got up immediately, and they didn't bother to pat the dust on their bodies, and immediately asked.

"What's going on?" Everyone stared at Ginny in amazement.

"It's Ravenclaw's prefect, a girl named Penelope Riwatt." Ginny chuckled.

"Percy wrote a lot of letters to her last summer. He's been secretly dating her all over the school. I just happened to see them kissing in an empty classroom one day, so I found out."

"You shouldn't make fun of him, right?" Ginny asked anxiously. She had actually promised to keep Percy a secret, but it had been a long time before she felt comfortable speaking.

"Of course not." Fred replied immediately, but the smile on his face always made people feel that he was not sincere.

"There's nothing to make fun of. Their love is their own business, and they don't need to be afraid of other people's eyes. They don't have to hide it, and other people will bless them." Hermione, the life mentor, said plainly, as if she was experiencing Like rich adults.

(To be continued.)

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