Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 197 Controlling Power

Chapter 197 Controlling Power

Dumbledore was actually paying attention to George in the first place, just as he was paying attention to Harry and to Draco in the first place. There were actually not many students in the academy, and there were not many students worthy of attention, and Dumbledore couldn't even remember these special students.

His concern was not malicious or conspiracy, just the vigilance of a qualified principal and the occupational disease of a senior teacher. He would subconsciously remember the list of students who might create problems.

George's family also died during Voldemort's dark and turbulent times, which meant he was not destined to become Voldemort's accomplices. After entering the academy, George's excellent performance is still fresh in memory, which makes Dumbledore very optimistic about George's future.

It is different from Voldemort's arrogance, gang formation, and pretentiousness when he entered the academy. George looked better, but he was like a true Ravenclaw, a scholar devoted to knowledge.

He seldom put his energy aside from his studies, and he even added ignore spells and confusion spells to himself all the time to avoid unnecessary contact with him.

Even the former Voldemort didn't have the self-control and quest for power that George had.

If Dumbledore's only concern is George's terrifying self-discipline and terrifying aggressiveness. It was as if he was being chased by something terrifying, and the whole figure was spinning on a spinning top.

This terrible self-discipline and self-control made Dumbledore hesitant all the time, and finally did not have more contact with George, he was afraid that George would ask him for help. If George wanted to read books in the restricted area, he would rationally think that George was capable enough to control those forces.

But on the other hand, his experience will remind him. The more powerful and self-disciplined people, once they have a firm goal, they will not hesitate to crush all obstacles on the way to the goal.

George won't be Voldemort, but his influence on the world will be far greater than Voldemort's, which is usually good, but sometimes it's not entirely certain.

Dumbledore looked at Harry in front of him, and he had some inexplicable feelings. He hoped that Harry could grow up faster. The stronger Harry was, the more pressure and bondage he had on Voldemort, and the two of them had a special bond, a bond that went on and on.

But for George, Dumbledore only hopes that George can grow slower, his strength growth rate is too amazing.

He just hoped that George's control would outpace his growth in order to prevent his terrifying power from spiraling out of control. But Dumbledore didn't dare to suppress the growth of George's strength at all, which would cause irreconcilable contradictions between him and George, and even force George into the ranks of the enemy.

For a while, there were too many things to think about. He rubbed his temples with his fingers in annoyance, and secretly said, "Maybe I'm really old and have too many things to think about. Frequent distractions are not a good sign."

He returned his attention to Harry and said calmly, "You are completely different from Voldemort, you have chosen a completely different lifestyle from him, and you have your own friends."

"Actually you can't be Slytherin's heir. Voldemort is the last descendant of Salazar Slytherin."

"And you're Parseltongue, if I'm not mistaken, because Voldemort transferred some of his power to you the night he scarred you. He didn't do it on purpose, but the thing is It did happen."

"Voldemort transferred some of his power into my body?" Harry's eyes widened, meaning he probably understood, but what the hell was going on.

Dumbledore leaned forward slightly and said solemnly, "Your mother's protection of you caused Voldemort to encounter the backlash of magic. His power was out of control, he destroyed himself, and part of his power entered your body."

"Do I really belong to Slytherin?" Harry opened his mouth wide and said angrily, "I'm not Slytherin's heir, now I'm Voldemort's heir. The Sorting Hat saw this in me,

Just put me in Slytherin? "

"Listen to me, Harry." Dumbledore looked at Harry solemnly, his blue eyes, translucent eyes, calmed Harry down.

"Voldemort's powers can be controlled and defeated, and he lost to your mother and became half-dead. Now, you can control those powers. In fact, if you can follow in George's footsteps, later You will gain more power than Voldemort."

His eyes glittered, and he said solemnly, "You have great talents, and you will have great powers in the future, but only by controlling your powers can you use your powers in the right place."

Dumbledore's words calmed Harry, he thought of George, and he had no doubt that George would be much stronger than Voldemort in the future. He also remembered that his ambition, he was the man who wanted to kill Voldemort.

How could he be frightened by having gained a part of Voldemort's power, even though it was a little uncomfortable for him to have Voldemort's power. He believes that he will gain more power than this in the future, and he naturally despises the remnants of Voldemort in himself.

"I will control this power, and finally eliminate this power, I will have a power that is completely my own, stronger than Voldemort." Harry said decisively, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"That's it, now you can go eat something and get a good night's sleep. Don't worry about tomorrow's class, take a good rest." Dumbledore said lightly.

He was very happy with Harry's choice, he was happy to see the result, Harry was neither intimidated nor coveted by Voldemort's power. These firm beliefs are the basis for Harry to become a great wizard in the future.

Dumbledore continued, "Now, it's time for me to write to Azkaban and they should bring back our Forbidden Forest keeper safely. I may have to re-write a job advertisement with the Prophecy Daily News."

He said with some distress, "I think we need a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, I guess Lockhart doesn't have the heart to continue teaching this class. God, this class is really draining teachers, I I don't even know who to ask to teach you."

Harry naturally didn't have a recommendation for a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, unless George planned to take the course in place of the professor. He stood up and was about to go out, it was time to go back to rest. He was about to open the door when the door was suddenly slammed open with a bang, hitting the wall behind the door.

(To be continued.)

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